KB-141 & T3


New Member
Just curious if anybody had any reliable resources with descriptive research naming KB-141 and/or T3 aiding in weight loss. Also, is anybody aware of the chemical formula for KB-141?
Haven't heard of the former, though the latter (T3 - thyroxine) is produced by the thyroid gland.

I would STRONGLY discourage use of thyroid hormones for fat loss. While it is true that thyroid activity drops off while dieting, taking such things for a prolonged period of time can really '#### #### up,' as the kids say. Taking supplemental T3 suppresses your own natural output of T3. When you stop taking it (if you took it unwisely), you will have depleted T3, rapid re-gain of weight, and have to sit and cross your fingers that your thyroid actually renormalizes properly.
Looked into KB-141, and it appears to be a compound synthesized in researched and used in animal models for fat loss (e.g. monkeys or something). Claimed to operate on similar chemical principles to T3, I believe, but not have some of the side effects. This assuming the news stories are legit.

Assuming this drug exists and is as above, usage of a drug that, as far as I know, hasn't even had a single human test subject would be...an incredibly bad idea.
It's not wise to fool with one's endocochrine system without medical supervision.

[b said:
Quote[/b] (mikeynov @ April 28 2004,8:28)]Haven't heard of the former, though the latter (T3 - thyroxine) is produced by the thyroid gland.
I would STRONGLY discourage use of thyroid hormones for fat loss. While it is true that thyroid activity drops off while dieting, taking such things for a prolonged period of time can really '#### #### up,' as the kids say. Taking supplemental T3 suppresses your own natural output of T3. When you stop taking it (if you took it unwisely), you will have depleted T3, rapid re-gain of weight, and have to sit and cross your fingers that your thyroid actually renormalizes properly.
I know what it is (YAY for me acing Human Physiology!), but that quite honestly wasn't the post question.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (HrshyKissd @ April 30 2004,12:26)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (mikeynov @ April 28 2004,8:28)]Haven't heard of the former, though the latter (T3 - thyroxine) is produced by the thyroid gland.
I would STRONGLY discourage use of thyroid hormones for fat loss. While it is true that thyroid activity drops off while dieting, taking such things for a prolonged period of time can really '#### #### up,' as the kids say. Taking supplemental T3 suppresses your own natural output of T3. When you stop taking it (if you took it unwisely), you will have depleted T3, rapid re-gain of weight, and have to sit and cross your fingers that your thyroid actually renormalizes properly.
I know what it is (YAY for me acing Human Physiology!), but that quite honestly wasn't the post question.
Are you asking for peer reviewed references for T3 in fat loss?

That is an interesting question. I'm sure it exists somewhere, that you usually don't run across that sort of thing due to ethical considerations on the part of the researchers (same reason you won't find a whole lot of research on roids).
KB-141 is a selective thryoid receptor-beta agonist. This receptor doesn't effect heart rate near as much as alpha. Most of you have probably read about the famous monkey experiment (7 pounds in 7 days without change in diet or heart rate)

I would imagine "KB" stands for "Karolinska Institute" & "Bristol-Myers Squibb". Many times drug companies simply attach a company initial and a number based on its catalog #.

If and when something come of it out of B-MSquibb, it will be prescription anyway. Combine that with Pfizer's new cactus one (P57) and bamo, no more obesity...