Losing Fat - Atkins or low intensity cardio


New Member
I could do with dropping some bodyfat pretty quickly in the next few weeks and have been doing some research on the best methods.

I am currently into my second HST cycle just about to start the 5's and am thinking about doing atkins for about 3 weeks to drop some fat.

I have done atkins in the past and managed to get to my lowest level of body fat ever.

I am currently at 29% and got down to 18% that way over a period of 6 weeks.

I have also read that doing low intensity cardio in the mornings when you are lacking glycogen for energy would burn the fat instead. Now I know that it takes 2 days before you enter ketosis, so would really doing low intensity cardio on an empty stomach really start to burn fat.

Has anyone got any results to help me,
thanks alot
If I were you, I would just cut calories down by 500 or maybe 1000/day and continue training and add in cardio. I wouldn't mess with Atkins, but that is JMO.
I`m in sort of the same boat as you. Did very well on Atkins but to get through HST workouts and get the full effectiveness you really need to get enough carbs. I tried exactly what you described (doing an induction style SD) but the results were not good. You may want to try carb cycling but this is for during an HST cycle. It`s been working well for me although it`s much slower going than Atkins in terms of fat loss. Low carb days are about Atkins stage 4 (75 to 100grams). That sounds like a lot but if you get half those carbs in a simple form both pre and post workout it makes a lot more sense. You can adjust the low/med/high levels that suit you best but you should try to make the low days non-workout days if you can. I use the med. for my M/W/F workouts and on the weekend I have one day where I go to town.
I`d go with baby a`s suggestion for SD and try carb cycling during the next cycle.