Over the last 4 weeks I completed a block of 10's and 5's HST style. However, the remainder of this cycle is going to be a programmed bro split, starting off with the weights at the end of my 5's (~7-8 RM for the primary lifts). The idea here is to draw out the 5's progression for a bit, shifting it to once weekly, and to give increased recuperation time to my chest along with increased pumps. As a sidenote, this style of training is extremely enjoyable.
The bro split:
Shoulders/Upper Back
Shoulders/Upper Back
Me + 75 x 5,5,7
Seated Barbell Press
95 x 5,5,11
Inverted Rows
Me x 10,10,13
45 Degree Lateral Raises
8 x 10,10,17 per side
Side-Lying Rear Delt Raises
8 x 10,10,11 per side
Holy pumps. The basic logic of the split is actually pretty simple, primary lifts are 5,5,5+ format (i.e. two sets of 5 and one set of at least 5 or more reps, not killing myself on the rep out set but maybe going to an RPE of ~9), with assistance using higher reps but similar logic (e.g. 10,10,10+). It's still a compound-oriented routine, the difference is that A) you push a little closer to failure on the primary lifts ala 5/3/1, so you wind up with weekly progression and B) you have more room for pumps/accessory work.
One of the things I've wanted to try for a while is to get an overhead press variant into my routine. As you recall, landmine presses were an option, as I discovered over the summer. However, I think barbell lifts transfer better to everything else, all else constant. The seated barbell press never actually hurt my shoulders, it felt a little funny and I didn't pursue it months ago, but this was also true for the bench press, so I'm going to give it an honest chance. My setup is actually more like a super duper duper incline bench, versus a "true" overhead press. It felt fine today, honestly. If at some point it doesn't feel fine, I'll default to landmine presses, or even just an additional isolation exercise.
Still, my weakness in overhead pressing leads me to believe that part of the reason my bench is in the gutter is because I've lost both shoulder and triceps strength. Further, if I find the bro routine over the next several weeks for some reason sucks, I can always default back to a more standard HST setup. But for now, from the perspective of my costochondritis and the shoulder issues I've had, I think this slower progression might be the path of wisdom.