Sat 20/11/10
Push-ups & chins for warmups
10 x 60kg (132lb)
10 x 80kg (176lb)
5 x 90kg (198lb)
3 x 100kg (220lb) @ RPE 8.5
3 x 100kg (220lb)
3 x 100kg (220lb)
3 x 100kg (220lb)
3 x 100kg (220lb) - last rep was a little grindy. Def RPE 9
Right shoulder felt a little twingy with 90kg so decided to do 5 x 3 x 100kg rather than try for sets of 5. Haven't benched with 100kg in ages so it was just good to get back under that kind of load. It felt heavy. Brief pauses for all reps. Shoulder feels ok now so I don't think it was anything to worry about. Just old age I guess. I will try for sets of 4 next time.
Chest-to-bar Chins:
10 x bw
Kroc Rows:
10 x 100lb
10 x 111lb
10 x 122lb
Chalk for grip; no straps.
Unilateral Shrugs:
10 x 122lb
Used the same db I'd just been using for Krocs.
Anybody got a fave iPhone app that they use to log workouts?
I've just started using Gym Buddy; it's not ideal but it'll do for now. I may have to write an app that is better suited to my needs. I'd like to be able to record RPE for all sets as well as reps and load. Analysis of total work done would be handy too as would conversion from kgs to lbs, auto calculation of load increments specified as load or as %age increase etc, etc.
Decided to add a bit of sprint rowing to tonight's session.
3 x 100m sprint intervals
Times: 16.5, 16.8, 16.8
Came off the seat right near the end of the last two sprints. That added a good bit of time so I think my sprint technique is improving.
Push-ups & chins for warmups
10 x 60kg (132lb)
10 x 80kg (176lb)
5 x 90kg (198lb)
3 x 100kg (220lb) @ RPE 8.5
3 x 100kg (220lb)
3 x 100kg (220lb)
3 x 100kg (220lb)
3 x 100kg (220lb) - last rep was a little grindy. Def RPE 9
Right shoulder felt a little twingy with 90kg so decided to do 5 x 3 x 100kg rather than try for sets of 5. Haven't benched with 100kg in ages so it was just good to get back under that kind of load. It felt heavy. Brief pauses for all reps. Shoulder feels ok now so I don't think it was anything to worry about. Just old age I guess. I will try for sets of 4 next time.
Chest-to-bar Chins:
10 x bw
Kroc Rows:
10 x 100lb
10 x 111lb
10 x 122lb
Chalk for grip; no straps.
Unilateral Shrugs:
10 x 122lb
Used the same db I'd just been using for Krocs.
Anybody got a fave iPhone app that they use to log workouts?
I've just started using Gym Buddy; it's not ideal but it'll do for now. I may have to write an app that is better suited to my needs. I'd like to be able to record RPE for all sets as well as reps and load. Analysis of total work done would be handy too as would conversion from kgs to lbs, auto calculation of load increments specified as load or as %age increase etc, etc.
Decided to add a bit of sprint rowing to tonight's session.
3 x 100m sprint intervals
Times: 16.5, 16.8, 16.8
Came off the seat right near the end of the last two sprints. That added a good bit of time so I think my sprint technique is improving.
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