[b said:Quote[/b] ]and you are both on a maintain diet of 15xlb
[b said:Quote[/b] ]You have count the carbs from the total intake food, right?
[b said:Quote[/b] ]I read also in that artickle, that pple will lose fat soncusming many more carbs. I supose food with a hight carb. Right
Mike - what are your carbs like on your non-lifting/cardio days? Do you take pre/post protein, and/or carbs, before cardio?[b said:Quote[/b] (mikeh @ July 16 2003,4:43)]![]()
Ok, my wife follows this same type of diet.
She's 52 kilo (115 lbs) and she is also around 19% b/f
She eats 115 gms of protein (eggs, chicken, tuna, cottage cheese)
70-100 gms of carbs (1/2 cup of oatmeal morning and the rest pre / post WO shake)
and some fish oil, olive oil on her salad snack on some walnuts.
We lift HST and do cardio on non lifting days.
We hate cardio but it REALLY helps melt that fat away.
[b said:Quote[/b] ]Getting rid of stubborn bodyfat - by Lyle McDonald
After cardio go home, and wait and hour before having a small protein meal (25-50 grams or
so). No dietary fat. 2-3 hours later, go back to normal diet eating.