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The next 36 weeks will be broken up into 6 week blocks. Each 6 week block will focus on two muscle groups - one upper and one lower, while doing enough work to maintain the rest. Everything will start at 85% of RM for each block, progressing up to the RM over two-three weeks, then pushing for new RMs for the rest of the 6 week block.
After the 6th week, I will rotate lifts to focus on a different upper and lower bodypart, while cutting volume back to a 3x3 setup for the previous focuses, continuing to push for new PRs on those bodyparts while focusing most of the volume on the new bodyparts. So the previous focus is pretty much the only thing that doesn't reset back to 85% at the end of the 6 week block, but it DOES reset after the end of the 12 weeks, once I've hit a new 3 RM.
I'll also be hitting a third, smaller musclegroup during each period, just because.

This will be an upper/lower split, making four workouts a week. I am also using an A/B routine for each, so Upper A/Lower A/Upper B/Lower B.

I'm dividing this up into 6 week blocks because every few months, something comes along that screws up everything. This way, it won't matter. Oh no, I messed up this 6 week block? Big deal. Next block will be better.

If any of this doesn't make sense, I do have a spreadsheet for it that I could probably post up online somewhere, once I finish putting the final touches on it.

Weights for some lifts might be really low, like with bench for instance, since I need to work on technique. Also, I am just weak in bench anyway, so **** you.


Edit: I somehow forgot to put in my goals here. This is going to be for the next 36 weeks. So... my goals are thusly. 36 weeks from now, I want to:

Deadlift 500 lbs
Row and Bench 250 lbs
Pullup, Chin and Dip my bodyweight + 100 lbs for reps
Push Press 200 lbs for reps
Weigh 225 lbs
Achieve upper arms larger than 16 inches (anything larger, really, even .25 inches larger)
Add 3 inches to my penis length (okay, that one is a joke, I don't think the wife would like it if that happened anyway)

225 lbs means a 35 lb weight gain over 36 weeks. That's roughly a pound a week, so... I'll probably gain some fat there, but I don't care. I'm lean right now and all the women I know hate it. My wife tells me I'm getting too skinny, then I go to work and all the women I know tell me I'm getting too skinny. I thought women liked the shredded look? Apparently they prefer a bit of a belly over the belt.


Day 1

Bodyweight - 190 lbs
Calorie intake - ~3800 calories

All values are in pounds.

Flat Bench




BB Curl

Military Press
very nice. the idea of deloading volume on an emphasis area while simultaneously increasing volume on another area...all while hitting the total body every week is pretty cool. very interesting. I appreciate your log.

BTW, my bench is weak too, so **** you too.
at least you've had the honor of breaking a BB while rackpulling.
Thanks. It's basically a rip off of Lyle's Specialization thread. It's still HST, kind of, but no SD for a long time. We'll see how it works. I plan to keep meticulous track of bodyweight, calories and a couple different skinfolds. I probably won't measure much other than that. But... that should be sufficient to see what happens.

Obviously I am doing something wrong when it comes to benching. Once I get a new camera and someway to get the videos online, I'll do some benching and put it up for people to critique. It's sad when there are people deadlifting 200+ lbs less than me, but benching the same or nearly so.

Or maybe I just need to grow a big fat gut. That should help the benching out, right?
No it won't. Didn't for me! I just managed to get up to 225x10 for a couple sets today and for me, this stinks. OTOH, I'm accidentally doing similar to your program, upper/lower and not limiting myself to a mesocycle if I'm still coming up in it.
\Oh, and I'm doing maint. cals for now as strength comes up. Posting a pic or 2 today.
I like your routine idea. Keep the planned overreaching concept in mind and you should be able to go a very long time.
You could always deload for one week by doing endurance training: Tabatas, sets > 15 reps, calisthenics, etc...

It looks pretty solid Tot. Let me get this straight, you start at 85% of a given RM, and work your reps down to 3 rep sets as you go through a cycle. With that being said, I don't understand how you get your numbers for your first day of flat bench (3 rep load < 5 rep load?).

I hear you with the bench problems. Taller people have more difficulty with bench press. I was making great gains in the summer, but all that work has been wasted since I can't bench anymore (lack of actual bench/rack).

Good luck with the program. As always, I will be in your log a lot!

BTW, when did become certified as an HST expert? Either way, you deserve it. When I first started HST, you were one of the top resources of information and help for me.
Okay basically, each 6 week block will focus on four lifts. Right now, it is Bench/Dips and Back Squats/Front Squats. I will hit them with a 5x5 scheme, starting at 85%, then progressing up to my 5 RMs and beyond over 6 weeks. That 3 rep stuff is just my warmups. I like to program in the warmups for my major lifts so that I don't neglect them.
I also do a secondary movement, in this case Flies and Leg Extensions, done in 12 rep range, starting at 85% and progressing upward as well.

I do maintenance stuff for the rest of the body, but that stuff also progresses. On week 7, I will continue to progress the load in Bench, Dips, Back Squat and Front Squat, but will drop from 5x5 down to 3x3. This should allow me to continue to gain strength in those areas as the very least, if not size in those muscle groups.
At this point, I also drop the secondary movements, cycle in a core movement and secondary movement for my new focus. At the moment, for the second 6 week block, I'm planning on going to Rows/Chins and Deads/Good Mornings. Everything except the 3x3 stuff will reset to 85% of my maxes.
Of course, the 3x3 might become to intense, so I am going to kind of play it by ear. If it gets too heavy and I can't progress anymore, I'll just record my new max and drop it down to a maintenance lift.

Re: deloads and SD. The main reason I'm not planning on a full out break from training is because I'm sure it is going to happen at some point anyway. It will either be due to lack of time because of work, sickness or something like that, I'm sure. So I'll just wait and see what happens. When I have to take a break, I can just pick up where I left off.

Benching today wasn't too hard, but I was only using 165 lbs, so... we'll see how I'm feeling in three weeks when I'm pushing for a new RM. I think once I hit my current maxes, I'll probably start pyramiding up to a new 5 RM instead of going for all straight sets. Not really sure yet.

Re: the expert thing. That just happened today. I guess now I should probably be a little more tactful with some of my replies, heheh.
Warmups, ahh I am with you now. I sometimes program them in as well for the same reason.

My understanding is that your Week 7 is almost double the volume because it is 3x3 from the prior cycle, and the 5x5 from the new cycle.
Welcome back, Tot. I love the idea of this cycle. Good luck with it all!

...And congrats on the expert status. Without a doubt, you've been a tremendous resource for many of us.
For what its worth....my bench has always been bad too. It started to improve once I focused on it as a major goal and began religiously benching heavy 3 times/week...the bench press is alot more complicated of a lift than people give it credit for and takes some neural 'learning' in order to drive the strength up.

Good luck, friend.
500lb is a great goal to have for deads. I'll be watching this log with interest over the ensuing weeks to see how your deads go. I can't remember what your current PR is?

Like Sci said, if you work really hard on your bench I'm sure it'll improve. Work on not flaring your elbows out in typical BB fashion. I'm sure you know this but keep your scapula together on the bench and traps tight but shoulders not shrugged; it'll help you to lock into a really good groove. And be glad you can work on it; I don't think I'll ever be able to bench with any anger again, which is a damn shame because it was progressing better with HST than it ever had before. Seems my right AC joint is just duff. At least I can do dips. Dipping hurts a bit but bench is much worse.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Add 3 inches to my penis length (okay, that one is a joke, I don't think the wife would like it if that happened anyway)</div>
But isn't 6 inches about average? I don't think she'd complain.  
I'm just now starting to feel the shoulder twinges at 225x10...and with 100 lbs to go to get where I was a little while back, I'm not seeing it happen. So it's gonna be &quot;dipping with Lol&quot; in the program along with db flyes and pullovers.
Since I know that's where this is going, I've started the flyes and dips to get strength up in them right away. Too hard to do it later I think.

I like the idea you got going here.  Focusing on 2 muscle groups with 4 major lifts on an A/B split, then each day will also have an &quot;isolation&quot; type lift to further stress the target muscle.  Shooting for 5x5 working sets with linear progression until 6 weeks and new PR's have been set.  Then drop the previous &quot;isloations&quot; and just keep the 4 core movements at 3x3 while you turn your focus to the next 2 muscle groups.  Right?

I think this will be really good for several reasons.  It will allow you to hit your target muscles with more volume than they are accustomed to, and since you are adding some isolations your body is seeing some movements it probably hasn't in a long time.  One drawback might be that you will most likely be working out for longer than you are used to, but maybe you won't mind the extra time.

My only concern is that while focusing so much energy on bench, and still keeping a shoulder press movement, the tricep isolation might be a bit much, and get in the way of max bench lifts.  But I love the program and wish you success.
Those are great goals - the dips and chins will be impressive. I am assuming 250 lbs for Pendlay rows? I'm sure the 500 lb deadlift won't be a problem for you.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> I thought women liked the shredded look? Apparently they prefer a bit of a belly over the belt.</div>

Thank God for that - elsewise I would be one big , strong , lonely man!!!
(Lol @ Oct. 26 2007,20:39)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">500lb is a great goal to have for deads. I'll be watching this log with interest over the ensuing weeks to see how your deads go. I can't remember what your current PR is?</div>
Yeah, 500 seems like a nice, even number. My previous PR was 455 lbs for 1 rep. I think I may have been able to manage another one at the time but didn't try. Maybe not. I haven't pushed for a new 1 RM since then, though I have worked with 440 lbs a few times for doubles.

So... I think that within 36 weeks, 500 should be doable. Though I won't be deadlifting for six weeks, but once this six weeks are up, I'll be hitting the deads hard again. So, we'll see what happens.
What I really want is to deadlift 600 lbs, but that is probably going to take a long time to achieve.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Like Sci said, if you work really hard on your bench I'm sure it'll improve. Work on not flaring your elbows out in typical BB fashion. I'm sure you know this but keep your scapula together on the bench and traps tight but shoulders not shrugged; it'll help you to lock into a really good groove. And be glad you can work on it; I don't think I'll ever be able to bench with any anger again, which is a damn shame because it was progressing better with HST than it ever had before. Seems my right AC joint is just duff. At least I can do dips. Dipping hurts a bit but bench is much worse.

Thanks for the tips. I've read that stuff before, but it helps to hear it again and again, so it gets ingrained. I think I may look up some videos showing perfect benching technique too, just to be sure.
Today, my shoulders are feeling kind of tender. I thought my form was good, so who knows. I may have to cut the weight back even further so that I can work on technique even more, before I even try to push it. Maybe I can swap the bench and flies, or just do dips both days, with the secondary movement becoming bench instead of flies on one of the days.
We'll see what happens though. I don't want to jump the gun on that, it's possible I just slept badly, that always makes my shoulders hurt.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Thank God for that - elsewise I would be one big , strong , lonely man!!!

To be honest, though I love the way my muscles and veins all show through when I am this lean but I feel much happier and confident when I'm sporting the old two-pack.
Of course, being married with children, it's not that the opinions of other women matter that much... right?
Besides, it's not like people can tell you have a six pack through your shirt. And what kind of dumbass walks around pulling his shirt up to show off his abs all the time?

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I like the idea you got going here. Focusing on 2 muscle groups with 4 major lifts on an A/B split, then each day will also have an &quot;isolation&quot; type lift to further stress the target muscle. Shooting for 5x5 working sets with linear progression until 6 weeks and new PR's have been set. Then drop the previous &quot;isloations&quot; and just keep the 4 core movements at 3x3 while you turn your focus to the next 2 muscle groups. Right?

You've got the idea. I'm just doing maintenance for everything else, so the workouts are going pretty quickly. If I find that they are getting too long, I could just cut the maintenance stuff down to 1x5 or 2x5, something like that, which I believe would be enough to maintain them.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">My only concern is that while focusing so much energy on bench, and still keeping a shoulder press movement, the tricep isolation might be a bit much, and get in the way of max bench lifts. But I love the program and wish you success.

I'm a little worried about this too. I might just hit the triceps hard one day, and then lighter the next upper day. Today, my pecs and triceps feel like they've been put through a real great workout. Heh. They won't be hit directly for another few days, since I have a lower day today, then two days off before getting hit again, so maybe that's enough rest for them. I'm getting all the big stuff out of the way first and hitting the triceps after I've done all that, so the only thing that would probably suffer is the tricep isolation. But... maybe later on, when I'm pushing for new PRs... we'll see. If it is a problem then, I could just drop them entirely, since hitting PRs in bench and dips would be more important and should contribute to triceps anyway, right?

Day 2

Bodyweight - 190 lbs (still, of course)
Calorie intake - ~3500 calories

Back Squats

Leg Extension

Leg Curl


Cable Crunch

My quads were on fire after those leg extensions. Damn. Calves were painful, my toes felt like they were going to be crushed. Haha. Anyway, squats were stupidly easy compared to the leg extensions. Maybe I screwed up when I figured out my maxes.

I was planning on one day of rest, then hitting upper again, but I am real busy this weekend with work, and I wasn't able to eat as much as I had hoped today... plus I'm feeling kind of crappy, so I think two days off is a good idea. I haven't been able get enough sleep this week, so that's probably why. I better not be getting sick again...
(Totentanz @ Oct. 27 2007,19:45)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Maybe I can swap the bench and flies, or just do dips both days, with the secondary movement becoming bench instead of flies on one of the days.</div>

I definitely would keep bench as a primary movement, especially if you are trying to increase weight there and go for PR's.  Dips are great, but there isn't a real substitute for heavy bench IMO.  It has always worked my pecs better than anything else.

I'm not sure if you're busting my balls about the question, &quot;If it is a problem then, I could just drop them entirely, since hitting PRs in bench and dips would be more important and should contribute to triceps anyway, right?&quot;  But if you're not, I strongly agree that heavy bench, dips, and shoulder press varients will hit your tri's more than enough.  Look, you know I'm a fan of some isolation movements for the extremeties..traps, calves, and arms, but I really think tri's are one group that doesn't need any more stimulation that the core movements.  I have found that heavy tri workouts can sometimes leave them sore for nearly 7 days, that was why I made the suggestion.

As the weighs build up, if it gets too tough to do 5x5 you could always move to a 8x3 or 10x3 and get more room for progression while keeping volume at basically the same levels.
Well, obviously stuff came up as I predicted. I haven't been able to lift regularly for a while, but I did still put in two times a week at least. Just little stuff like chins, deads, but not a lot of proper workouts.
Also, I'm simply bad at updating this log thing.

The next six week block is going to be focusing on just a few compounds. I'm doing deads once a week, and rows, dips and front squats three times a week. I'm keeping the front squats light because I'm working on technique and form. Also, I'm starting off relatively light in everything, but I will be progressing rather agressively.
The important stuff is being done 3x3 and I'm eating a truckload of food, though I will only be counting calories on the day AFTER my workouts. Yes, you heard me right. I workout in the evening, around 7 pm, and I eat dinner then go to bed immediately afterward. So I will be counting calories the next day, ramping them up sharply until it culminates in a huge protein drink at around 7 pm that night, which would be 24 hours after the workout.
The goal this six weeks is simply to get my deads, rows and dips up, and perfect my front squat. I don't really care about size or anything right now, and as a result, I'm not even bothering to watch the scale. I don't really care if I get fat either, since cutting down is trivially easy for me, so... we'll see how it works.

A mild complication all of this is that I had to move all my equipment into my basement, because my garage is too damn cold and I can't use heaters out there because it isn't feasible for me. So... no overhead work, and I can't use my rack in the basement because it is a foot too tall.
That's okay. So no back squats, rack pulls, bench pressing or overhead pressing for now, which means I can really focus on my pulling.

Last Night:

3x3x345 lbs

3x3x155 lbs

3x3x35 lbs

3x10x35 lbs

Front Squats
3x10x95 lbs

I'm currently just doing a clean to get the weight up, then squatting that way, which is obviously going to limit how heavy I can go. I can't dump the weight until I get some floor mats or something. Also, I may post a video of my front squats at some point to get some advice on form. I have no problem holding the weight in the correct position as my arms are quite flexible, but the movement still feels a bit ackward.

Everything else was very easy. I'm increasing the main compounds by ten percent next week. I'm also considering the third day of the week to be a volume day where I do rows and dips max-stim style for 20 reps with some percentage of what I used on the 3x3 day.
Also, since I am only doing deads once a week, I may do shrugs or something on the days I do not do deads, just so there isn't a void there. It depends on how I feel those days.
Glad you are going to get a chance to work on front squats Totz. I had to do them just like you are doing now before my rack arrived. It was a great way to make me start learning to clean. Putting the bar down after front squats really sucked though, so if you can get some mats sorted that would make things a lot easier – esp. after you've cleaned and squatted with 200lb on the bar. It's not far away.
Well, we'll see. I'm looking around at smaller racks that will fit in the basement, but I don't know if I'll have the funds until after christmas, since I have like seventy kids to buy presents for.

I was actually considering going the route you did for a while and stacking some blocks to use as a squat rack. Not sure if I have enough around though. But yeah, I predict either ruining the basement floor, breaking a plate or another bar if I don't get something sorted out soon.

I think I may actually like front squats better than back squats... or maybe it's just the novelty since it's a newer exercise for me.
I think I might shift things around so that the middle workout of the week is 3x3 focusing on deads, rows and dips, then a volume day after that for accessory stuff that should lend itself toward the compounds from the middle day, maybe flies, shrugs, more front squatting done 3x8. Then the first day of the week will be max-stim to 20 reps for dips and rows with whatever I used on the 3x3 day the week prior. I might do RDLs or SLDLs on max-stim day as well... not sure yet. I'll try it out come max-stim day and see how it feels.

My workout week starts on Saturday, so Saturday will be 20 rep max-stim day, Monday will be 3x3 day and Weds will be a 3x8 volume day. I will hit my previous maxes in a few weeks on 3x3 day, and I want to use the rest of the week to drive 3x3 day so that I can make some nice PRs after I hit my old maxes.

I don't know, just something I'm toying with. If I do the 3x3 every day of the week, I'll probably end up stalling, so I think taking it easier on the other days with lighter weights would be a good idea, instead focusing on getting some volume in on those days.

Opinions? If what I said above doesn't make any sense, let me know.

In other news... I really need to invest in new pants. I destroyed a pair of jeans today when my huge ass burst out of them while I was picking something up.
This really sucks because I've had those pants for almost two years, they were quite comfortable, though they've been tight around the thighs and butt for a while. It's not like all my old shirts which can stretch enough that I can usually fit into them still.

This is an expensive hobby.


After thinking about it, I went ahead and did a &quot;volume&quot; workout just now. It felt pretty good, so I think I'm going to keep at it.

3x8x30 lbs

3x8x235 lbs

Front Squats
3x8x95 lbs
(front squats felt real comfortable today, so I think I may try for two 45s next week)

For fun:
BB Curls
3x8x100 lbs

It went by real fast and was a nice workout, so I think I'm going to try this idea out for a few weeks at least, if not the entire six week block. If it isn't working out in a couple weeks, no biggie. I can adjust things as I go without a problem.
And hey, if I start hitting a lot of PRs on 3x3 day, I may just keep on going until a life-enforced SD comes up.