My Girlfriend Hates the Taste of Protein Shakes


New Member
I started out with having her drink chocolate whey protein shakes (GNC brand), she hated them and it made her want to puke. She hated the vanilla even more. We tried Spiru-tein soy protein instead, this also makes her wanna puke. We've mixed it in fat free milk, water, no such luck. Mixing bananas in there doesn't do too much good either.

What other options are there for her to try?
She's just using her weak stomach as an excuse not to drink them. Girls are like this. They would rather site down and pig out 3x a day 7course meal with desert) than drink these "meal replacement drinks." Been there done that. She's just not going to drink them ... give up.
yeah, its bullshit that protein sups make you puke...on one is that ugly, but long as she just dislikes the protein ;)
Try her with some of your own home grown protein!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Mindwraith @ Mar. 16 2005,12:16)]I started out with having her drink chocolate whey protein shakes (GNC brand), she hated them and it made her want to puke.  She hated the vanilla even more.  We tried Spiru-tein soy protein instead, this also makes her wanna puke.  We've mixed it in fat free milk, water, no such luck.  Mixing bananas in there doesn't do too much good either.
What other options are there for her to try?
try only mixing one scoop with 1 whole banana 3 strawberries and some splenda if she can't drink that and like it she is playing you. You can't really taste the powder. Try ON 100 whey.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Mindwraith @ Mar. 15 2005,10:16)]I started out with having her drink chocolate whey protein shakes (GNC brand), she hated them and it made her want to puke. She hated the vanilla even more. We tried Spiru-tein soy protein instead, this also makes her wanna puke. We've mixed it in fat free milk, water, no such luck. Mixing bananas in there doesn't do too much good either.
What other options are there for her to try?
Try yogurt, cottage cheese, milk, eggs, etc.

I might add that Primer and Driver are not like other chocolates you may have tried. They are very laid back flavor wise. I personally don't like strong tasting protein powders so I made them intentionally blandish.

Then again, she might have already made up her mind that "protein makes her want to puke". Once that happens, you can give them Hersey's and tell them its protein and they'll act like it gags them.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Then again, she might have already made up her mind that "protein makes her want to puke". Once that happens, you can give them Hersey's and tell them its protein and they'll act like it gags them.

Trus, true.... but speaking of Hershey's, a teaspoon or two of Hershey's chocolate syrup will make even the blandest or vilest protein powder taste pretty respectable.