Sat 30/01/10
Fran Day:
Been dreading this as much as a 15-rep deadlift PR attempt!
Last Saturday's Fran (as Rx'd):
95lb Thrusters + Pull-ups
Total reps: 90
Time: 5:15 (includes time taken walking between stations)
Average time per rep: 3.5 sec
Today I decided to try out my idea of doing two demi-Frans (11-8-5 reps for 95lb thrusters and pull-ups) with a short rest between attempts, the idea being to increase my power output for the duration of each. I wanted to try to keep going all the way through each attempt without stopping to catch my breath. Had to put the Oly bar for thrusters in the same room as the chinning bar to cut out the walking.
Demi-Fran 1:
11-8-5 reps
95lb O-bar Thrusters (full extension of arms [overhead] and hips into below-parallel squat)
Pull-ups (chin over bar)
Total Reps: 48
1st Attempt Time: 1:50
Average time per rep: 2.3 sec
Short rest and then...
Demi-Fran 2:
11-8-5 reps
95lb O-bar Thrusters (ditto)
Pull-ups (ditto)
Total Reps: 48
2nd Attempt Time: 1:48
Average time per rep: 2.25 sec
I was amazed that I beat my first time with my second attempt; I seemed to be going more slowly as fatigue was still quite high from the first session. I think I saved a few seconds on the changeover from thrusters to pull-ups and vice versa. Every little helps!
I've made a few quick calcs and it seems to me that my power output went up by a little over 50% when comparing last weeks time with this weeks (based on av. time per rep being inversely proportional to power output). If (and it's a big
if) I could keep that pace going for a complete Fran, I would complete it in about 3:30. So I think that has to be my long-term goal for this WOD. I foresee a lot of pain in my future.
What was really great was that my lungs coped with this much better than last weeks session so this is probably the way for me to go. Next week I'll have to try 2 x 12-9-6
Jump Rope Session
I made another jump rope utilising some washing line chord (plastic coated with a nylon fibre core). Much less air resistance and with good mass made for a good result.
Session mainly focussing on double-unders. Umpteen attempts until I was completely worn out. Managed four consecutive d-u's several times but I know I'm on the verge of more. It's just a matter of time and timing!
My lad got 8 consecutive d-u's with the new rope - also several times. Grrrr.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">As you saw, I'm doing higher rep schemes, I'm doing a bit of cardio on the side, and feeling much better for it: proven lately as I cut up a 4 ton tree felled on my property, and other heavy work.</div>
Good stuff Quad. It's always a good feeling when you can put your hard earned 'muscle and fitness' to good use - which is more than I can say for that big pile of 80s M&F mags that are still cluttering up my wardrobe; just can't bring myself to chuck 'em out. Too many nice ladies in 'em from back in the day when the Miss Olympia title was won by women that actually looked like women. Even Bev Francis was small and petite by today's OTT standards.