Mon 02/05/11
Hey Tim: cheers, my good man! Things seem to be going well on your side of the pond too. I'd love to beat you to a 300lb bench but I'm not sure that's going to be possible.
Late session tonight.
General Warmup
500m C2 row in 1:45/500m
w-u: 10 x 40kg, 10 x 50kg, 10 x 60kg, 5 x 80kg
Work Sets
10 x 100kg (220lb) @ RPE 10 - good result; better than I have been able to bench in ages. Current 10 RM.
3 x 110kg (242lb) @ RPE 9.5
4 x 110kg (242lb) @ RPE 10 - attempted a 5th rep but stalled out.
3 x 110kg (242lb) @ RPE 10 - re-racked after 2nd reps as lost my form a bit. Quick reset and then final rep.
Metabolic Work
25, 15, 15, 15, 10, 10, 15 x bw
Only enough rest between sets for a little recovery; aimed to get a really good pump in pecs and tris; 105 total reps
500m C2 Row
1:28.6 @ 35spm
Damper on 10
I actually thought I'd finished the distance one stroke away from completion, so backed off on the power too early and coasted over the line, which added a little to my time. Really tough, amazing quad burn and pump! Lungs coped quite well.
Turns out, that was only .2 sec off my all-time PR for a 500m row! So, now I know I can beat that time.
The new rowing season has only just begun (1st May) on the C2 Online Rankings website; my time of 1:28.6 puts me in 1st place for the moment, but that probably won't last long. 2nd place is currently 1:33.3.
*** It didn't last long! I'm fourth now so will have to get a better time soon.