Lol's New HST Log

@ grunt11: Still sore! Squats tomorrow, I hope.

@ TR: Yeah, good idea! Must try to video some of this crazy stuff.
Fri 29/04/11

(Apparently, there was an important wedding today. Seemingly, the groom has less hair than me!)

Not a lot of time tonight so only a short workout. I have building work going on which is taking up a lot of my time.

1km C2 Row (~1:50/500m pace)
10 x bw chins

w-u: 10 x 40kg, 10 x 60kg, 5 x 80kg, 5 x 90kg

1 x 120kg (264lb) @ RPE 9.5 - went up just fine so decided to add 5kg...
1 x 125kg (275lb) @ RPE 10

Work Sets
3 x 110kg (242lb)
3 x 110kg (242lb)
3 x 110kg (242lb) @ RPE 9.5
2+1 x 110kg (242lb) @ RPE 10 - re-racked after 2nd reps as lost my form a bit. Quick reset and then final rep.

Met Set
14 x 80kg @ RPE 9

I didn't intend to do the heavy singles when I started out tonight. Pleased with the 125kg lift. I am only 5kg (11lb) off my best ever lift, but at a much lower bodyweight: ~185lb compared to ~215lb.

20 x bw

These were performed very shortly after the bench met set. I thought I'd probably stall out close to 10 reps, so making it all the way to 20 was a pleasant surprise!
I didn't intend to do the heavy singles when I started out tonight. Pleased with the 125kg lift. I am only 5kg (11lb) off my best ever lift, but at a much lower bodyweight: ~185lb compared to ~215lb.

Nice looking young couple; one hopes the best for them.

I am encouraged by your demonstration that a loss of significant weight does not necessarily result in a corresponding loss of strength. I've concluded that I've been carrying way too much weight on my small frame, and have begun taking steps to eliminate a chunk of it. I'm down ten lbs from New Years and have another ten to go. I've been concerned about losing strength, but shall endeavor to follow your example.
Sat 30/04/11

General warmup
500m C2 row in 1:45/500m

Low-bar Back Squat
10 x 40kg, 10 x 60kg, 5 x 90kg, 5 x 110kg (242lb)

Work Sets
3 x 150kg (330lb) @ RPE 9.5
3 x 150kg (330lb) @ RPE 10
5 x 140kg (308lb) @ RPE 10

Met Set
15 x 110kg (242lb) - lots of pain! :)

Oly shoes; no belt for all sets.

30 x bw pull-ups for time

Reasonably strict but with a little body English; not kipping
Performed as 20+4,2,2,1,1

Finished up with some chest-to-bar chins.
Nice looking young couple; one hopes the best for them.
Yes, hope they manage to hold it together.

I am encouraged by your demonstration that a loss of significant weight does not necessarily result in a corresponding loss of strength. I've concluded that I've been carrying way too much weight on my small frame, and have begun taking steps to eliminate a chunk of it. I'm down ten lbs from New Years and have another ten to go. I've been concerned about losing strength, but shall endeavor to follow your example.
I think an important factor to keep in mind with my recent benching efforts is that I have improved my form; my right shoulder is no longer as troublesome as it has been in the past after a heavy bench session. It'll never be 100% but it's so much better now; the little niggles are not a problem at all. Form improvement has been a key factor in this.

If I can get my squats back up close to where they were, then that will be more of an indication that I have been able to regain strength after losing ~30lb bw. Tonight's effort shows I still have a way to go.
To have a squat north of 300 pounds after LOSING weight is nothing that I think I'd disparage, Lol. You're still insanely strong for your current bodyweight. I know I, for one, am jealous. Hope all is going well across the pond.
Mon 02/05/11

Hey Tim: cheers, my good man! Things seem to be going well on your side of the pond too. I'd love to beat you to a 300lb bench but I'm not sure that's going to be possible. :)

Late session tonight.

General Warmup
500m C2 row in 1:45/500m

w-u: 10 x 40kg, 10 x 50kg, 10 x 60kg, 5 x 80kg

Work Sets
10 x 100kg (220lb) @ RPE 10 - good result; better than I have been able to bench in ages. Current 10 RM.
3 x 110kg (242lb) @ RPE 9.5
4 x 110kg (242lb) @ RPE 10 - attempted a 5th rep but stalled out.
3 x 110kg (242lb) @ RPE 10 - re-racked after 2nd reps as lost my form a bit. Quick reset and then final rep.

Metabolic Work

25, 15, 15, 15, 10, 10, 15 x bw
Only enough rest between sets for a little recovery; aimed to get a really good pump in pecs and tris; 105 total reps

500m C2 Row
1:28.6 @ 35spm
Damper on 10

I actually thought I'd finished the distance one stroke away from completion, so backed off on the power too early and coasted over the line, which added a little to my time. Really tough, amazing quad burn and pump! Lungs coped quite well.

Turns out, that was only .2 sec off my all-time PR for a 500m row! So, now I know I can beat that time.

The new rowing season has only just begun (1st May) on the C2 Online Rankings website; my time of 1:28.6 puts me in 1st place for the moment, but that probably won't last long. 2nd place is currently 1:33.3.

*** It didn't last long! I'm fourth now so will have to get a better time soon.
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Wed 4/05/11

Last night I was really tired. I did a reasonably gentle 2k row earlier in the day but by the evening, I really didn't feel like doing anything other than read and sleep!

500m C2 row in 1:45
Shoulder dislocates
Overhead squats with empty bar

Front Squat
5 x 60kg, 5 x 70kg, 5 x 80kg, 5 x 90kg

Work Set!
5 x 100kg @ RPE 8.5

During the warmups I knew I was carrying way more fatigue in my legs than usual. The first work set was a lot harder than it should have been. Decided to call it a day there and do the rest tomorrow.
Thu 05/05/11

Pushed for time again.

500m C2 row
Chins: 2 x 10 - parallel grip
Shoulder dislocates

Bench Session

10 x 40kg as full ROM warm-up

Partial Bench (with rods set on position 5, which is ~3" off my chest)

Warm-up: 5 x 60kg, 5 x 80kg, 5 x 110kg

Work Sets
1 x 130kg (287lb) @ RPE 10
1 x 130kg Negative
1 x 130kg press-out
1 x 130kg Negative
1 x 130kg press-out
7 x 110kg
6 x 110kg

Full-ROM Bench
3 x 110kg @ RPE 9.5

12 x 80kg @ RPE 9 - metabolic set

The reason I did a negs and then a press-outs with 130kg was that I just couldn't pause the bar on the rods and then press it back up in one movement after the first rep. So, for the second and third reps, I rested a bit after lowering the bar to the rods and then, with the bar still on the rods, I pressed it back up to lock-out (and then set the bar back on the pins).

Chest was totally fried after that little lot. Deep feeling of strain from the heavy partials.

1 x 10 x bw - chest-to-bar; very strict with hold at top.

Did these as a bit of a warm-down
Fri 06/05/11

Had a bit of an upset tum all day today. Don't know what caused it? Anyhoo, decided not to squat tonight, just in case!

500m C2 row @ ~1:55 pace
Shoulder dislocates
Lunges, hammy stretches

10 x bw

Work Sets
5 x bw+27kg (60lb) @ RPE 8.5
5 x bw+27kg (60lb)
5 x bw+27kg (60lb)
5 x bw+27kg (60lb)
5 x bw+27kg (60lb) @ RPE 9

Kroc Rows (as met set)
25 x 47kg (103lb) - Right arm
25 x 47kg (103lb) - Left arm - harder!

EZ-bar Press
15 x 30kg
10 x 40kg

Work Sets
10 x 60kg (132lb) @ RPE 9.5
5 x 60kg (132lb)
5 x 60kg (132lb)

This is an old exercise that I decided to revisit to see how my shoulder fared. Pleased that I got all ten reps for the first set but then I got a funny twinge in my right shoulder on the 4th rep of the last set. I think its ok now.

10 x bw

That's it for tonight. Made it through without having to make a dash for the bathroom! Squats tomorrow, I hope.
Wed 4/05/11

Last night I was really tired. I did a reasonably gentle 2k row earlier in the day but by the evening, I really didn't feel like doing anything other than read and sleep!
Sometimes a little reading and sleeping can be a good thing...
Well, I found out why I had an upset stomach last Friday! It must have been some dodgy chicken. I thought I was feeling a bit better after Friday so I had some more of the same chicken over the weekend and then got much worse. In the last 24 hrs I lost almost 9lb in bodyweight! :(

I feel like I've been steamrollered: very weak and delicate. Food poisoning is horrid. >:

No likelihood of my doing any training for at least a few days so I will use this time for SD.
I feel like I've been steamrollered: very weak and delicate. Food poisoning is horrid. >:

I’m with you on that! I got it once and spent half the day just lying on the floor in the lav doubled over in pain and waiting to see which end it was coming out next. Not pleasant.
As awful as food poisoning is, I sure hope that things are starting to stabilize now, Lol. I've had it twice in my lifetime and it took me almost a week to recover. Take care of yourself!
Cheers, folks!

From memory, I've only had this kind of thing two or three times at the most during my adult life. The worst was after a chinese peanut chicken curry thing. Eesh! Even the thought of it turns my stomach.

I've just eaten some cabbage, broccoli, one small tomato, a clove of garlic and some onion, all steamed and with a bit of salt and pepper added. No bad after-effects as yet. Hope I can get a good night tonight. That should make a big difference.
Just bought some of these babies:


Hope they live up to expectations.
My new reinforced concrete floor is being laid today in my mini-gym room. I am hoping that dropping >100kg on it from overhead will not crack it once it's been there for a month or so. I'm going to lay thick rubber stable matting on top too. That should help cushion the impact.
I've had rather an extended leave of absence from this site of late due to continued house remodeling and various trips away from home. My week of Rush in the UK was fabulous but tiring: I managed three shows (all superb), ending with the London, O2 gig. I have done more squats, deads (and general training) to Rush over the years than to any other band. I love that the same three guys are still rocking concert halls all over the world. If you get a chance to see them in the States or Canada before the end of the Time Machine tour, go check 'em out. :)

Last Friday night (03/06/11), I managed to clear out enough tools and materials from my new 'weight-room-to-be' in order to test the new concrete floor. I have done next to no proper lifting for weeks—not since my bout of food poisoning, a month ago now—so I knew I had to take things carefully, meaning low volume.

Power Cleans:
10 x 60kg
5 x 80kg
5 x 1 x 90kg - with jerks

I also did a few front squats for each load increment. Unfortunately, I didn't change out of my work jeans and split them down the back when front squatting with 90kg. I have done this too many times in the past to have any excuse. Doh!

Pleased I could still power clean and jerk 90kg on my first attempt after a lay-off; and I am looking forward to getting back to regular training fairly soon.
I also did a few front squats for each load increment. Unfortunately, I didn't change out of my work jeans and split them down the back when front squatting with 90kg. I have done this too many times in the past to have any excuse. Doh!

A true wardrobe malfunction.

I’m glad to hear you have things back up and running. I would go nuts having to take that much time off.