So... I am back. The bad news is that overall, since all the crap started in my life, I've lost just over 30 lbs. I'm back up to 200 lbs at the moment. I also have scarcely touched a weight for nearly two months.
All that is going to change starting this week. I can't promise that my diet will always be adequate, as several months of hardly eating has killed my appetite, and I can't promise that my training will always be on the same days and done consistently each week... but I'm going to do my best to get back to a solid plan.
I did workout at the local high school last Monday and did some deadlifting, benching and squatting, but I wasn't doing any specific sets or reps. I managed to build up to a 455 lb single deadlift, which was harder than hell but I suppose not too bad for a two month lay off.
The only positive thing about all this is that somehow it seems that a large percentage of those 30 lbs I lost was fat. My abs are more visible and everything apart from my abdomen and thighs is looking very vascular. Strange. The only thing I can attribute this to is the fact that I was moving a lot of real heavy stuff around and hardly had any help with it, so... maybe that sufficed in the absence of real weight training.
Anyway, I'm sick of feeling like I'm withering away to nothing. I'm sick of my plans getting screwed up by life too, but now that things have changed a lot for me, I think I will be able to stick to things better. I won't go into what happened to me too much since I'm sure noone wants to hear all about it, but lets just say that the worst is behind me and things should be looking up from here. At least for the next year or so, anyway.
I still want to attain the new goals I set for myself back in June. Right now, I want to focus primarily on getting my bench up. So I am going to try an experiment. It is a sort of 5x5/korte hybrid. I really want to give korte a shot, but I think I need to get back into things first. So... I'm going to do a regular 5x5 but replace the bench with korte style bench. I am also swapping out rows on Mon and Fri with rack pulls. So I guess it actually isn't much of a 5x5 except for the fact that I'll be working up to a top set of 5s and etc etc like in regular 5x5.
Hopefully this will be easy enough for me with how much conditioning I probably lost, but also challenging enough.
I'm heading over to my friend's house to use his equipment and I'll report back on it after I return.