Thu 23/12/10
Cheers Whistledixie. It's a great community here—always lots of encouragement from so many folks, all dealing with their own unique situations and problems in life. I always feel that our determination to get off our butts to train is our commonality. Seeing what everyone else is up to really helps keep me motivated.
C2 Rower:
3 x 200m sprints
Approx 90 seconds rest between sprints.
Each 200m took around 33/34 seconds which isn't anything to write home about but I wasn't hanging about either. Lungs and legs burning after that but no ill effects.
Something I forgot to mention about yesterdays w/o was that I had to strap my right wrist really tightly for bench. Why? Well, not being able to be as active as I would like of recent days, and wanting a break from reading, I picked up my guitar and thought I'd try to improve my picking technique. Of course, I never know when to stop (it's in the genes) so I went and gave myself RSI over the course of a week. I never realised until now that my long-term right wrist soreness has probably always been due to this! I had thought it was a reaction to benching or some other exercise—it was always a bother doing push-ups and hand-stand push-ups where your wrists are forced to extend. Well, it's worse now than it's been in ages. It's funny that it doesn't really hurt if I play guitar but it does hurt if I do pretty much anything else! Go figure!
Cheers Whistledixie. It's a great community here—always lots of encouragement from so many folks, all dealing with their own unique situations and problems in life. I always feel that our determination to get off our butts to train is our commonality. Seeing what everyone else is up to really helps keep me motivated.
C2 Rower:
3 x 200m sprints
Approx 90 seconds rest between sprints.
Each 200m took around 33/34 seconds which isn't anything to write home about but I wasn't hanging about either. Lungs and legs burning after that but no ill effects.
Something I forgot to mention about yesterdays w/o was that I had to strap my right wrist really tightly for bench. Why? Well, not being able to be as active as I would like of recent days, and wanting a break from reading, I picked up my guitar and thought I'd try to improve my picking technique. Of course, I never know when to stop (it's in the genes) so I went and gave myself RSI over the course of a week. I never realised until now that my long-term right wrist soreness has probably always been due to this! I had thought it was a reaction to benching or some other exercise—it was always a bother doing push-ups and hand-stand push-ups where your wrists are forced to extend. Well, it's worse now than it's been in ages. It's funny that it doesn't really hurt if I play guitar but it does hurt if I do pretty much anything else! Go figure!