Mon 25/07/11
500m C2 row @ 1:44/500m pace
PVC pipe shoulder dislocates
Back Squats
w-u: 10 x 60kg, 10 x 90kg
10 x 115kg (253lb)
10 x 125kg (275lb) @ RPE 8
Finding my way tonight. 10 x 125kg was ok. Will no doubt have a fair amount of DOMS tomorrow though.
w-u: 10 x bw, 10 x bw+15kg
5 x bw+25kg
5 x bw+30kg
5 x bw+40kg (88lb)
1 x bw+50kg
1 x bw+55kg
1 x bw+65kg (143lb) @ RPE 10
The load for that last rep was spot on for a 1RM attempt. So, my dipping strength is higher than my chinning strength: 76% of bw for dips compared to 62% bw for chins. Considering I always feel my pecs are my weak point (one of!) I can only suppose that my lats need a ton of work as, by my reckoning, the amount of work done per rep is about the same for each movement if the load is the same.
10, 10
@Grunt11: My tendons are doing remarkably well at the moment. I'm wondering if the explosive nature of cleans is toughening up all my connective tissue? Something has made a difference. Can't think what else could be helping? Diet might be a part of the reason, I guess. I'm eating well.
@Tim: I didn't seem like a great deal to me: 51 bw reps plus the heavier singles stuff. Is that a lot? The deadlift/burpee workout I did a few weeks ago seemed like murder by comparison.
That was a lot of work in a 'short'ish time.