Let's talk about carbs baby


New Member
I'd like to start a discussion about carbohydrate consumption since I noticed recently I'm not getting enough carbs. I suspect others might have the same issue and don't realize it yet. I have a few questions I'm hoping will spark a healthy conversation on the topic.

I've been eating oatmeal, potatoes and rice as sources for carbs. Can anyone recommend other sources of good carbs I can add to my diet? What portion sizes should I be eating of these carbs during each meal?

Also, what's the difference between eating regular potatoes, sweet potatoes and yams? How about white rice, basmati rice and brown rice? Should I be avoiding any of these or are there certain times when it's OK to eat them?
I hope this stimulates some real discussion. Thanks for participating.
I like wheat pasta and what couscous, both are easy to make and great sources of carbs...

couple questions of my own for everyone:
what do you weigh?
bodyfat %?
how many carbs do eat daily when you are cutting?
how many when bulking?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (jwbond @ Sep. 20 2005,1:53)]baby a, usually when referring to "good carbs" people are talking about complex carbs.
except the use of complex or simple are worthless descriptors of carbohydrate quality.
The only difference between sources of carbs is usually vitamin/mineral/nutrient presence. Brown rice, for example, will have fiber. White rice will have very little, if any at all. Outside of this, both are equal. Same as whole wheat or regular pasta. They're the same, aside from some extra nutrients in the whole wheat.

People also need to be satiated, so foods like rice and oatmeal are good ways to fill a person's stomach so they don't grow hungry too fast, especially when dieting.

If you're sore beyond normal levels, feel lethargic, or your muscles don't feel full/pumped, you can probably use more carbs. Otherwise, chances are you're getting enough.
Howcome it`s hard to get enough carbs? Carbs are everywhere. Personally when bulking it doesnt matter what carb i get. Only the cals matter. However when cutting i drop all high GI-carbs out of my diet.

When bulking carbs are somewhere in 40%. When cutting they go down steadily.
I've outlined my diet based on what was said by Bryan in his Eating For Size article. Based on the information there, I need roughly 3000 kcal a day. If I eat enough protein for my weight (1 g per lb) I get 740 kcal from protein. This leaves me 2260 kcal I need to get from fat and carbs. If I estimate my fat intake the way Bryan does, I would get about 800 kcal from fat. This leaves 1460 kcal I need to get from carbs. If each gram of carbs has 4 kcal, this works out to 365 g of carbs. That's like eating roughly 10 cups of rice a day. I don't eat that many grams of carbs in a day. This is why I stated I need to get more carbs in my diet. I also like variety and would like to find several different sources of carbs to keep me interested in eating.

Did I make a mistake in my calculation? Should I be getting more fat in my diet to make up for the caloric deficit?

I forgot to mention that I also eat corn as well as popcorn. The popcorn I make plain and add some cooking spray and salt after popping.
spikehead, i am roughly the same weight as you...

it is hard to eat enough cals when eating for size. i plan to make the following staples of every meal in order to eat enough carbs:

-wheat pasta
-wheat couscous
-wheat bread
-white rice
-Go Lean brand cereals

other foods i will eat here and there:
-granola bars
-dextrose (post workout)
-baked potatos

hopefully that list will help you out!
nearly everything he posts actually.

One of his favourate things is how low carb diets are great, except he thinks the glycogen/water loss is actually fat loss...
amongst other things that he posts at Lyle McDonalds forum.