Lol's New HST Log

Thanks a lot for the input Lol.
I first am gonna finish this cycle without anything else.
But indeed it's quite taxing.
But it is working nicely.
Fri 12/02/10

Warmups: Dislocates and freehand squats.

Paused Front Squat:
10 x bar
10 x 40kg
10 x 60kg
5 x 80kg (176lb)
5 x 90kg (198lb) @ RPE 8
5 x 100kg (220lb) @ RPE 8.5
5 x 100kg (220lb) @ RPE 8.5
5 x 100kg (220lb) @ RPE 9

Oly shoes, no belt. All pauses ~1 sec.
Slight twinge in groin on second set with 100kg. For last set took slightly narrower stance and all was okay. Good. Felt a slight twinge in my intercostals on the right side after the last set. Bit annoying as it's a little uncomfortable to take a deep breath but I've had this before and it usually goes after a day or so.

Paused Bench:
20 x 40kg speed reps
10 x 60kg
5 x 80kg
5 x 95kg (210lb) @ RPE 8
5 x 100kg (220lb) @ RPE 8.5
5 x 100kg (220lb) @ RPE 8.5
6 x 100kg (220lb) @ RPE 9

Shoulders didn't feel great today so I wasn't sure how bench would go. It turned out better than expected.

Weighted Chins:
10 x bw
5 x bw+20kg @ RPE 8
5 x bw+20kg @ RPE 9
6 x bw+20kg @ RPE 9
1 x bw+40kg (88lb) @ RPE 9
0 x bw+50kg (110lb)

Last two sets to gauge current 1RM. Bw+40kg was fine. Bw+50kg stalled 2/3 of the way up. 1RM is probably bw+~100lb.
Weighed myself in training gear, weight belt, Oly shoes etc. + 88lb = 301lb
So my 1RM is around 310lb right now.

High Pulls:
5 x 80kg

I was going to do a few cleans but legs were fatigued more than I thought so just one quick set of HPs instead.

10 Burpees.
Sat 13/02/10

Decided not to do any lifting today.

For a bit of 'active rest' I did a leisurely mile run - 6 mins 28 secs

About a third of it is a steady incline, with most of it on the level and a small section which is more steeply downhill. I don't think that's too bad a time considering I really haven't done any running in a long while. (I do occasionally jog to the post box or video rental store but I don't count that as a run.)

I've been doing a bit of reading up on the POSE technique for running so I tried putting it into practice. Really good calf blast from running more on my toes and removing any heel strike. I'm hoping that if I can improve my technique enough I might be able to do a local 10k later this year in a reasonable time. Unlike Tim, I have made no promises to do so!

Shins a little sore after the run but they are improving now that I have stopped jumping rope. I may be able to start it up again this week but I'll be a bit more careful this time.

Maybe Fran tomorrow?


Wow! The Six Nations Rugby, Wales v Scotland match this afternoon was superb. One of the most exciting finishes I've ever seen.
Sun 14/02/10

Not looking forward to what was to come today. Still, it had to be done...

Decided to do two demi-Frans again but with a few more reps than last time. No butterfly kips attempted yet, just regular kipping pull-ups. I'll switch to butterfly kips when I have them flowing smoothly.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Previous Fran session:

Demi-Fran 1:
11-8-5 reps
Total Reps: 48
Time: 1:50
Average time per rep: 2.3 sec

Demi-Fran 2:
11-8-5 reps
Total Reps: 48
Time: 1:48
Average time per rep: 2.25 sec

Combined total reps: 96
Combined total time: 3:38
Overall average time per rep: 2.27s


Today's Session:

Demi-Fran 1:
12-9-6 reps
95lb O-bar Thrusters (full extension of arms [overhead] and hips into below-parallel front squat)
Pull-ups (chin over bar)
Total Reps: 54
Time: 2:02
Average time per rep: 2.25 sec

Lost my balance a bit on some of the thrusters so I had to slow down a little.

Short rest and then...

Demi-Fran 2:
11-8-5 reps
95lb O-bar Thrusters (ditto)
Pull-ups (ditto)
Total Reps: 48
Time: 1:45
Average time per rep: 2.19 sec

Same thing happened again during thrusters but I also lost my rhythm a couple of times during the pull-ups.

Combined total reps: 102
Combined total time: 3:47
Overall average time per rep: 2.23s

According to the numbers, I made some improvement over last time. That's pleasing, but what really made all the difference to me tonight was that I didn't get the usual tight asthmatic-lung effect afterwards. For me this is HUGE!

After the first demi-Fran I felt a little tight-chested but not too bad. I tried to walk it off and remain standing rather than lie down or sit down. Definitely felt better than last time. Then I did the next demi-Fran. Afterwards, I lay on the floor briefly and then forced myself to get up and walk it off again. For some reason, that I can't explain as yet, it was like somebody waved a wand and my lungs opened up and let me breathe normally! Totally weird but 'totally awesome!'

This has only happened to me one other time in my life - following a nasty asthma attack whilst out windsurfing on a very windy day. I had forgotten my inhaler and I ended up having to be rescued and taken back to shore, whereupon I passed out. On regaining consciousness, my asthma had totally gone! My explanation has always been that on passing out I must have completely relaxed and all my airways de-constricted.

For some reason, something similar happened tonight. I can only put it down to two things: not lying down on the floor afterwards, which is the only thing I did differently; and being a little more accustomed to the demands that this type of metcon places on your lungs and body's systems. However, it was so different to last time that I think there's more to it than being a bit fitter.

Whatever the reason, I am still enjoying clear breathing as I type this. I do feel tired but I feel so good that, if I had to, I think I could do it all again. No way would I have wanted to do that last time.

Happy, happy, joy, joy!
I just watched a youtube vid of the fran thing. I had to see this for myself.

Your improvement is fantastic, Lol. That truly is a massive accomplishment.

I'm going to have to try this at some point. Looks like a very, very trying metcon event.
Cheers Tim. I still have a ways to go but if I can breathe clearly that will really help. Lungs have been great today.

This vid is worth a watch. The guy pulls off an awesome Fran performance. He's doing butterfly kips which I am trying to nail. Until you have tried it, you really won't be able to appreciate how hard this is. If you give it a try, be sure to put it in your log.
Thanks for the vid, Lol. One question - why do you do two sessions of the Fran? Every vid I've seen thus far has the folks going all out on the rep structure once.
(Lol @ Feb. 15 2010,2:59)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I still have a ways to go but if I can breathe clearly that will really help.</div>
I've got an &quot;emergency&quot; puffer that I'm to use if I have an asthma attack, but I rarely need it. What has been working for me is a daily inhaler (some sort of steroid, I think).

Since I've been using the daily inhaler, I haven't needed the &quot;emergency&quot; puffer at all.
Mon 15/02/10

Warmups: Dislocates and freehand squats.

My intention tonight was to reduce volume and to put intensity up a bit for my work sets.

Paused Low-bar Squat:
10 x 60kg
5 x 90kg (198lb)
5 x 110kg (242lb)
3 x 140kg (308lb) @ RPE 8 - loose belt
3 x 160kg (352lb) @ RPE 9.5 - loose belt
5 x 142.5kg (314lb) @ RPE 8.5 - loose belt
5 x 142.5kg (314lb) @ RPE 9 - loose belt

Oly shoes. All pauses ~1 sec.
160kg was tougher than I hoped it would be. So instead of two more triples I dropped the load to 142.5kg for some 5s. Good pauses for all reps.

RPE @ 9.5 means that I'm pretty sure I could make another rep but I'm not 100% confident.

Paused Bench:
15 x 40kg speed reps
10 x 60kg
5 x 80kg
5 x 92.5kg (210lb) @ RPE 8
2 x 110kg (242lb) @ RPE 9.5
2 x 110kg (242lb) @ RPE 9.5

Hoped to get two triples with 110kg but I decided not to push for the third rep as the second reps were hard. I hate that my bench sucks so much but I am pleased that my left shoulder is still happy.

15 x 100kg (220lb)
Just because the lads were doing some deads.

Finished up with some muscle-up experiments because I watched this vid today:

(_tim @ Feb. 15 2010,10:16)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Thanks for the vid, Lol.  One question - why do you do two sessions of the Fran?  Every vid I've seen thus far has the folks going all out on the rep structure once.</div>
Tim: I'm treating it like interval training. As you are no doubt aware, if you were going to do a fast 800m race you would want to get used to doing multiple 200 and 400 intervals, at race pace and faster, rather than just slogging away at 800s.

I did a full Fran a few weeks ago (ie all reps 21-15-9) and found that I just had to take some breathers between reps in order to get through it. So, I wanted to find out what kind of continuous pace I could work at right now but for fewer reps. I initially chose to do two lots of 11-8-5 (shortened versions that I am calling demi-Frans) to see if I could get through all the reps at a steady pace without having to stop for breathers. The combined total reps were slightly higher than for a regular Fran so I knew I had done the equivalent work at a reasonable race pace, so to speak.

What I'm doing now is adding a rep to each set each week for the 1st Demi-Fran. So last Sunday I did 12-9-6 for the 1st Demi-Fran and 11-8-5 for the 2nd. I'm not going to increase the reps for the 2nd Demi-Fran as I can then use this as a reference to compare times and power output directly with my previous weeks' efforts.

I'm certain that it's going to get very hard to maintain the pace I have been able to keep to thus far. By just adding one rep to each round I'm adding 6 reps to the total. Doesn't sound too bad but it is noticeably tougher.

Once I stall with this approach, I might try dropping back to more evenly split intervals and then start reducing the time between Demi-Fran attempts. I may try three Demi-Frans if my lungs can cope. Sounds like fun!

Any other suggestions?
(TunnelRat @ Feb. 15 2010,11:15)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Lol @ Feb. 15 2010,2:59)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I still have a ways to go but if I can breathe clearly that will really help.</div>
I've got an &quot;emergency&quot; puffer that I'm to use if I have an asthma attack, but I rarely need it. What has been working for me is a daily inhaler (some sort of steroid, I think).

Since I've been using the daily inhaler, I haven't needed the &quot;emergency&quot; puffer at all.</div>
Thanks TR. I have used all manner of puffers etc. over the years. Some years ago my asthma improved enough that I was able to ditch the steroidal one. I still have a Ventolin that I keep for emergencies - I try never to use it at other times.

Tight-chestedness has only been a problem following the recent intense metcon sessions that I've been doing. Lungs just didn't like the stress. But then following last Sunday's session things were markedly different. I'm hoping the same thing will happen next time.
(Lol @ Feb. 15 2010,9:58)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Any other suggestions?</div>
OK - I'll take a stab here...  For all things metcon, my take is that the first part of the effort is the most important.  I think the way to train for the full Fran is that in between Demi-Frans, start with the 21's, then try to get the 15's, and then the 9's.  If you fail, you fail.  Invariably, I honestly think that you'll adapt to the 21's and then the 15's within a couple weeks - it's those 9's that are going to be the absolute destruction of you.  Heck - I'm kinda looking forward to giving it a try here in a little bit.

It's been my experience that endurance seems to grow based on the duration of intensity intervals - but I don't have asthma to deal with.  I have absolutely no doubt that your approach will work, regardless.  You're Lol after all, and not even cancer slows you down.
(_tim @ Feb. 16 2010,3:59)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Lol @ Feb. 15 2010,9:58)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Any other suggestions?</div>
OK - I'll take a stab here...  For all things metcon, my take is that the first part of the effort is the most important.  I think the way to train for the full Fran is that in between Demi-Frans, start with the 21's, then try to get the 15's, and then the 9's.  If you fail, you fail.  Invariably, I honestly think that you'll adapt to the 21's and then the 15's within a couple weeks - it's those 9's that are going to be the absolute destruction of you.  Heck - I'm kinda looking forward to giving it a try here in a little bit.

It's been my experience that endurance seems to grow based on the duration of intensity intervals - but I don't have asthma to deal with.  I have absolutely no doubt that your approach will work, regardless.  You're Lol after all, and not even cancer slows you down.</div>
Tim, thanks for your thoughts.

Me may be being a bit fik as not quite sure what you mean? Do you mean that, as an alternative to a demi-Fran session, I should try getting through the 21s and then the 15s; and then when I can do that, add on the 9s? And each time, keep a record of how far I get and then try to get a little further the next time?

That would probably work very well for someone else but the mental aspect of this for me is huge. I don't know whether it's a result of battling against asthma as a kid or just some odd personality trait, but I absolutely don't want to have to stop during my attempts if I can help it. Stopping is such a downer; it completely kills average power output comparisons too. So that's a big part of why I'm trying to nibble away at it.

When I first tried Fran I found that I was ok through the first 21 thrusters and nearly all the pull-ups before my lungs gave up on me. For my second Fran attempt, I made it through all of the 21s and then stalled out on the 15s. What I'm hoping is that by nibbling away at it each week I can drive enough metabolic/aerobic adaptation to allow me to maintain my pace for a few extra reps each time. If I have to drop my pace a bit that's not so bad but I really don't want to stop for any length of time - I guess a short stop to shake the arms out during pull-ups would be ok.

This is how I find things during a Fran:
The 21s are when you build up a load of fatigue, particularly the thrusters. Then, during the 15s, the thrusters really start to burn and eat away at your resolve. Once I get to the 9s, the legs have recovered just enough during the 15 pull-ups that getting through the 9 thrusters doesn't really make things any worse; and then to get the 9 pull-ups I just have to dig in and draw on any phosphagenic reserves I have (ie. grin and bear it!) because I know the end is just around the corner. That might seem counter intuitive until you try it.

Once you've had a go at it in all it's glory, I'll be very interested to hear if you have any other thoughts on how you would attempt to improve your time or whether you would stick with your first idea.
Hey Lol -

Sorry of I wasn't clear.  What I meant was that you try to get a full Fran in between Demi's, with the hope that as you gain experience with the stress of the event, you'll actually gain enough endurance to make it all the way through the rep progression.  I'd think that the way in which you measure improvement is how many total reps you get; so if you do the 21's and the 15's but only get 4 reps of the 9's, the goal for the next attempt would be to get 5 reps during the 9's.  Of course, then once you get through all of the reps, you start going for time.

I hear you about the mental aspect; this is insanely hard work to do, and adding mental stress to the whole thing makes it 10 times harder.  I have no doubt that even 21 reps would kill me at my present fitness level, but I'm gonna give it a go after I learn the thruster movement.  I've never done kipping pullups, so that'll be another challenge.  I'll definitely log the progress.
Congrats Lol!
Just a brain fart: isn't your breathing the problem in a sense that you might be sort of hyperventilating?
I know that i am gulping for air during a full Fran and can imagine how hard it would be with astma.

I don't know that much about it so it;s just a thought.
Good luck!
(Cold Zero @ Feb. 16 2010,5:28)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Congrats Lol!
Just a brain fart: isn't your breathing the problem in a sense that you might be sort of hyperventilating?
I know that i am gulping for air during a full Fran and can imagine how hard it would be with astma.

I don't know that much about it so it;s just a thought.
Good luck!</div>
Thanks for the thought, CZ. Sadly, it's a very different experience to hyper-ventilating. My last session was a much improved experience (absolutely no post-Fran asthma effect), so much so that I am happy to keep pushing for better and better times.
(_tim @ Feb. 16 2010,2:50)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Hey Lol -

Sorry of I wasn't clear.  What I meant was that you try to get a full Fran in between Demi's, with the hope that as you gain experience with the stress of the event, you'll actually gain enough endurance to make it all the way through the rep progression.  I'd think that the way in which you measure improvement is how many total reps you get; so if you do the 21's and the 15's but only get 4 reps of the 9's, the goal for the next attempt would be to get 5 reps during the 9's.  Of course, then once you get through all of the reps, you start going for time.

I hear you about the mental aspect; this is insanely hard work to do, and adding mental stress to the whole thing makes it 10 times harder.  I have no doubt that even 21 reps would kill me at my present fitness level, but I'm gonna give it a go after I learn the thruster movement.  I've never done kipping pullups, so that'll be another challenge.  I'll definitely log the progress.</div>
Ah. Thing is Tim, the thought of attempting to sandwich a full Fran between two demi-Frans is about as appetising (to me) as a bowl of live worms with a sprinkling of maggots and a dash of slug juice.
Hey Fran is starting to look good! How was your muscle up? The youtube videos of those are amazing. They make them look so easy. I got one today from a seated hang on my rings with my heels on the floor for a little extra help. I need to hang the rings in the garage and try it from a dead hang. Keep up the excellent work.
Cheers Bax. I suck at MUs. I still haven't got my rings back to try MUs with them and as far as using a bar is concerned, I'm finding it really hard to get the movement right. My rack isn't fixed to the ground so when I try and kip for all I'm worth it tends to wobble and lift which is a bit unnerving. I also need more head height above my rack's bar to feel comfortable about launching myself up high enough. Don't fancy smacking my head into the ceiling! As part of my improvements this year I'm going to make a good high-bar outside which is really solid. That should help.