Good points bro, it may just work well for you. Personally, I've been thriving on 2x/week frequency, and I suspect as I get stronger and more advanced, I may lower the frequency further. It's my opinion that the more advanced the trainee, the less frequency is necessary.
If you want a practical example of programmed routines that resulted in enormous ****ing people, look at the old fashioned american powerlifting routines practiced by people like Doug Young and such back in the day. They weren't running high frequency routines, it was basically programmed splits.
Splits were often something like Monday - Squat Day, Wednesday - Bench Day, Friday - Deadlift Day. Monday, then, would be a programmed cycle for squats (something like an 8-12 week cycle going from 8's to 5's to 3's to 1's or whatever by %'s) and accessory work that was more or less bodybuilding for the legs, Wednesday would basically be a chest/shoulders/triceps type day with the bench programmed the same way, and Friday a "back" and possibly arms day with deadlifts the same. So you get programmed primary lifts hit ~once a week and then a bunch of accessory/volume work thrown on top. Okay, sure they used steroids, but absolutely nothing like the steroid usage of modern day bodybuilders, and these dudes were some of the most jacked people in history. Imo the advantage they had were formalized progressions for the primary lifts, and I am kind of surprised more people haven't tried this as it's not exactly rocket science