Lol's New HST Log

Sat 05/12/09

Still having to be careful so I'm going to work on my OHS. I can't use much weight so I won't be straining, just improving my technique and balance and I'll hopefully be giving my core a bit of work to do (can't do a single sit-up yet). My 'proper' Snatch technique needs a ton of work but right now I'm Power Snatching the bar overhead.

Shoulder dislocates and freehand squats for warmups.

Overhead Squats:
10 x 20kg (bar only)
10 x 40kg (88lb)

5, 5, 5 x 50kg (110lb)
5, 3, 3 x 60kg (132lb) PR*

Power snatching was relatively easy but I lost my balance and had to bail on the fourth rep of the last two sets; my shoulder stability is sorely lacking.

Wrists wrapped, mainly to support my wimpy right wrist. Seemed to help.

I hope I can improve this lift without getting shoulder impingement. At this weight it's not a problem.

* Didn't realise that this was a PR at the time. So I now have a new OHS 5RM. That's my first PR in ages!!
Mon 07/12/09

Warning: No lifting logged in this rambling post!

While I've been taking it easy for the past few weeks, I've been doing some thinking about where I want to go with my training over the next year or so.

With several years of training under my belt and with only average genetics, one thing I do know now is that I am never going to be what I would view as a 'big strong lifter.' It's just not going to happen. I made the best part of my progress in just over a year of HST but I ended up being about 225lb and I didn't really like it. I didn't enjoy eating the "huge" (lol) amounts of food it took for me to to stay heavy. So I shrank myself down and lost a fair amount of strength along the way. At my present weight of around 200lb I feel a lot more comfortable but, of course, I now look like any average-sized, middle-aged bloke. Still, I like to think that I'm in better shape than most of my mates, particularly those my own age.

I still have some very specific, what I'll call, "long-term" goals, such as a 500 dead, 400 squat, 300 bench and 200 press. These goals could fit into various training programs where the focus is on progressing loads, ie. basically any program where I'm trying to get stronger. I'm not sure if it'll be possible for me to reach these goals while weighing around 200lb? I hope it is.

Whether I make my lifting goals or not, trying for new 1RMs can lead to injury, something I want to avoid as far as possible. My last injury pretty much cost me the best part of a year's training time; I made a bit of progress here and there and experimented with a few things, but on the whole I ended up spinning my wheels. I've looked at why I broke and I think I made a few mistakes that I won't make again. However, if I am going to continue to push for new 1RMs in the main lifts then I have to expect that something might give. So be it.

What about the whole "fitness" issue: do I want to be as strong as possible without any regard for my general health and well-being? No, not at my age. So my long-term strength goals will have to fit into a program that allows me to stay in reasonably good shape, both aerobically and anaerobically.

Diet will also play a part in this too; I'm going to be cleaning it up. I'm not going to go the whole 'Paleo' route but I will be reducing my intake of processed carby foods across the board. I don't eat a lot of 'crap' right now but there is definitely room for improvement.

I would like to improve my running and my rowing (of the boat kind) as well as my ability to perform the Oly lifts, associated lifts like OHSs and some more 'gymnasticy' stuff (eg. back tuck, handstands, ring work etc).

So what to do? I've been looking more closely at CrossFit. I like the variety of workouts that get programmed and posted on the main site - some of it I suck at and some of it I can do okay at. I need to get better at the stuff I suck at. I think CrossFit 'fits' in with where I want to go with my training right now. It will definitely be a challenge.

As I also have to train a few young'uns, including my lad, getting them to do the CF WODs along with me seems like a good way to help them develop a good set of lifting skills and improve their general level of fitness.

So I've pretty much decided that I'm going to plunge into a year of CrossFit WODs, possibly combined with some other lifting and gymnastic skills work. Hopefully, it'll turn out to be an interesting and worthwhile experiment.

I want to give CF a fair appraisal so I think a year is a good amount of time. I think I will make the proviso that if during the course of the year I find my strength dropping off, or I just get fed up with it, I may drop it and get back to HST or 5/3/1.

I haven't quite decided when to start yet; it'll probably be in the spring. I will be logging my workouts here when I do.
Mon 07/12/09

Shoulders got pretty beaten up from the OHSs the other night. It's not muscular, it's joint related discomfort and is, I suspect, mainly due to the fact that I've hardly done any shoulder work this past 9 months. I'll bump up the fish oil for a few days and see if that helps a bit.

On the plus side, on checking my log, it turns out that 5 x 60kg (132lb) is a PR and my new 5RM for OHSs. (I updated my last workout post to reflect this.) In fact, I've only ever done a single with 60kg before. Sweet.
Since we're so much alike, I'll say I've gotten comfortable at 215-218 with a little extra fat - strength came with it and I look thicker, show thru my clothes. But it's kind of a ceiling; at 219+ I was feeling stodgy and sluggish; bad enough that I walk funny now. (kind of stiff I guess)
I think that since you're so much younger you may make the goals, but if you were older, probably not, using crossfit. I know health is more iimportant, but you sacrifice some of these things when powerlifting.
And you get to keep the 'powergut'.
Mon 07/12/09

Lunges and shoulder dislocates for warmups.

10, 5, 5, 5 x bw
Chest to bar

30 x bw

5, 5, 5 x bw

20 x 60kg

10 x 60kg
10 x 10 (+1) x 80kg (176lb)
101 reps in less than 10 mins.

I know deads were very light but I was joining in with 'the lads' for a bit of fun. Their goal was to do 10 sets of 5 in 10 mins. For every 5 reps they did I had to do 10. Actually, the tenth set of ten was non-trivial.

Best day so far for bench in that I was able to put both feet on the floor without any stabbing pains; I was also able to get on and off the bench with less difficulty. Goody.

Shoulders (joints) were noticeably sore during dislocates and all sets of back and chest work. I'm taking three spoons of fish oil today on the off-chance that it helps a bit.
It is insanely cool that you got to lift with the lads. Family lifting!

I'm so glad to see the phrase "without stabbing pain" associated with your bench effort. I hope the recovery continues to go well; perhaps by summer we can have a bench contest?
Thanks Tim. Yeah, it's great to lift with the lads. Just don't want them to catch up to me too soon.

Now the nasty sharp pains have subsided, I'm feeling a lot more positive. I was beginning to wonder whether I had done the right thing or not. I spoke to a physio this morning and she's going to sort me out with some special stuff to help with the healing process in the region of the scar. I'm not convinced it'll do much but if it smells nice and soothes things a bit, I'm happy. I always think that the act of massaging an area does more good (increased blood flow etc.) than the ointment that you are endeavouring to rub in to the area.

A bench contest this summer would be great. Assuming my left shoulder holds out that'll give me some time to get my poundages back up to a respectable level (I hope).

I stood on the scales this morning and found out that I was 207lb, up ~ 7lb. What with that and time off it's no wonder chins and pull-ups are feeling harder than I'd like. That's like Mikey plus a 20kg plate!  
Wed 09/12/09

Speedy workout tonight as my hams and glutes are still fried form the deads. Interestingly, my lower back has been fine - no feeling of fatigue at all. I'll have to do some leg work tomorrow.

10 x bw
10 x bw

13+3,3,3,2,1 x bw (M-R)

Paused Bench:
10 x 50kg
15+4,2,2,2 x 70kg (154lb) (M-R)

Unilateral Standing DB Press:
15 x 17kg (37lb)
15 x 17kg (37lb)

I know these are light but I really need to be smart and ease into things for the sake of my mending shoulder.

Excellent deep feeling of strain in my pecs after benching. Similar to what I used to get from Max-stim reps. Left shoulder was pretty good throughout.
Thu 10/12/09

Client over this evening to proof a job I'm working on. We didn't get finished up until just before 2:00am.

Feeling pretty wiped but decided to do a couple of sets of squats as per my plan.

Paused Low-bar Squat:
25 x 70kg
20 x 80kg (176lb)

I know it's still light but that's the heaviest I've squatted post-op to date. For the first set, I felt like I should have carried on after 25 reps but I decided to quit because paused reps seem to take forever! Decided to do a slightly heavier second set. The extra 10kg meant I was happy to stop at rep 20. That was a real heart and lung workout.
Fri 11/12/09

Paused Bench:
5 x 50kg
14+5,3,2,2,2 x 70kg (154lb) (M-R) 28 total reps

Croc Rows:
10 x 36kg
10 x 46kg
15 x 56kg (123lb)

EZ-bar Press:
15 x 31kg
19 x 41kg (90lb)
10+3,3,3,2,2 x 41kg (90lb)  (M-R)

For bench, I did one less rep for the activation set than on Wednesday but added 3 more myo-reps to the total.

Haven't done croc rows in a long while. Really glad I can now do them again. Because the transverse abdominis on my left side is still healing, I was very aware of the stress in the area of my op during the last set which was pretty tough. No sharp pains but it's now a little more sore than it was. I forgot how good crocs are as a grip exercise too.

For presses, I forgot to add myo-reps after the second set so I had to do a third set!
Sat 12/12/09

Got challenged by my lad to see who could do the most chins. He beat me (he got 20) but he is 75lb lighter than me.

18 x bw
7+3,2,2,2 (M-R)

First set was to failure. I really wanted to get 20 but I couldn't quite manage the 19th rep. Second M-R set was after a short rest.

10 x 40kg
5 x 40kg P
5 x 40kg P
5 x 50kg P

I paused each rep in the bottom position for the last three sets. Much harder than expected.

Handstands for 1 minute at a time. These should help my wrists to toughen up a bit which they'll need to do if I'm going to go for heavier OHSs.

Sun 13/12/09

Rest day. Very pleasant weather so went for a jog and a walk.

In my quest to improve my OHS I need to improve my snatch technique. Here's a nice vid showing good snatch technique. Interesting how much the first pull is back toward the athlete. I imagine this line becomes more vertical as the load approaches a max lift.
(Lol @ Dec. 13 2009,2:11)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Got challenged by my lad to see who could do the most chins. He beat me (he got 20) but he is 75lb lighter than me.</div>
Hey Lol, don't let these youngins take advantage of you while you are recovering get your rematch when you are back to 100%
I hate to lose my favorite motivator to the fitness crowd, but I'll say you're doing what works for you. Five months ago when I shifted to PL work I studied a lot on it, and several things popped up that you might use.
No max attempts in the gym. That is considered a wasted workout, and I'll assume that is because of CNS damage.
No endless sets and reps. Short and sweet makes strength, always leaving some in the tank for next session.
Work over 6 reps is cardio. Do cardio separately.
Odd at first walking out of the gym always wondering if you did enough. But I've gained size, weight, and strength. I didn't want to do any marathons anyway.
Thanks Quad,

I'm not going to be shelving my 300, 400, 500 goals so I'm still going to be attempting to snap at your heels.

Check out this taster vid:

The CF folks are going to be doing an in-depth look at Westside and chatting with big Louie. Should be interesting.

Electric: I honestly don't think my op held me back in the chins. I'm probably quite a way off my best chinning strength though. I may try a max chin soon and see how much my top level strength has dropped off.

I can push certain exercises pretty hard now. Deadlifts (and to a lesser degree, front squats) will probably be the last thing to come back online. It's straining under load in the open-hip position that seems to cause the most problem and is, after all, how I got injured in the first place.
Mon 15/12/09

Brief w/o for me tonight as I had to train the lads first. Their cleans are finally improving. I'm hoping that they will soon be able get on with things themselves with less help from me.


10 x 40kg
10 x 50kg

Clean High Pull:
5 x 90kg
5 x 100kg
5 x 110kg (242lb)

5 x 90kg
20 x 100kg (220lb)
All reps taken to weights touching floor.

Hook grip throughout; thumbs are a little sore now as they've softened up over the last month or so.

That's the first time I've used 100kg+ for anything since my op. All reps were solid. No bad pains just a little sore afterwards is all. I take that as a sign that I can start squatting with some heavier loads again.

Shoulder joints are still feeling pretty sore from OHSs so I'm not pushing up the load just yet. I want them to toughen up a bit first.

Back to hospital tomorrow morning to see the hernia folks for a check-up.
Check-up went ok. I seem to be doing better than some. One of the questions I was asked was how do I find lifting a load between 3-5lb? I said that if you add two noughts to those figures then I get a bit sore but otherwise I'm ok. I think they thought I was mad.
(Lol @ Dec. 16 2009,6:54)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">One of the questions I was asked was how do I find lifting a load between 3-5lb?</div>
Yes doc, I've been brushing my teeth. What else do you want to know?
Wed 16/12/09

Training the lads again tonight so my workout was rather different to what I had planned.

35 x bw

10 x 40kg

10 x 60kg
5* x 80kg
1* x 90kg (198lb)

* Jerked some of these cleans. Glad I managed to C&amp;J 90kg. That's only 22lb off my current PR. I will beat that next year.

10 x 90kg
10 x 110kg (242lb)
10 x 135kg (297lb) @ RPE 7

Because my thumbs were already sore, I thought I'd try the last set without a hook grip, ie. using a regular grip. No problemo. All reps with fast concentric and controlled eccentric.

Again, I'm pushing the loads up slowly just to be on the safe side. No sharp pains but sore afterwards as usual.

Croc Rows:
10 x 56kg (123lb) @ RPE 7

electric: so you know about my toothbrush!

Thurs 17/12/09

Just a quickie to add some stuff I wanted to do yesterday.

Paused Bench:
5 x 90kg (198lb), @ RPE 8
5 x 90kg (198lb)
5 x 90kg (198lb)
5 x 90kg (198lb), @ RPE 9

5 x bw
1 x bw+10kg
1 x bw+20kg
1 x bw+25kg
1 x bw+35kg (77lb)
0 x bw+45kg (99lb)*
5 x bw+45kg (99lb) negs

* Couldn't quite get my chin over the bar.
Actually, when I weighed myself with 45kg attached, I clocked in at 318lb. Without the weight and Oly shoes (which are quite light), I weighed 210 so I was actually loaded with 108lb (49kg).

At least I now have a point of reference for my chinning strength. I have a long way to go.