Lol's New HST Log

Sat 20/11/10

Push-ups & chins for warmups

10 x 60kg (132lb)
10 x 80kg (176lb)
5 x 90kg (198lb)
3 x 100kg (220lb) @ RPE 8.5
3 x 100kg (220lb)
3 x 100kg (220lb)
3 x 100kg (220lb)
3 x 100kg (220lb) - last rep was a little grindy. Def RPE 9

Right shoulder felt a little twingy with 90kg so decided to do 5 x 3 x 100kg rather than try for sets of 5. Haven't benched with 100kg in ages so it was just good to get back under that kind of load. It felt heavy. Brief pauses for all reps. Shoulder feels ok now so I don't think it was anything to worry about. Just old age I guess. I will try for sets of 4 next time.

Chest-to-bar Chins:
10 x bw

Kroc Rows:
10 x 100lb
10 x 111lb
10 x 122lb
Chalk for grip; no straps.

Unilateral Shrugs:
10 x 122lb
Used the same db I'd just been using for Krocs.

Anybody got a fave iPhone app that they use to log workouts?

I've just started using Gym Buddy; it's not ideal but it'll do for now. I may have to write an app that is better suited to my needs. I'd like to be able to record RPE for all sets as well as reps and load. Analysis of total work done would be handy too as would conversion from kgs to lbs, auto calculation of load increments specified as load or as %age increase etc, etc.


Decided to add a bit of sprint rowing to tonight's session.

3 x 100m sprint intervals
Times: 16.5, 16.8, 16.8

Came off the seat right near the end of the last two sprints. That added a good bit of time so I think my sprint technique is improving.
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Sun 21/11/10

Did a 5k last Monday so I probably should have given myself an extra day's rest after yesterday's w/o.

Never mind. 3,2,1 Go...

5000m C2 Row:
Time: 18:46.6 *PB*
Av. Split: 1:52.7
Av. SPM: 29
Av. Power: 244.7W
Drag Factor 147
(Damper set on ~5)

Splits were fairly consistent:

Wanted to stop after 1k! Last 1k was a lot less than fun but at least the monitor readout countdown to zero is a good incentive to stick with it.

That was pretty hard for me but I was definitely carrying fatigue from yesterday when I went into this so I'm pleased I did so much better than last Monday. Beat my previous time by 28.6 seconds!.I didn't sprint the last 200 either so, sadly, there's still room for improvement! :S

Last Monday's stats:

Time: 19:15.2
Av. Split: 1:55.5
Av. SPM: 31
Av. Power: 227W
Damper set on 5

Oh, that 5k time put me at 223 of 1173 for my age group (40-49)
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Whoa! That's solid, Lol! I worked out with a buddy in his gym on a guest pass this past Saturday and was psyched about using their C2. I hit 1K at just over 4 minutes and was smoked! Granted, I've not been doing any hard endurance stuff for a while since I'm trying to gain weight, but still... I've really got to find a good used C2, they rock!
Tues 23/11/10

Only managed a quick bit of benching tonight and a few other bits and bobs. Thought I might as well log it.

50 x push-ups for warmups

10 x 60kg
10 x 80kg
5 x 90kg
7 x 90kg @ RPE 9.5

20 x parallel-grip chins - not to failure
Skinning-the-cat for reps - good for shoulder stretch and mobility.
Ab work - toes-to-bar

CoC gripper session:
Lots of reps with the No 1 gripper - I can manage at least 20 consecutive 'click' reps with my right hand now. Left hand only about 15 though.


Hey whistledixie, good row. If you get chance to use the beast regularly, aim to get a 2k in 8 mins and then start to improve your split times each session. I love/hate my C2. It's such a versatile piece of kit: from sprints to mega endurance. The feeling you get from pushing yourself into new territory on a 2k row is as near to death as you could ever wish for! :D I actually prefer the shorter distances as endurance has never been my thing. I prefer rowing a real boat if I'm going to be in the seat for over an hour.
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CoC gripper session:
Lots of reps with the No 1 gripper - I can manage at least 20 consecutive 'click' reps with my right hand now. Left hand only about 15 though.

I'm thinking about getting my grippers out again, as well. Deadlifting today, with a double overhand grip for what I still consider to be rather light weight, I felt my grip begin to slip. I've been away from the iron for too long; it will take a while to get back.
Thu 11/25/2010

C2 Sprint Session:

200m 00:33.6 Split: 1:24.0 Damper on 5
200m 00:32.2 Split: 1:20.5 Damper on 10
200m 00:32.1 Split: 1:20.2 Damper on 10

Finally got 32.1 seconds! Amazingly tiring but great fun too. Managed to stay on the seat which is at least part of the challenge. My power output was over 700W for many of the strokes; it gets easy to lift yourself off the seat if you don't direct the force horizontally enough.

Sub-32 is my new target for a 200m row.

Just a brief update to my log. Had another op this week to remove two tumours—one on my left butt and one left inguinal lymph node. The inguinal node removal will take longer to heal and I am under strict orders not to train for two weeks. I will do as I'm told.

I am keeping to a fairly strict dietary regime in an attempt to help manage my situation. That, along with regular exercise, gives me a measure of control over disease progression. So far so good. No new tumours since I started my new eating habits. Any extra time I have allows for more research and development of new drugs and for new treatments to be trialed. Several new gene therapies are showing a great deal of promise for specific gene mutations.

Interestingly, a lot of the reading I did on the subject of hypertrophy, particularly at a cellular level, has helped me to better understand some of the research in the field of melanoma. I owe Dan and Bryan a debt of gratitude for that.

Keep training hard everyone and I'll be back to logging in a couple of weeks.
Sun 12/12/10

Another quick update:

Got an infection; felt utterly lousy. Had to get doc to come out to see me as felt like fainting if I stood up. Running high temp and had to be readmitted to my local hospital. Spent two days on IV antibiotics. Temp back to normal but site of inguinal incision red and swollen. Wound aspirated (large needle!) to find out if it was a hematoma or a seroma. Thankfully, no pus. 25ml of reddish-brown fluid drained so I have a seroma. Didn't make any noticeable difference to size of my red swollen lump.

Discharged with a further 7-day course of anti-bio's. Feeling weak, swollen and sore.

So, my SD continues…

I broke ranks a little today and did 50 pull-ups—very carefully! 3 sets of 15 plus 5. I am so bad at doing nothing. My rower is sitting across the room begging to be used and my rack and weights are doing likewise. I am dreaming about clean & jerks!

Can't walk very much at the moment either. And so it goes... but you can bet I'll be back ASAP.
Sun 12/12/10

Another quick update:

Got an infection; felt utterly lousy. Had to get doc to come out to see me as felt like fainting if I stood up. Running high temp and had to be readmitted to my local hospital. Spent two days on IV antibiotics. Temp back to normal but site of inguinal incision red and swollen. Wound aspirated (large needle!) to find out if it was a hematoma or a seroma. Thankfully, no pus. 25ml of reddish-brown fluid drained so I have a seroma. Didn't make any noticeable difference to size of my red swollen lump.

Discharged with a further 7-day course of anti-bio's. Feeling weak, swollen and sore.

So, my SD continues…

I broke ranks a little today and did 50 pull-ups—very carefully! 3 sets of 15 plus 5. I am so bad at doing nothing. My rower is sitting across the room begging to be used and my rack and weights are doing likewise. I am dreaming about clean & jerks!

Can't walk very much at the moment either. And so it goes... but you can bet I'll be back ASAP.

Here's hoping Santa brings you a clean bill of health! Best wishes, fair winds, calm seas, and a quick recovery!
Mon 21/12/10

Thanks to all you good people for your well wishes. :)

So I've finished the course of antibiotics. Infection following my inguinal/groin lymph node op seems to be sorted; the area is now much less swollen and less sore. The op on my back is just a bit sore still but it's not an issue at all.

Did a gentle 1k row in a time of 4:24. No ill effects today. Also did several sets of bw pull-ups. Don't want to risk squatting yet but may try some deads later this week and see how I get on with those.

Looking forward to getting back into some more serious training again in the new year. Until then, here's hoping you all have some very enjoyable times over the hols.
''gentle 1k row'', some pull-ups, and maybe some deadlifts -- sounds good to me!

I wish you a happy and meaningful Christmas.
All the best, Lol. Hope the new year brings nothing but a clean bill of health and a yet-to-be-determined lifting competition that you are sure to dominate, causing a fresh round of collective jealousy.

I truly hope you're feeling better, and that the holidays are nothing short of perfect this year.
Making a bit of progress everyday.

2 x 20 x 40kg WU
15 x 50kg
15 x 60kg
17+3 x 60kg

All light but still got some warning twinges in me groin area doing these so I think that shows I'm not ready for deads just yet.

Parrallel Grip P-Us:
15 x bw - all careful reps with no body English.

10 x bw - slow and deliberate.

B-O Rows:
Light stuff

Light stuff

1k Row on C2 - nothing fast but more than gentle! :)

I've got so unfit over the last month that I actually felt a bit queasy at this point so decided to call it a day there.

Tim, if I make it to the end of the year I'll be pleased enough; if I dominate anything at all this year I will be overjoyed—or it'll mean you lot aren't trying hard enough! :p :)
Making a bit of progress everyday.

Reading through your log from the past year has been very inspiring. You are one tough, mother Lol! I don't know many folks facing an illness like yours who would keep training with such intensity (the CF WODs) - if continue training hard at all. They don't make 'em tough as nails from head-to-toe like you enough - if they did the world would be a better place, I'm certain! Godspeed and happy holidays to you!