Monday 18 June 2018
6:10pm - All exercises performed myo reps style - 8-10 rep activation set plus 5 myo rep sets (calves 40-50 +5)
Front Squat - 85kgs x 9+2+2+2+2+2
RDL - 85kgs x 10+3+3+3+2+2
Standing Calf Raise - 140kgs x 41+12+11+11+10+9
No, she was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer in November 2015 but due to the location of the tumour it was not operable (too close to a major vein and an artery), the intention at that point was to give her a very tough 6 month chemotherapy regime (FOLFIRINOX) to try and reduce the tumour to see if removal was an option.
The scans showed that the tumour had reduced in size slightly and markers were suggesting a major reduction in activity (they even suggested that there was no active cancer left in the tumour), the surgeon then did an exploratory investigation (Laparoscopy) to see if they could remove the tumour but they discovered it had spread to her Peritoneum so removal was no longer an option.
She then had 12 months of Gemcitabine & Abraxane to try and deal with the secondary cancer but after 12 months it was still progressing slowly so they dropped the Abraxane as she was suffering with her platelets not recovering but added another drug (Tarceva) to try and slow the progression rather than cure.
Having a very rough time with it now, has to have an ascitic drain approximately every 4 weeks, can barely walk more than a couple of minutes, sleeps about 10-12 hours a night and has a long nap in the afternoons, has to have most of her meals prepared for her and has lost shit loads of weight.
Holy crap, only just saw your calf numbers... are your calves either completely numb or the size of watermelons XD... I can't fathom even doing 41 (plus all the myorep sets) calf raises just BODYWEIGHT let alone with 140kgs... that's insane man many props.
Ah shit sorry mate... you guys must have been through so much... thoughts are with ya hope you're okay
Always been able to do loads of calf raises as used to cycle everywhere up until my early 30's, still a stubborn body part though
Not been easy (a lot harder for her having to deal with an incurable illness) and I think the hardest times are about to start, she has probably lost around 2 to 2.5 stone (28 - 35 lbs) since the end of November, the first stone of that was when she got a kidney infection caused by kidney stones from her chemo, she has lost the rest because of the ascites that affects her appetite due to feeling extremely bloated and quite bad acid reflux.
Stick together, and hope she starts to feel a little better soon, any bright moments are always worth cherishing
I am hoping that as she has bucked every trend with Pancreatic Cancer (she was 45 when diagnosed and generally people are in there 60's or older, its generally caught at an advanced stage due to no signs showing until advanced but she was caught early (they were looking for kidney / gall stones initially then thought she had Pancreatitis as there was some scarring on the Pancreas but did one more scan as she was having symptoms but without a current infection and that is when they noticed a lump) with symptoms that she should not have had (according to her Oncologist based on tumour size) she can also buck the trend when ascites accumulates so quickly in associating with fast progression of the cancer.
It is just very difficult in watching her suffer without being able to help her.