Lol's New HST Log

Good effort Lol!
I had the same humbling experience.
Also made it exactly 3 rounds and then continued on the 10,8,6,4,2 scaling. So did 6, 4 and 2 rep rounds and called it quits. Was utterly destroyed after that.
I also did power cleans, should have told you that.
This morning my lower back is pretty much toast after yesterday's Linda attempt. This is primarily because of my current lack of spinal erector conditioning but this workout will be particularly hard on the lower back, esp. if squat cleans are performed. I may try it again next Monday and do power cleans instead of squat cleans and see if I can get through all the rounds. I think if I can get to round 6 (5 reps) I'll be home and dry.

One adjustment I would make to this WOD would be to base loads on intensity rather than bw. If you examine charts of lifting standards for varying body weight, it becomes apparent that seasoned lighter lifters are able to achieve substantially higher loads as a proportion of their bw than their heavier counterparts. This means that lifters basing workouts on % bw rather than % 1RM are going to find things tougher the heavier they are.

My loads for deads and cleans worked out to be ~70% 1RM.

For dips I used ~ 80% 1RM, taking my current 1RM dip as ~bw+110lb (205+110=315). 80% of that gives 252. Subtracting bw gives 47lb, which is a few pounds over 20kg.

For bench, my 1RM would currently be around 120kg (264lb), 70% of which would be 84kg (185lb). That's 20lb lighter than my bw. For me benching bw is around 77% 1RM, which is why I went with ~80% 1RM for my dip sub.

At some point in the future I will get a few of the lads I train to do this WOD as a bit of a challenge, but I will scale it based on intensity rather than bw. 70% of current 1RM loads for the three lifts seems most sensible way to go with this as they definitely couldn't manage the bw multipliers.
Tue 26/01/10

Jump Rope Session
Hundreds of singles
Managed 6 double-unders in sequence: 1 double-under, 1 single, 1 double-under, etc.
Managed 3 consecutive d-u's

Cheers Bax. I'm thinking about doing two half-Fran's this Saturday with a bit of a breather between each. Something like 11-8-5 x 2. That'll increase total reps by 6 but more importantly I should be able to keep my power output higher for each half-Fran.
Got my copy of Mike Tuchscherer's Reactive Training Manual (for custom powerlifting programming) in the post today. Mike takes a very measured approach to his programming so I thought I'd see what he has to say on the subject. It's an A5 format running to 83 pages with a CD containing spreadsheets for planning your own custom workouts. Won't get a chance to read it this week but gave it a quick skim through. Looks good.
You think Mike will be able to help you with your swingies and your jumprope?
Wed 27/01/10

Jump rope session (as programmed by Mike T!  
Matched my 6 double-unders but didn't beat that score yet. I tried a lot of times; I did manage 5 several times so I view this as an incremental improvement.

Dislocates and jump rope for warmups

Flat Bench:
10 x 40kg Paused + explosive concentric
10 x 60kg Paused + explosive concentric
5 x 80kg Paused
5 x 90kg Paused
5 x 100kg (220lb) Brief pause @ RPE 10
5 x 100kg (220lb) no pause @ RPE 10
5 x 100kg (220lb) no pause @ RPE 9

Left shoulder isn't back to normal yet but very pleased that I got no painful twinges. That's my heaviest sets across in a while now. 3-4 mins rest between last three work sets.

Kroc Rows:
10 x 36kg
10 x 46kg
10 x 56kg @ RPE 7
10 x 56kg @ RPE 8
10 x 56kg @ RPE 8.5

Worked through these pretty quickly; one arm to the next and back again. Short breather before the last set.

Wanted to squat but my lower-back was still feeling pretty sore and fatigued. To increase blood flow and to aid recovery, I used a high bench to do non-weighted reverse-hypers.

2 x 30 x leg weight!

I like the movement. It would be a good idea to find a way to add weight to get my lower back working with a bit more load through a full ROM. Maybe I can lift with a db between my feet or rig up a pulley system? I suppose a belt fastened around both ankles with a weight attached to that would do it. Going to try that tomorrow.
Thu 28/01/10

Dislocates etc. for warmups.

Paused Squats:
10 x 60kg + explosive concentric
5 x 90kg
5 x 110kg (242lb)
5 x 120kg (264lb)

5 x 130kg (286lb) @ RPE 8
5 x 130kg (286lb) @ RPE 8
8 x 130kg (286lb) @ RPE 9 PR

Heaviest I've taken squats since me op. Everything felt a bit heavier than I wanted it to during warmups but the work sets were okay. Decided to push for a few more reps to finish up and got 8 with good form. Decided to stop there rather than push for 10 this time. Legs nicely tired.

That's a PR for paused squats. If I can pause for 5 with 140kg sometime soon I'll be pretty happy.

Did some more jump rope for D-U practice. Darn, those suckers are tricky to get right. It's all in the timing. Made 6 again but kept snagging the rope after that. Practice, practice, and more practice...
As you saw, I'm doing higher rep schemes, I'm doing a bit of cardio on the side, and feeling much better for it: proven lately as I cut up a 4 ton tree felled on my property, and other heavy work.
I won't hit your levels but am going to start taking better care of my GCC.
New thing I'm doing is bodyweight and up explosives before compound movements. Theory is, that it fires the slow twitch fibers and mentally gets your bang on for the big lifts. Just 2 sessions down so far, so I don't know. It makes sense, though.
Sat 30/01/10

Fran Day:

Been dreading this as much as a 15-rep deadlift PR attempt!

Last Saturday's Fran (as Rx'd):
95lb Thrusters + Pull-ups
Total reps: 90
Time: 5:15 (includes time taken walking between stations)
Average time per rep: 3.5 sec

Today I decided to try out my idea of doing two demi-Frans (11-8-5 reps for 95lb thrusters and pull-ups) with a short rest between attempts, the idea being to increase my power output for the duration of each. I wanted to try to keep going all the way through each attempt without stopping to catch my breath. Had to put the Oly bar for thrusters in the same room as the chinning bar to cut out the walking.

Demi-Fran 1:
11-8-5 reps
95lb O-bar Thrusters (full extension of arms [overhead] and hips into below-parallel squat)
Pull-ups (chin over bar)
Total Reps: 48
1st Attempt Time: 1:50
Average time per rep: 2.3 sec

Short rest and then...

Demi-Fran 2:
11-8-5 reps
95lb O-bar Thrusters (ditto)
Pull-ups (ditto)
Total Reps: 48
2nd Attempt Time: 1:48
Average time per rep: 2.25 sec

I was amazed that I beat my first time with my second attempt; I seemed to be going more slowly as fatigue was still quite high from the first session. I think I saved a few seconds on the changeover from thrusters to pull-ups and vice versa. Every little helps!

I've made a few quick calcs and it seems to me that my power output went up by a little over 50% when comparing last weeks time with this weeks (based on av. time per rep being inversely proportional to power output). If (and it's a big if) I could keep that pace going for a complete Fran, I would complete it in about 3:30. So I think that has to be my long-term goal for this WOD. I foresee a lot of pain in my future.  

What was really great was that my lungs coped with this much better than last weeks session so this is probably the way for me to go. Next week I'll have to try 2 x 12-9-6

Jump Rope Session
I made another jump rope utilising some washing line chord (plastic coated with a nylon fibre core). Much less air resistance and with good mass made for a good result.

Session mainly focussing on double-unders. Umpteen attempts until I was completely worn out. Managed four consecutive d-u's several times but I know I'm on the verge of more. It's just a matter of time and timing!

My lad got 8 consecutive d-u's with the new rope - also several times. Grrrr.


<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">As you saw, I'm doing higher rep schemes, I'm doing a bit of cardio on the side, and feeling much better for it: proven lately as I cut up a 4 ton tree felled on my property, and other heavy work.</div>

Good stuff Quad. It's always a good feeling when you can put your hard earned 'muscle and fitness' to good use - which is more than I can say for that big pile of 80s M&amp;F mags that are still cluttering up my wardrobe; just can't bring myself to chuck 'em out. Too many nice ladies in 'em from back in the day when the Miss Olympia title was won by women that actually looked like women. Even Bev Francis was small and petite by today's OTT standards.  
Sun 31/01/10

Day off from lifting. Lungs fared miles better following the two demi-Frans that I did on Saturday. Compared with the previous two Saturday sessions, it was almost as if I hadn't done them, except my quads were nicely sore.

For a bit of active rest I did another jump rope session.

After a lot of trying, I managed 9 double-unders in a row — my current PR. Haven't been able to repeat it again. Ten consecutive d-u's is still the elusive first milestone.

All the jumping about is getting me massive calf pumps and a good deal of soreness — even in parts of my calves that don't normally get sore when I train them. Maybe they'll respond with a bit of growth.
Mon 01/02/10

Up all last night and slept for a few hours this afternoon prior to working out this evening.

Jump rope for warmups. Co-ordination was weirdly all to pot so no double-unders just singles. Hmmm. Lack of sleep perhaps?

Paused Bench:
15 x 40kg speed reps
10 x 55kg
5 x 75kg
5 x 95kg (209lb) @ RPE 8
5 x 95kg (209lb) @ RPE 8
5 x 95kg (209lb) @ RPE 8.5
5 x 95kg (209lb) @ RPE 8.5
5 x 95kg (209lb) @ RPE 9

Quite pleased with that. Left shoulder behaved well. AC joint is not sore to the touch like it has been but my shoulders are feeling generally beaten up from the kipping pull-ups and all the dislocates I've been doing.

I really am going to have to sort another bench out. I just couldn't feel really stable for my work sets even though I'm completely focussed and everything is tight. It feels like I'm lying on a padded bar, ie. it feels higher in the centre than at the edges. I may try some floor presses in my rack and see how I get on with those. A towel on the floor should do it for padding. Maybe it's just my weird scapulae?

Hang Power Cleans:
10 x 60kg

Power Cleans:
5 x 80kg (176lb)
0 x 100kg
0 x 100kg
1 x 100kg (220lb) + jerk

Glad I got that last lift. That matches my PR. In the end I caught the bar pretty high, certainly higher than I have before. I just psyched myself out of the previous two attempts. I'm certain that I'll PR this lift soon but I decided not to try tonight.

10 x 110kg
10 x 130kg
5 x 170kg (374lb) @ RPE 8 - hook grip
12 x 150kg (330lb) @ RPE 8.5 - reverse grip

Could I have managed 15 reps for that last set? Maybe, but I still don't feel comfortable pushing myself really hard just yet. I was happy to take the 12 reps that I got and end it there. No feeling of strain in the inguinal zone. Excellent. I think it's much better that I build back up slowly throughout this year.

Supported Handstand:
1 x 65 seconds

These aren't getting any easier! Maybe the deads took more out of me than I thought. Anyway, by the time 65 seconds were up my traps were toasted.

Tried a few chins but shoulders had had enough, so time to eat.

All in all, a good workout. Nicely tired. Should get a better sleep tonight.
Tue 01/02/10

My new wrist straps and Toro PL belt arrived in the post today. Seeing that my shoulder held up ok yesterday, I decided to try out my wrist straps with a bit of benching. I also wanted to get a better idea of where my current bench 1RM was.

15 x 50kg speed reps
5 x 90kg
1 x 110kg - Brief pause
1 x 115kg (253lb) - Brief pause
0 x 117.5kg (258.5lb) - Brief pause, stalled half way.

Probably should have waited a little longer before the failed single. I thought I had it but then I stalled out.

I'll reckon on 255 as my current 1RM and base any calcs on that - I benched yesterday and didn't feel as strong today but that'll be a good estimate. So I need to add 45lb to my bench for the big 300 as of now. That should be doable this year if I get my programming right and don't get shoulder trouble again. I'm hoping daily dislocates and a daily dose of EFAs will help with that.

Jump Rope:
10 mins total time.

After bench I did some more jump rope experiments for a bit of conditioning.

Singles at 120RPM make for a great workout. I'd like to be able to do three 2-3 minute rounds at that tempo without tripping on the rope.

I'm now learning to hop and run at a fairly quick rpm as that will help with learning double-unders. It would seem I've been trying to d-u before I can run!

Calves toasted.
Wed 03/02/10

Warmups: Dislocates, lunges, OHSs with trusty broom handle.

Thought I'd try out my new belt tonight. What better way than to find out how my squat has fired after months without lifting heavy.

Paused Squats:
10 x 60kg
5 x 90kg
5 x 110kg (242lb)
1 x 140kg (308lb)
1 x 150kg (330lb)
1 x 160kg (352lb)
1 x 170kg (375lb) @ RPE 10 PR Loose belt
1 x 175kg (386lb) @ RPE 10 PR Loose belt
5 x 140kg (308lb) @ RPE 9 PR Loose belt

Really pleased with that. I might have made 180kg; it would have been touch and go. And this is paused (albeit briefly)! It just feels right to pause with a heavy weight. The 175kg lift was a little GMy but nothing too bad. Little sore down below afterwards. Felt the same after deads on Monday and that only took a day to sort itself out.

That last set of 5 @ 140kg was a PR for paused squats too. My daily bacon and eggs seem to be working.

New belt was great. So much better than my previous piece of junk.

Reverse Hypers:
30 x legs only
10 x legs+6kg at feet
20 x legs+6kg at feet

I'm doing these lying across a high bench such that my legs can drop right down and slightly under me before being raised (slightly unlocked) as high as poss. so I'm in a Superman position. 6kg was my Oly db handle attached to my feet with a belt.

15 x bw

More jump rope practice. Managed to get 133 rpm even with 3 snags. So 140-150 rpm must be doable once I'm a bit better at it. Getting better at running in place too.

I've probably been overdoing it a bit as my shins are getting sore (along the Tibialis Anterior). It's something akin to shin splints, so I'll ease off for a few days rather than aggravate it further.
(BAX67 @ Feb. 04 2010,3:34)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Beautiful Squats Lol!!  Nice 220 clean and jerk also.  You must be doing something right!  Keep it going
Thanks Bax. So I'm only around 15lb off a 400lb squat and it's only just February. It'll be interesting to see how long it takes me to get there.

My pitiful bench has much further to go. An extra 45lb. will probably take me all year (at least), assuming my shoulder holds up.

I still need to find out where my deadlift and press are. I'll probably check deads on Monday which will give my CNS a few days to recover. My guess is that both deads and press will be below my PRs by quite a bit. I'm still a little nervous about testing deads so I probably won't push it as far as RPE 10.
Wow, you're doing an amazing recovery there! You always seem to bounce back really well, but those squat numbers are off the chain! Looks like you'll take the lead again. Except for bench.
Just for clarity; over here we call straps the things you wrap around the bar for pulling. What you bought were wraps.
Fri 06/02/10

Thanks Quad. Yup, I meant wraps. Wore them for my heavier presses tonight. Wish I'd bought some sooner.

Warmups: dislocates and OHSs with empty bar.

20 x bar
15 x 30kg
10 x 40kg
5 x 50kg
5 x 60kg (132lb) @ RPE 8
2 x 70kg (154lb) @ RPE 10
1 x 75kg (165lb) @ RPE 10
0 x 77.5 (171lb) - stalled out with bar just above head. Might have got it with a bit more rest.

So, as I expected, my over-head pressing is not great right now. I'm 35lb shy of 200lb so I'll need to increase my strength by 20% if I am to get a 200lb press this year.

Push Press:
3 x 77.5kg (171lb) - shoulders suddenly packed up on rep 4
5 x 75kg (165lb) @ RPE9

5 x 70kg
5 x 70kg
10 x 70kg
Just for a bit of practice. Interesting how much harder these felt with tired traps.

20 x 50kg speed reps
10 x 90kg (198lb) @ RPE 9
10 x 90kg (198lb) @ RPE 9

All these reps were touch and go (but no bouncing). They do seem a lot easier than paused. Really pleased to get two sets of 10 with 90kg. Only 10kg short of my previous 10RM.

Butterfly Kipping Pull-ups:
5, 5, 5, 10, 10 x bw

These are a version of kipping pull-ups where the movement is more cyclical. Decided to try learning to do them because I think they will help my Fran time. It's a quicker movement so power output is higher than for regular kipping pull-ups. It's also even harder on the shoulder joints and slightly more technical so I would always recommend learning regular kips first and then, when your shoulders have toughened up a fair bit, move onto the cyclical version. Tougher on the hands too.

I eventually managed several consecutive reps which I have recorded above.

Shoulders feel hammered. I hope they can cope with a Fran attempt tomorrow.
Nice squats indeed Lol!

Reading up on your log was one of the reasons i started a 5/3/1 cycle to see if i can use that to improve my crossfit.
My press and bench also need a lot of work....

Good luck on Fran!
Thanks CZ.

I'd be interested to know how you are finding 5/3/1 and what sort of ancillary work you are doing? Are you working it in with your CF workouts? If so, how are you doing it?