New Member
Just curious if anybody had any reliable resources with descriptive research naming KB-141 and/or T3 aiding in weight loss. Also, is anybody aware of the chemical formula for KB-141?
what's an endocochrine?[b said:Quote[/b] (Old and Grey @ April 28 2004,12:03)]It's not wise to fool with one's endocochrine system without medical supervision.
I know what it is (YAY for me acing Human Physiology![b said:Quote[/b] (mikeynov @ April 28 2004,8:28)]Haven't heard of the former, though the latter (T3 - thyroxine) is produced by the thyroid gland.
I would STRONGLY discourage use of thyroid hormones for fat loss. While it is true that thyroid activity drops off while dieting, taking such things for a prolonged period of time can really '#### #### up,' as the kids say. Taking supplemental T3 suppresses your own natural output of T3. When you stop taking it (if you took it unwisely), you will have depleted T3, rapid re-gain of weight, and have to sit and cross your fingers that your thyroid actually renormalizes properly.
Are you asking for peer reviewed references for T3 in fat loss?[b said:Quote[/b] (HrshyKissd @ April 30 2004,12:26)]I know what it is (YAY for me acing Human Physiology![b said:Quote[/b] (mikeynov @ April 28 2004,8:28)]Haven't heard of the former, though the latter (T3 - thyroxine) is produced by the thyroid gland.
I would STRONGLY discourage use of thyroid hormones for fat loss. While it is true that thyroid activity drops off while dieting, taking such things for a prolonged period of time can really '#### #### up,' as the kids say. Taking supplemental T3 suppresses your own natural output of T3. When you stop taking it (if you took it unwisely), you will have depleted T3, rapid re-gain of weight, and have to sit and cross your fingers that your thyroid actually renormalizes properly., but that quite honestly wasn't the post question.
[b said:Quote[/b] (Baoh @ April 29 2004,4:55)]Ignorance. It's what's for dinner....