Lol's New HST Log

(Lol @ Aug. 14 2008,10:34)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Decided to do a single with 396 just to make sure I could still do it. Yup, it went up okay but it felt a lot heavier than it did back in April.</div>
Don't be bothered, Lol. It's just inflation. I noticed the same thing myself recently...
thought muscle snatches might be of interest to you in the spirit of shoulder rehab:

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">This video demonstrates a muscle snatch. This is not a clean and press, but rather a wide grip upright row (lead with the elbows) that is externally rotated into a lockout in one fluid motion.

Muscles involved in the wide grip upright row:
trapezius, SITS, serratus anterior, teres minor, deltoids, biceps, shoulder girdle elevation, shoulder abduction, elbow flexion

Muscles involved in the external rotation:
infraspinatus, supraspinatus, teres minor

This video is a great warm-up not only for your upper body training sessions (bench, overhead press, throwing) but also for your lower body training sessions (squats, deadlifts, good mornings).

This exercise can be inserted into this Shoulder Rehab Protocol </div>

@Fear: good exercise. I will try those next snatch session. I suppose you could also call them hang power snatches?

Bench: warmups then 1 x 5 x 90kg, 3 x 5 x 100kg (220lb)

Squats: warmups then 1 x 5 x 130kg, 2 x 5 x 140kg (308lb)

Ring work: Dips and abs - I can now just about hold myself on the rings so that my hands turn out and the inside of my elbows point forwards, which is supposed to be the way gymnasts do it. Couldn't do this when my right arm was bad but now it doesn't hurt much at all.

EZ-Bar Curls: 2 x 10 x 51kg (112lb) - after the rings I had to try some curls to see how my right arm held out. Verdict: definite improvement but there were still a few twinges.

I really hope I can get back to chins and rows again soon. It's been ages since I have been able to do them with anger.

Handstand shoulder press: Still haven't made 10 good reps yet. These are hard. I may make some parallettes once I can get 10 reps of head to floor. My wrists are toughening up nicely.
Mon 18/08/08

BW: 200lb - same as last week which I don't mind as I lost too much the previous week.

After I did the washing up this morning I got a rotten pain in my back! It felt like a pulled intercostal and was devilishly uncomfortable when I breathed. How nuts is that?!

Well, it's still bugging me now although it has eased a lot. I think it was actually a muscle cramping in my back (maybe my left rhomboid). I've worked on it intermittently throughout the day with one-arm rows and some massage which helped but I couldn't face doing any heavy work this evening.

I ended up doing some upright rows, bi-curls, tri-extensions, pull-ups and some ring dips.

Did 3 x 10 x 51kg (112lb) for curls. No problem following the ones I did the other day so I thought what the hey! I followed that with a set of 5 with 61kg (134lb). They weren't particularly strict but they felt good - only a mild feeling of discomfort in my right arm. Then I did 2 sets of negs with 134lb, 5 reps each (cheated bar up, then let it back down over a couple of seconds). Awesome! I am really pleased I can do these again. I haven't felt strain in my bis like this for ages. Right arm feels a bit sore now but i hope it will be okay tomorrow.

Final day of weightlifting tomorrow at the Games - men's over 105kg (2-4pm BBC Cable 2 stream). Can't wait to see the big lads do their stuff.

I missed the men's 105kg lifting today but saw a clip of the winner Andrei Aramnau of Belarus who C&amp;J'ed 236kg!! for a new WR. He got a snatch WR too with 200kg and obviously a new WR total of 436kg. Deserving gold medalist. And only 20 years old! What blew me away was how straightforward he made hoisting the 236kg (520lb) look. He did the whole lift in a matter of seconds and barely paused between the clean and the jerk. Outstanding!

Here's a comp of a few screen grabs I took:

Andrei Aramnau of Belarus C&amp;J'ing 236kg
Wed 20/08/08

Did a pile of C&amp;Js working on getting into a full squat. Didn't go over 80kg though. Arm seems to be holding out but it was a little more sore again after the curls I did yesterday.

I managed 43 kipping pull-ups before running out of steam. That's one better than my previous max. 45 reps in sight now. After a few minutes rest I then tried again but with an added 5kg weight. I managed 16 reps with some kipping although it wasn't as easy to get the motion. Result: back fried and great pump in my lats!
Thurs 21/08/08

Been really busy with work this past week. I've had little sleep as deadlines have been looming. If I get it all done I'm hoping I can take a week's holiday very soon. Just need some good weather. We've had nearly no sunshine the whole 'summer' so far.

Tired but decided to get off my lazy butt and do something:

Front Squats: 10 x 80kg, 5 x 90kg, 5 x 100kg, 2 x 5 x 102.5kg, 5 x 105kg (231lb)

Dips: 15 x bw, 10 x bw+45lb, 5 x bw+40kg (88lb), 2 x 8 x bw+45kg (99lb)

EZ-bar Curls: 15, 14 x 51kg

Overhead tri-extensions: 2 x 15 x 41kg (90lb)

As I was working through the night last night I threw caution to the wind and ate a whole packet of Kit-Kats in a row and washed it down with lots of coffee! Hopefully, that will have kick started a bit of leptin production and will allow me to shift a few more pounds of fat if go carefully on the cals for the rest of the week.
Fri 22/08/08

Had another go at some weighted kips last night. With 10kg on my belt I made 16 reps. It's not easy to get much of a kipping motion going with the extra weight added. Must have done more than nothing though as lats nicely sore today - pecs still sore from Thursdays dips too.
Sat 23/08/08

Squats: warmups then 7,7,5 x 140kg (308lb)

I was pretty pleased with that. I reckon I could have nailed an eighth rep on the first work set. If I had got it, that would mean that I am only 2 reps down on my PR.
Mon 25/08/08

Cheers Bax! I guess I ate at maintenance cals this last week which may be why my strength was up a bit.

BW: 200lb - Again! Okay, now I need to start paying a bit more attention to calories. It seems like I am only eating enough to feed a sparrow but evidently I am not (at least, if I am, it must be a big sparrow)!

I was doing some shoulder work last night and everyone else was out so I decided to have a play with the video on my stills camera to see if I could get a half-decent recording of me doing a few sets of close-grip upright rows. I thought it would also be good for me to see how fat I still am which might help me to keep my diet going. It worked!

The vid is of my last work set of 5 reps (but I tried for a few more reps) followed by a bit more load just to see if I could still shift it. I was tired and my form was pretty sloppy (Bertil Fox style!) but I have very sore shoulders today so...

Here's the link: View at your own risk!
Nice vid LOL. You're looking pretty good. I can see those abs poppin' out on those first few reps. When you bend over to grab the bar for your first rep, your lower back is massive. Erector spinae are very, very impressive. Good work man.
I know you think you have a large gut still, and yeah, obviously you have a little way to go still if you really want to abs to show through, but it is clear that your cut has been working out real well. Congratulations on the great progress you are making. I liked the comments in the video. Fear factory special. Nice.
Your numbers are still better than mine too, and that is with &quot;reduced&quot; strength from your cut. Ah... you better watch out though, I'm back in the game and I plan to eat haphazardly, so maybe, if I'm real lucky (and maybe get some of what all those olympians are on) then I could catch up to you.
Tues 26/08/08

Front Squats: warm-ups then 2 x 5 x 110kg (242lb), 1 x 2 x 120kg (264lb), 1 x 3 x 110kg (242lb) - my 5RM was 120kg so getting a double after two sets with 110kg wasn't too bad. It felt pretty heavy though.

Bench: warm-ups then 3 x 5 x 100kg (220lb) - good solid reps. Last rep of last set was tough but not to failure.

Kipping Pull-ups: 20 x bw+10kg (22lb), 30 x bw - these were a blast! My shoulders are just starting to adapt to the severity of doing these. Lats are always fried.

Decided to skip presses tonight. I'll hit them tomorrow.

Went to a wedding reception yesterday evening and my diet kind of went out the window. I started with a plate of grilled chicken breasts, some fancy salad, a light dressing and some delicious mustard. That's my lot I thought but there was so much food and no one was eating it, so I proceeded to have another three platefuls! Then I threw caution to the wind and had a chunk of wedding cake to top it off. Ha! So today I've been very careful.
Real solid! Is the key to keepig the shoulders safe on those to keep a narrow grip? I hurt myself big time on upright rows and read they are BAD. Keep it up!
(soflsun @ Aug. 27 2008,4:33)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Real solid!  Is the key to keepig the shoulders safe on those to keep a narrow grip?  I hurt myself big time on upright rows and read they are BAD.  Keep it up!</div>
Soflsun, for me it most definitely is. I can't do these with a wide grip without them feeling really uncomfortable. I also refrain from lifting the bar too high. To get the bar from chest to up to chin level is all trap contraction anyway and as I'm not doing these specifically as a trap exercise I think raising to chest level is ok. I think it's good to actively shrug though as this decreases the chance of impingement in the shoulder joints as the bar raises up.

So far, for me, these are working out just fine and I really like having an alternative to pressing.


Thanks to all for the words of encouragement.
5 star video Lol! I also reported you to youtube's management due to reports of Fearful reactions from women &amp; children after viewing.
Fear: I would expect nothing less from you good Sir! You are the ever vigilant protector of all that is right and good in this world.

Fri 29/08/08

Tonight I just did:

Squats: warmups then 15 x 110kg (242lb), 10 x 130kg (286lb)

Shrugs: 2 x 10 x 180kg (396lb)

Handstand press: 2 x 11 - head to floor

EZ-bar curls: 12 x 51kg (112lb) then 8 MS reps to make a total of 20 with as little M-time as possible between reps.

I need to make some paralletes so I can increase my range of motion for handstand presses. Nice little Sunday afternoon project.

Here's a cool vid to help with handstand training:

Guide to handstands
Haven't been able to access the board for a few days. Just kept getting 404 errors. Dunno what the problem was but I'm glad things are back to normal.

Here's what I did last Saturday:

Sat 30/08/08

Deads: warmups then 4 x 5 x 160kg (352lb) - last set seemed to be the easiest! I had got into the swing of it by then.

Push Presses: 5 x 5 x 70kg - right arm much better doing these than it has been for ages.
Mon 01/09/08

BW: 200lb - that's the fourth week I've been at 200lb.

UD2 Week 1

Decided to give Lyle's UD2 a shot with a few alterations here and there.

So two days of low-carbs along with high-rep, short rest full-body depletion workouts (using around 60% of 1RM loads for each exercise to allow 15 or so reps per set). Lyle recommends a pretty serious cut in cals for these two days - 50% of maintenance with only 20% of cals as carbs. That's around 1500 cals for me.

I've decided to break myself in to this diet for the first week because I am a wuss.

Today, I lowered my cals purely by knocking out most of the carbs. I didn't get time for a proper workout either although I did manage a total of 80 bw kipping pullups in three sets and some arm and shoulder work.