methyl 1 test

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any experiences with it? effects? side effects? comparing to 1test transdermal?

hmm its really cheap...that makes it kind of interesting...
Cheap, seem to be decent gains, and oral delivery seem to be the positives. Lethary, appetite suppression & liver issues (likely a good idea to use milk thistle & NAC for liver protection) are the apparent negatives. Still pretty new, though.

There is much discussion/feedback on this at Avant. From this you can form your own opinions.
I did a two week M1T/4AD cycle about a week ago. My dietary discipline was far from ideal (I noticed zero appetite suppression, I really wish I had, as I was easily eating 5000cals of junk per day - rebound from 6 months of eating all clean I guess).
Everyone wants to know about the sides, and all I can say was that I noticed none from the M1T. I used a dose of 20mg ED for 2 weeks and noticed no lethargy, and the suppression does not seem too bad. (I just hit a new personal best for decline bench 5 days post cycle, though I've been using Nolva to recover). The sides from the 4AD were worse, IMO, as I gained quite a bit of water weight from it, though not enough to warrant much use of my bottle of formestane.

Since the liver toxicity is the biggest question mark regarding this substance, I'd suggest not using very high dosages, and to keep the cycles short.

Any questions, feel free.
Oh yeah, I will add that Avant, like Arbitro has pointed out, has been a wealth of information regarding M1T, and it was only after reading all the experiences and information there that I decided to try M1T. I do highly reccommend a search.
avant? whats the exact url?

do you think you had the betther results then with a common 1-test/4ad transdermal stack?
avant? whats the exact url?

do you think you had the betther results then with a common 1-test/4ad transdermal stack?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Arbitro @ Jan. 29 2004,4:07)]Lethary, appetite suppression & liver issues (likely a good idea to use milk thistle & NAC for liver protection) are the apparent negatives.
For me personally, these sides are a huge deterrent. I've been toying with cyclo-1T at low dosages, and even this makes me fell like hell (and in no mood to go to the gym). My impression is that M1T would be worse, so I've avoided it.
argh...its the same with others have to trie it I gues...

A lot of feedbacks that the gains were inconsistent, some say gains are great, some dont recognise any side effects other are close to death... :confused:
Way to go on getting some responses Wolge :)

I was wondering also about the legality of such a substance. Given that M1T is the target hormone itself, wouldn't that make it a plain old steroid? A lot of folk say yes, but I find that strange given that simple posession of such a substance can be a felony (depending on where you are), yet this is on store shelves all across the US...
the question is how wont probably take long till they erase prohormones as well from the market
Well I'm in Canada so it's already illegal for me. Along with Red Bull (wtf?)
Also, I don't think Bush has much to do with the legality of PHs.
About M1T, if there are no side effects, there are no "effects". In other words, considering the androgenic potential of so called "1-test", if it is getting into the system in high amounts, you should be experiencing a good amount of androgenic side effects.

If it doesn't aromatize, you should notice at least a change in LDL:HDL ratio, hair thinning (if you're susceptible), insomnia, oily skin, and "eventual" shrinkage of the testes (it will be slower than with regular test).
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]About M1T, if there are no side effects, there are no "effects". In other words, considering the androgenic potential of so called "1-test", if it is getting into the system in high amounts, you should be experiencing a good amount of androgenic side effects.

If it doesn't aromatize, you should notice at least a change in LDL:HDL ratio, hair thinning (if you're susceptible), insomnia, oily skin, and "eventual" shrinkage of the testes (it will be slower than with regular test).

That's interesting, maybe I got a weak batch. Perhaps I'll try to increase the dosage next cycle, though I didn't consider 20mg to be all that conservative. Not as if I'm all that big either (187lbs).

Is there such a thing as a higher tolerance to hormones, as I have done a few cycles of more mainstream prohormones/prosteroids and didn't see much if anything in the way of side effects (besides muscle growth) either. I've since chalked it up to these products being underdosed, but now I'm not so sure. Has anyone else had similar experiences, or even been at the other end of this extreme (ultra sensitive to PH's?)
What are you guys doing in terms of PCT.

From everything I've heard, it's necessary with M1T, as it is a steroid, not just a PH. Although PCT is needed with PHs as well, they just don't shut you down as hard.

I've heard decent things about 6-Oxo, but I don't think I'd trust my non-man boobies to anything other than Nolvadex, which of course is in the grey area.
Post M1T I have used, and will only continue to use Nolva. I'll not be sold on 6-OXO until there is more hard data on recovery with it vs Nolva and vs placebo.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Insane_Man @ Mar. 03 2004,10:43)]What are you guys doing in terms of PCT.
From everything I've heard, it's necessary with M1T, as it is a steroid, not just a PH.
Ph's are steroids, there's no difference. Up to this point the delivery system of PH's sucked, but when they started using the same as are used in AAS there's no longer any difference between them.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Although PCT is needed with PHs as well, they just don't shut you down as hard.

Not really, it's all dependable on length, dosage, etc...
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Kama45 @ Mar. 03 2004,10:03)]Stupid question of the day:
Is hair loss/thinning permanent from steroids/prohormones?
Yes. There have been anedoctal reports of it reversing but don't count on it.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (restless @ Mar. 07 2004,4:04)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Insane_Man @ Mar. 03 2004,10:43)]What are you guys doing in terms of PCT.
From everything I've heard, it's necessary with M1T, as it is a steroid, not just a PH.
Ph's are steroids, there's no difference. Up to this point the delivery system of PH's sucked, but when they started using the same as are used in AAS there's no longer any difference between them.
I realize this, the only diference is that PHs are one step out from the target hormones.

Speaking of which, conversion rates are quite bad. I have heard of some folk getting nasty side effects from high dosages of PHs. Could this be because other by-products are created in the conversions? That's the one thing to me that never seemed kosher, one needs to take massive doses of PHs when taken orally vs what they would take with steroids.

Also, it's a shame that one must go into the grey market for PCT while running a fully legal product.