New Member
To get a feel for different damper settings, try this:
Set the display to Watts so you can see your power output. Aim for a stroke rate of around 28-30 and a target power output of 200 watts for each setting.
Start with the damper on 4 and row for about two minutes at a comfortable rate (spm), checking your power output on the readout—keep it at around 200 watts.
Quick breather then Damper on 1 for 2 mins.
Quick breather then Damper on 10 for 2 mins (You'll probably find that you have to drop your stroke rate when the damper is set to 10).
Quick breather then Damper back down to 5 for 2 mins.
This should give you some idea of how you feel using a range of settings. You can fine tune by doing the same experiment with settings around what you feel is most comfortable for you.
Thanks, Lol! Very comprehensive! I'll try your suggestion - I'm going to mess around with it just for fun a little on Thursday before my scheduled session.