Looking for a slow protein

the liquid whey, will be about 5% protein, or there abouts. Depends which stage of the removal it is, as certain cheeses hold onto more whey/liquid than others.
Digestion rates and gastric emptying rates are effected by many factors. When comparing casein with egg, you are probably better off assuming they are more or less equal. If you want them slower eat them with a mixed nutrient meal. If you want it faster drink them with plenty of water on an empty stomach.
You dont need to buy anything, toss some cottage cheese into your morning and pre-bedtime shakes, or take it by itelf. Infact if you're really going for size here is something you can try... When I'm really beefing up I make 2 shakes before bed. I set my alarm clock for 4 hours after my bedtime(as it takes aprox 4 hours for the protein in the cottage cheese to be absorbed), then waddle my way to the fridge for the second shake and go back to bed. 8 hours of your day are spent sleeping, that's a large chunk, why shouldn't you be absorbing protein for those 8?
*tip* add a tsp of vanilla extract to 1/2 cup of cottage cheese and it tastes like tapioca pudding. An extremely healthy and protien packed tapioca pudding that is!
This is my second post on cottage cheese for the day, I'm all cheesed out.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (madcat @ Dec. 31 2004,11:38)]When I'm really beefing up I make 2 shakes before bed. I set my alarm clock for 4 hours after my bedtime(as it takes aprox 4 hours for the protein in the cottage cheese to be absorbed), then waddle my way to the fridge for the second shake and go back to bed. 8 hours of your day are spent sleeping, that's a large chunk, why shouldn't you be absorbing protein for those 8?
The protein in cottage cheese takes >4hours, depending on the total quantity, there is still amino acids arriving >8hrs post intake, a larger bolus of cottage cheese will slow it down even more.
Bryan or anyone else, im not sure if you've heard of it or not, its quite new i just got an article on it in Physical form GNC. The protein powder is called Probolic SR.

heres an excerpt

"PROBOLIC-SR is the only protein in existence to provide a 4-stage delivery, making it the ideal anytime protein. The precisely formulated blend of proteins provides a fast, medium and slow release of Amino Acids and is further prolonged with the patented Micro-Feed Technology! This advanced release profile supplies the needed quick release (0- 2 hours) of amino acids for post-workout replenishment of nitrogen. It is also perfect for pre-workout because its medium and slower release (hours 2-6) will keep supplying aminos and keep you in an anabolic state throughout your entire workout and prevent going into a catabolic state. When taken before bedtime PROBOLIC-SR's Micro-Feed Technology will supply high levels of the Critical Five Aminos and keep you anabolic all night! PROBOLIC-SR will ensure you never slip into catabolism between meals, during workouts or during the night while you sleep and always keep you in “positive nitrogen balance” and anabolic overdrive!"


it sounds sort of like... the fluffy driver and driver put together. What do you think? is it safe? its a bit sketchy thinking that simple amino acids can be "time" released. Im not really sure if it's a good choice or not, quite expensive too. Any opinions? im not trying to instigate feuds between Bryan's products vs. mhp, i just want to know what you guys think :) this sounds like it might replace all the protein powders out there if it's really as potent as they say it is. too good to be true?