Lol's New HST Log

A few observations on the lol dip system:
kudos for being the only guy to think of using square tubing. It doesn't try to roll away but the advantage stops there.
Square is weaker than round, but one could fix this by slipping a piece of pipe over the square tubing and tacking it in place, leaving the square ends sticking out for the mount. That way, when you start dipping with 150lbs on your belt, you won't have to worry. Same thing with the 2x4's. Flat they are weaker; you could just turn them up on the narrow side.
Also, when you find the sweet spot position, you could use a marker along the pipe and mark the wood so you will always have an immediate reference for placing the pipes.
In the back of my mind I see round pipes with some motorcycle handgrips with the ends cut out slid down them. You could be the only lifter in town with a dip station that has Harley grips!
Thurs 14/12/07

This week's training has been somewhat erratic due to work. Oh well, better than nada, eh?

It was late again tonight before I could start lifting (12:00am) so I had to give myself a good kick to get started. Even then I knew I couldn't face deads but decided to squat tomorrow if at all possible.

Dips: 30 x bw, 20 x bw+25kg (55lb), 15 x bw+35kg (77lb), 10 x bw+40kg (88lb) - I wanted to do more of these but decided against it seeing that it was so late and there was plenty more to do.

Pendlay Rows: 15 x 40kg, 10 x 60kg (132lb), 10 x 80kg (176lb), 5 x 90kg (198lb), 5 x 100kg (220lb), 4 x 3 x 110kg (242lb) PB - My heaviest rows ever.

Upright Rows: 15 x 31kg (68lb), 10 x 41kg (90lb), 10 x 51kg (112lb), 10 x 61kg (134lb), 2 x 5 x 71kg (156lb), 8 x 71kg (156lb) PB

It took me just about an hour to do that little lot which isn't speedy but I did get a couple of PBs. My upright rows are really coming on now which is good because my shoulders need to fill out more. My back feels like I have done some deadlifting so that's a good sign that I really worked it tonight. Oh well, to sleep, perchance to dream...
Good thoughts Quad. Marking the timber is exactly what I intend to do (I have marked my rack with all the best pin hole positions for each lift so I don't have to think about it during my w/o).

I had a look at my dip bar set-up tonight when I was strapped to 88lb. They hardly flexed at all! The steel does seem particularly strong. The bars were from a commercial roof-rack designed to carry heavy loads. Even though the bars aren't held rigidly at the ends, my weight plus 100lbs didn't seem to give then anything to worry about.

Fear, I hope my plan for P rows tonight was sinister enough for you; my back is toasted.

Thanks Totz! Your rows have always been pretty powerful. I thought I was still chasing your numbers? I am going to do 3 rep sets for my top loads and see what I can manage before the end of December. Might SD then.

Really must hit the hay now. It's 2:00am but I am wide awake. I'll just get out one of Dan's studies and start reading. That usually does the trick!  
(Lol @ Dec. 13 2007,20:52)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Really must hit the hay now. It's 2:00am but I am wide awake. I'll just get out one of Dan's studies and start reading. That usually does the trick!
Oh well, to sleep, perchance to dream...

Aye, there's the rub...
Dan's gonna drop your rating!

Hey, if your steel is thick enough and the grips you have work, fine. I think it's neat that your dip station &quot;folds&quot; into a small corner!
I'd better get back to pendlay's or you're gonna catch me!
(Lol @ Dec. 13 2007,20:52)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Thanks Totz! Your rows have always been pretty powerful. I thought I was still chasing your numbers? I am going to do 3 rep sets for my top loads and see what I can manage before the end of December. Might SD then.</div>
I haven't maxed out on rows in a long time, but last I remember was pulling 245 for a single. So... 4x3x242 is more than a bit better.
I think these kind of rows are an impressive measure of strength, especially when you figure that there are tons of guys doing those pansy 45 degree half-standing up rows and not pulling much more than half what you just pulled.

But we'll see in a few weeks when I start pushing my rows hard. Now I've got a goal - 3x3x245 within six weeks. Heh.
(Totentanz @ Dec. 14 2007,16:41)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
Now I've got a goal - 3x3x245 within six weeks.  Heh.</div>
So we are both now on the trail of the Quadman!  
Sat 15/12/07

After some rather unexpected events this evening involving having to call out some paramedics (not for me), I finally got around to some squats at 12:15am. Didn't have a chance to do anything yesterday so I really wanted to do some lifting today.

ATG Squats: warmups then 10 x 90kg (198lb), 5 x 110kg (242lb), 5 x 120kg (264lb), 5 x 130kg (286lb), 3 x 5 x 140kg (308lb), 5 x 145kg (319lb)

Last set was pretty hard.

Short workout, but sweet.
Well, you blasted right by me squatting. I guess I'd better get ready for the rest, huh?
And the workload! 10,109 lbs., or 5 tons. You're gonna hurt tomorrow! (or, you'd better!)
Hey Quad, pretty much no leg soreness yet today except for in my adductors. It'll probably kick in elsewhere after midnight tonight. Thanks for totting up the workload; seems a lot when you put it like that.

In answer to your question about straps in Sci's log (thought I'd answer it here so as not to clutter his log), I don't wear them for my deads anymore, unless I say differently. My grip seems to be perfectly adequate for all my lifts now (even rack-pulls). My regular gripper workouts have really helped with that. I can't close the No.3 CoC yet but I am getting closer, little by little.
I don't have any grip issues with absolute load, I only have issues with my grip endurance. I can grip any weight I can pull, I just can't grip it for long! M-time for the hands takes care of that problem nicely.
Sun 16/12/07

Bench: 10 x 60kg, 5 x 70kg, 5 x 80kg, 5 x 90kg, 5 x 100kg (220lb), 3 x 5 x 105kg (231lb), 3 x 3 x 110kg (242lb)

Chins: 5, 4, 5 x 3 x bw+20kg (44lb) - 24 total reps

Standing Press:  5 x 60kg (132lb) 5 x 3 x 70kg (154lb)

*Slight push press on all sets with 70kg. Shoulders tired from bench.
I've always felt that total workload was as much or more important than max weight lifted, unless you're going all out for highrep work. (1000reps with 30lbs...why?)
It would be a good spreadsheet/log idea to have workload totaled as you enter keep an eye on your routine. By hand it's cumbersome at best.
The really fun thing is to total your totals on a fullbody workout:
25 tons is not unusual; I've seen 100,000lbs on some of the 'roidmonster workouts - if they were telling the truth.
Tues 18/12/07

Another one-stop shop tonight as not a lot of time.

Front Squats: 5 x 40kg (88lb), 5 x 60kg (132lb), 5 x 80kg (176lb), 5 x 90kg (198lb), 5 x 100kg (220lb), 3 x 5 x 110kg (242lb)

Slightly better form for all reps tonight. Managed to keep my elbows up higher and didn't have to resort to crossing my arms in front. That means I was more upright for the last few reps of all sets. Decided to call it quits after 3 sets with 110kg as I might do deads tomorrow. Hmmm...
(quadancer @ Dec. 16 2007,17:16)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I've always felt that total workload was as much or more important than max weight lifted, unless you're going all out for highrep work. (1000reps with 30lbs...why?)
It would be a good spreadsheet/log idea to have workload totaled as you enter keep an eye on your routine. By hand it's cumbersome at best.
The really fun thing is to total your totals on a fullbody workout:
25 tons is not unusual; I've seen 100,000lbs on some of the 'roidmonster workouts - if they were telling the truth.</div>
I used to do that almost three years ago before I found HST. It sounds like a neat idea to try out again.
Thurs 21/12/07

Lower back fatigue has been bugging me today while I was fixing my roof so I didn't do Pendlays tonight as I need it to be fresher for tomorrow. I'll give them a shot tomorrow instead. Feeling generally tired too, so this evening's w/o is abbreviated:

Dips: 30 x bw, 20 x bw+25kg (55lb), 10 x bw+35kg (77lb), 8,5,5,3 x bw+45kg (99lb), 15 x bw+25kg (55lb) - these all felt much harder than last week's.

Upright Rows: 15 x 31kg (68lb), 10 x 41kg (90lb), 10 x 61kg (134lb), 2 x 5 x 71kg (156lb), 5,4,3 x 73.5kg (161lb) new 5RM - that's also a PB as I've never done singles for these.

I fancy a steak but I'll have to make do with a peanut butter sandwich as it's late and I need to get some sleep. I'll make it a big one.
I think you are the strongest HST forum regular at dips now. Maybe on upright rows too. That is some serious iron. One of my goals is to get strong at dips, 100 lb.s would be nice. Right now doing max-stim with 35 or 40 lb.s
27&quot; thighs is awesome, I was wondering with all the huge iron you are moving what your other measurements are? The gunz must be massive! I am guessing 17&quot; or so, close?