Lean Mass Gain


New Member
Ok well i can't completely say this is bad news. But i got 2 modeling offers and they're coming up soon. Tommorow, Monday, i was going to start bulking for the winter. Problem is, it's going to look really bad if i show up for the modeling shoot and they get a fat guy. That's not what they want haha. And one's paying me.

So i'm looking into the lean mass gain stuff. I have no clue about it though. As far as i know their is two ways to gain mass: Old school bulking, and the more modern lean mass gains.

Please inform me, i'm putting together my diet plan for tonight that i'm starting tommorow.

What if i did this. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday i will overeat. This is because i am lifting on these days and i want to add muscle mass.

Tuesday and Wednesdays i can do cardio and undereat as to burn some fat.

Do you see what i mean here? Get plenty of nutrients needed to build muscle on lifting days. Burn fat by burning more calories than consumed on non lifting days. I've actually never heard of this, but would it work?

Greetings SirLancelotX.

To minimize loss of muscle mass, ensure your protein intake is at 1gm per pound of bodyweight. From there, manipulate your daily calorie intake via adjustment of carbs and fat.

Your strategy of eating more on lifting days and less on non-lifting days sounds very good. Might even be termed a Targeted Ketogenic Diet (TKD), depending on how much limitation you place on carbs. At the end of the day, calorie balance is what determines weight-gain/loss, but there are tricks you can employ to make this work in your favour.

Should you wish to take the TKD approach, stick to the leanest of meats (there will still be some fat in these) with salads for all meals except those immediately preceding and succeeding your workouts. For these pre/post-workout meals, take 20-30gm protein, preferably from whey, with 20-30gm glucose 15 minutes before and immediately after working out. If you have a solid meal available after working out (grilled meat plus white bread, baked potato, rice, pasta, a high GI carbohydrate etc) then you might wish to omit the post-workout shake.

In essence, keep your meals carb and fat controlled, low in GI if possible, and indulge in high GI carbs just prior to and after training to optimize your workout peformance. Keep a food log, and shoot for a weight gain of no more than 2lbs per week. Any more than that and you'd be gaining fat. It would also be good to measure your bodyfat every so often.

Should you wish to just cut calories, then every meal can have carbs. Some experience better appetite control and satiety on a ketogenic-type diet. This is something you have to find out.

Another alternative is to NOT cut calories, and instead, consume slightly (100-200 calories) above maintenance. In addition to this, engage in some form of endurance-type work on non-lifting days. It is suggested that up to 40 minutes of walking on an incline (treadmill or uphill) be performed 2-3 times per week. This increased food intake and increased activity can result in an increase in metabolic rate resulting in greater body composition modification without the associated evils of being direct calorie deficit without extra activity. In short, [dietary calorie deficit & no increase in activity = calorie deficit] isn't as good as [slight dietary calorie surplus & endurance exercise = calorie deficit].

In hindsight, why worry? You already are getting the modelling contracts, and perhaps, too much muscle might be detrimental to the pretty boy look? :D Still, keep us updated on your progress and how you achieved it.

Godspeed, happy HSTing and happy modelling :)
I just thought of a different idea but have a question first.

Does most growth come from the 10's and 5's?

Ok heres why. Well the modeling thing is in 2 weeks. I've put on a lil fat bulking a lil bit and want to cut down to look my best for the shoot, therefore i'd have the best pictures possible. Well here's what i'm thinking. What if i cut during the 15's, since they're just to fill the muscles with lactic acid (or something like that), and then when the shoots over (after hte 15's), i'd bulk the rest of the cycle?


PS: Please respond soon b/c i just started day 1 of the 15's and would like to know if i should do cardio on the off days or not.
What you could do is diet thru the 15's which will work well (sorta like an extreme GVT) , and then prior to the shoot try a slight deplete/reload to try and draw water from under the skin (to make a leaner look), also do some 'natural' diuretic
How can you lose what you have not put on??

No, the predominant gains during the 15s are an increase in muscle glycogen/storage, or sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. If you do a deplete and carb load, it will dry you out as well as swell up the muscles.
It is MY advice to you, that you should simply implement HST during a maintenance diet for the entire cycle. Just change the macronutrient ratio's in favor of anabolism. Too much mass will not be attained, but I have seen many an instance where people have GAINED MASS during cutting cycles of HST.