
New Member
I am considering using MCTs or coconut oil, but I have a few questions. I know that some of the benefits for MCTs are as follows:
-Thermogenic effect
-Quickly converts to energy; processed similar to carbohydrate
-Satiating effect

1) Should MCTs be used only on low carb/no carb diets? I am cutting on a moderate carb diet right now. I'm not doing exact ratios, but I would estimate that I generally eat 40-30-30. Will MCTs work OK?
2) Are MCTs truly effective? So far, I have found mixed results from studies (on humans). Please advise.
Due to low thyroid, I take 3 tablespoons of coconut oil per day. For fat loss and health, my wife cooks with coconut flour and concentrate, no grain based flours at all. No natural food will give super results, but when used as part of a whole diet, they are helpful; everything is additive. My diet calorie wise is 50% fat, 25% protein, 25% carb, year around.

So yes, MCTs work, but it is food, not a drug.
-Thanks for the useful info on its effectiveness.

-Can someone tell me if they use MCTs on a "non-low-carb" cut (i.e. 40-30-30 PCF)?