Lol's New HST Log

Mon 04/08/08

BW: 204lb

Up a pound over last week. Hopefully, that's just a bit of fluid regained and not fat. I did eat a fair bit more this last week and was much less careful in general but I've lost an average of 1.33lb/week over the last two months which isn't too bad.

Ordered Lyle's UD2.0 over the weekend for a bit of bedtime reading.

Two new things I've experimented with this last week:

Chest-slap Push-ups: hands slap chest between reps. These are so much harder than hand clap push-ups. The extra speed off the floor required is killer. Sets of 10 are much harder than I expected.

Chest-to-bar pull-ups: evil, pure evil!

I think there might be a slight improvement in my forearm but still not going to chance any Oly lifts for a while. Presses are still uncomfortable and a quick twist of my hand into a pronated position fires up a sharp pain inside my elbow.

Kipping pull-ups: Managed 39 consecutive kipping pull-ups today which is a new PR. I so wanted that 40th rep but I was right out of steam by 39.

Handstands: Started doing handstands against a wall for time as part of my quest to strengthen my wrists. I'm trying to keep my feet slightly off the wall and balance as much as I can - even 30 or 40 seconds inverted seems pretty hard right now. I suppose it should as, even at a slimmed down 204lb BW, that's still heavier than I've been pressing to date. My heaviest C&J to date was 220lb. I'm hoping to get some handstand presses started once my head becomes accustomed to the pressure change from being inverted.

Power Snatches: 5 x 1 x 40kg - very easy but used to get the bar up for OHSing.

OHS: 5 x 5 x 40kg - no finger and thumb 'buzzing' after that little lot which is a great improvement for me.

Front Squats: 10 x 60kg, 10 x 80kg, 10 x 90kg (198lb) - that last set was quite hard, although quite a bit off my 10RM (225lb). It was supposed to be an easier day today though so I'm not going to fret about it. I trained late tonight too, which didn't help.
Always refreshing to see your exercise selection. Hope your shoulder can hold out for you on your snatches/OHS.
(Lol @ Jul. 30 2008,2:31)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'll have to shift everything in to my basement (which will from then on be referred to as 'the dungeon'). I'll need some more headroom there for overhead lifts, so I'm going to have to dig a big pit. I already have some meat hooks do decorate the place with.</div>
A dungeon with a pit, meat hooks, and rings hanging from the ceiling!!!

All you'll need is a bit of blood on the walls...
(TunnelRat @ Aug. 08 2008,3:57)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">All you'll need is a bit of blood on the walls...  
Oh, I have that already!  

Handstands are up to over a minute now. So far, my right wrist seem to be holding out just fine.

Squats: 25 x 200lb

Ring Dips: 15 x BW

Had a very busy week and little time for training or sleep. After a brief rest this evening I walked past my squat rack and the bar (loaded with 200lb from my front squats at the beginning of the week) called out to me so I got under it with the intention of doing a set of 10 quick reps and ended up knocking out 25 quick reps instead! Blimey, that was a bit of a metabolic kick up the pants! Better do some heavier stuff tomorrow or I will shrink to nothing (which is how I feel things are going even if it isn't exactly the case).

Balance is improving on the rings so I managed a few more reps. Still having to hold the rings in pretty close to my body which feels a bit odd.
Sat 09/08/08

Right arm is feeling a little better today. I haven't done any cleans for ages now which has definitely helped the situation but seeing the Oly lifters at the Olympics is making it hard not to try again. I really need to work on my C&amp;J technique.

Bench: warmups then 10 x 90kg, 3 x 5 x 100kg, 2,2,1 x 110kg (242lb)

Kipping Pull-ups: 42 x bw New PR - absolutely exhausting! I am still using straps for these but once I get to 50 reps I will start doing some sets without as well.

Calf jumps: bw +10kg x 2 mins - Bit of 'fun' really.

Wasn't sure what to call them but I have been experimenting with jumping using mainly calf power for time. It's a bit like skipping without a skipping rope. It's a fairly rapid movement as I can't get very high off the ground (although I do try to get as high as possible); I keep my knees locked and I allow my heels to make contact with the ground before springing up again each rep. I couldn't believe how sore my calves got from doing these the first few times. With just my body weight, I managed to work up to 3 minutes of calf jumping which was a killer. Now I am adding weight by holding a 5kg plate in each hand. 2 minutes of jumps holding on to an extra 10kg was a calf burner from hell. It will be interesting to see how heavy I can go with these over the ensuing weeks. (I tried a 16kg/35lb db in each hand the other day and it was very hard for even a minute so I'm going to try to work up to that for 2 mins).
(Lol @ Aug. 09 2008,9:17)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">...seeing the Oly lifters at the Olympics is making it hard not to try again. I really need to work on my C&amp;J technique.</div>
quite agree w/ this inspiration!
Mon 11/08/08

BW: 200lb - Couldn't believe it when I stood on the scales today! I am finally looking a bit leaner in the mirror and to a few of my mates. Because I don't have a tan and I'm a bit hairy I still look pretty rubbish. A tan is out of the question (my on-going skin cancer rules that out). Still, I have dropped weight a bit fast the last few weeks. I probably ought to up my cals a bit to prevent too much muscle loss.

Squats: 10 x 60kg, 10 x 110kg, 2 x 5 x 140kg (308lb), 2,2,1 x 150kg (330lb)

I was really cheesed after the second set with 140kg as I thought I was 10kg short (brain fart). So I loaded on an extra 10kg and only managed a double. Thought my strength had plummeted again. It was only after I had completed the second double and the single that I realised my error. Oh well, no worse than last week then.

Clean and Jerks: 5 x 40kg, 5 x 50kg, 5 x 60kg, 5 x 70kg (154lb), 5 x 80kg (175lb)

Thought I would take these a bit steadily and see how my right arm coped. Every rep was a full-squat clean as I really need to practice these. All reps lowered under control after jerks. A few twinges in both arms but nothing more.

I almost did a FearFactory Special for one of the reps
. I can now see how easy it is to topple over backwards if you pull the weight back towards you before the catch.

Handstands: 2 x 75 seconds - got the shakes at the end of the second attempt.

==================================== have updated their site. There are some useful new features. Here's one of them:


Green line is my actual weight measurements and the blue line is my weight loss goal.
Watching China's Chen Yanqing (a sub-128lb woman) jerk 300lb overhead makes me realise that it must surely be possible for a 200lb man @~10% bf (ie. me, after I've dieted down and when I've started eating again) to deadlift a mere 500lb? I know she's insanely amazing and elite and the best ever but surely? I hope so anyway. Truly inspiring.

BBC Footage of Chen Yanqing's Record C&amp;J
<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>Not sure if this will play unless you have an ISP in the UK?</span>
(Lol @ Aug. 11 2008,7:04)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">BBC Footage of Chen Yanqing's Record C&amp;J
<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>Not sure if this will play unless you have an ISP in the UK?</span></div>
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Cannot play media. Sorry, this media is not available in your territory.</div>
(Lol @ Aug. 11 2008,6:16)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Because I don't have a tan and I'm a bit hairy I still look pretty rubbish. A tan is out of the question (my on-going skin cancer rules that out). Still, I have dropped weight a bit fast the last few weeks. I probably out to up my cals a bit to prevent too much muscle loss.</div>
Be proud of your fairness!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I can now see how easy it is to topple over backwards if you pull the weight back towards you before the catch.</div>

an ongoing issue for me. I would have LOVED to see a video of an FF special!
@Colby: re fairness: I have to live with it but I don't have to like it.  
 It's really hard to show any form of definition with pale skin so if I took any photos they would most likely suck, unless I had very good lighting and they were in black and white. I may give that a go when I am further along with my dieting but don't hold your breath.

@FF: I may have to take some C&amp;J vids to see how my form is coming along. If you are lucky there may be a FF Special sighting included in the footage.


My neck's been pretty stiff recently from all the shoulder flexibility work, snatches, cleans, squats, presses etc.

I'd be interested to know if any of you folks do any neck flexibility exercises? If so, what do you do? Perhaps I just need to get a good massage? That'd be nice.
(Lol @ Aug. 12 2008,10:36)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'd be interested to know if any of you folks do any neck flexibility exercises? If so, what do you do? Perhaps I just need to get a good massage? That'd be nice.
For neck flexibility - you're right, Lol - deep tissue massage is best, with a close second being &quot;active manipulation&quot; from a good chiropractor. Those two things, along with strengthening my back and shoulders keep my head on a swivel despite the large amounts of damage that still persist there.

You can also do some very awkward stretching, but in my opinion, you can make yourself tighter by doing so. Find a burly lady with huge hands and get yourself a deep tissue massage. You'll cry a bit, but it'll be worth it.
(_tim @ Aug. 13 2008,2:53)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">For neck flexibility - you're right, Lol - deep tissue massage is best, with a close second being &quot;active manipulation&quot; from a good chiropractor.  Those two things, along with strengthening my back and shoulders keep my head on a swivel despite the large amounts of damage that still persist there.</div>
Thanks Tim. Glad you're back.

(_tim @ Aug. 13 2008,2:53)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">You can also do some very awkward stretching, but in my opinion, you can make yourself tighter by doing so. Find a burly lady with huge hands and get yourself a deep tissue massage.  You'll cry a bit, but it'll be worth it.</div>
Massage it'll be then. So if I'm not sobbing afterwards then it wasn't worth the money?  
strained my neck (minor rhomboid and trap on the left side) about a year ago and reinjured it at the beginning of summer.

after healing up a bit, I've been doing neck bridges every morning.  I also put a towel on the back of my head w/ small plates on top, balance the weight w/ my hands, sit on the bench, and nod my head. used to do these exercises in wrestling practice.

edit -
I should mention that my neck has gotten MUCH stronger since I started working it.
(fearfactory @ Aug. 13 2008,11:31)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">... I should mention that my neck has gotten MUCH stronger since I started working it.</div>
Fear: Have you ever used one of those head harnesses? I've often wondered about getting one but thought it might end up gathering dust. Perhaps it would be a good idea after all?
I would buy one if I had extra cash.  but a towel and some plates don't work too bad.  I balance them behind my head w/ both hands, kind of like I do when doing works ok.
Wed 13/08/08

With all the excitement and stunning lifting at the Olympics, decided to work on my snatch technique tonight. Darn, it's hard committing to the full squat and hoping to get your balance right. I think I'll get it eventually; I'm going to work down from a power snatch. Started with lots of practice with just the bar. After that, used 40kg inc. the bar. Practiced dumping the bar behind me too.

Front Squats: 2 x 10 x 90kg (198lb) - I was tired after all the snatching practice but not in the legs so needed to do these.

I've started working on snatch-width handstands to help my shoulders and wrists get more used to load in that position. Also did a few sets of handstand presses (lower down to touch head on floor and back up again). Along with plenty of dislocates, it's all helping but my shoulders are really beaten up right now.
Thurs 14/08/08

Was going to have a day off but then decided to do some deads!

Deads: warm-ups then 3 x 5 x 160kg (352lb), 1 x 1 x 180kg (396lb)

Haven't done any 'heavyish' deads for ages so this was bound to be hard. Sure enough it was! I think I could have done 5 sets but thought it would be best to take these steadily. I'm sure my lower back will suffer enough tomorrow anyway. Decided to do a single with 396 just to make sure I could still do it. Yup, it went up okay but it felt a lot heavier than it did back in April.  

Also did a bunch of snatch-width handstands and some cleans.

It's the women's 75kg class at the Games tomorrow morning. Should be good. I am expecting some awesome lifts from these bigger gals. Just hope there are no more nasty accidents.