I completed my first HST workout yesterday and thought I'd might as well start a log.
Current weight : 84kg
Height : 6,2
Body fat : not sure but I have visible abs and I can see some striations when I flex so at a guess I'd say 10 - 12 %
Current 1RMs :
Deadlift - 220 kg
Bench - 115kg
Squat - 120 kg
Military press - 70kg
I did dabble with HST a few years ago, but now I'm older and a little bit wiser I'd really like to give it another shot.
I decided on an ABA type split but a couple of the exercises are being performed on both sessions, so those exercises will be incremented 6 times as opposed to the alternated exercises which will be incremented 3 times.
Workout A .....
Squat - 2- 3 sets
Lat pull down (15s & 10s only) - 2-3 sets
Incline bench - 2-3 sets
T bar row - 2-3 sets
Military press - 2-3 sets
Flat db press - 1 - 2 sets
Curls - 1 - 2 sets
Workout B ...
Deadlift - 1-2 sets (no more than 2 sets)
squat - 2-3 sets
Neutral grip lat pulldown (15s & 10s only)
Flat bench - 2-3 sets
T bar row - 1 - 2 sets
Db shoulder press - 2-3 sets
Curls - 1-2 sets
*The exercises performed in both workouts will be incremented in percentages of my rep maxes - 75% - 80% - 85% - 90% - 95% - 100%
*The exercises alternated every other workout will be incremented in larger jumps of 80% - 90% - 100% of the given rep max.
*I'll be training 3 days a week with cardio on the rest days
* I'm only doing lat pulldowns during the 15s and 10s weeks ... For the 5s I'll be switching to weighted chin ups instead - the reason for this is that i can do 5 perfect chins with a 20 kg plate but only 12 with just body weight. Generally I find it much easier adding weight to chins than reps so programming them into the 15s and 10s would be pointless.
*Im keeping volume low on my deadlifts with just 1 - 2 sets as I'm pretty strong on these and hitting a rep max wipes me out.
*Im going against the grain with squatting after deadlifting on workout B - Personally i've always found my squat strength feels much better straight after a couple of sets of heavy deads - same thing happens with benching - it's like I get a neural boost or something from the deads.
Ok so first 15s workout yesterday - Monday 3rd went as follows -
"Please note that I went a little crazy on the volume today because the weights felt so light and I was just full of energy"
I will be cutting down to just 2 sets for the rest of the 15s , 2-3 sets for the 10s and 3 sets for the 5s
Squat - 60kg - 4 sets of 15
Incline bench - 65 kg - 3 sets of 15
Lat pulldown - 4 sets of 15
Standing military press - 40kg - 4 sets of 15
T bar row - 30kg - 4 sets of 15
Flat db press - 27.5kg Dbs - 3 sets of 15
BB curls - 28.5 kg - 2 sets of 15
Today felt great ... Breezed through the whole workout really concentrating on form and feeling the burn.
Can't wait for Wednesday's workout...
My Supplements and diet currently :
#Wellman skin tech daily multi vit
# hion green powder
# lots of coffee
I don't use protein powders as I prefer to just eat real food.
Daily diet :
Breakfast : 6 whole eggs , 3 slices of wholemeal bread , tomato purée & vegetables - all baked into a big omelette
Lunch : whole bag of watercress & spinach with 220 grams of mackerel or salmon and some balsamic vinegar and olive oil
Dinner : 300 grams of brown rice with 250 grams of either chicken breast or Salmon with vegetables and Thai green sauce with coconut milk
Nighttime snack : 300 grams of cottage cheese with 6 oatcakes and big dollop of almond butter
I only ever drink water , black coffee or greens powder with water.
I usually have a cheat meal once a week - usually steak and fries or liver and bacon.
Anyways that's enough rambling .. I'll check back in after tomorrow's workout.
Feel free to critique my program .....
Current weight : 84kg
Height : 6,2
Body fat : not sure but I have visible abs and I can see some striations when I flex so at a guess I'd say 10 - 12 %
Current 1RMs :
Deadlift - 220 kg
Bench - 115kg
Squat - 120 kg
Military press - 70kg
I did dabble with HST a few years ago, but now I'm older and a little bit wiser I'd really like to give it another shot.
I decided on an ABA type split but a couple of the exercises are being performed on both sessions, so those exercises will be incremented 6 times as opposed to the alternated exercises which will be incremented 3 times.
Workout A .....
Squat - 2- 3 sets
Lat pull down (15s & 10s only) - 2-3 sets
Incline bench - 2-3 sets
T bar row - 2-3 sets
Military press - 2-3 sets
Flat db press - 1 - 2 sets
Curls - 1 - 2 sets
Workout B ...
Deadlift - 1-2 sets (no more than 2 sets)
squat - 2-3 sets
Neutral grip lat pulldown (15s & 10s only)
Flat bench - 2-3 sets
T bar row - 1 - 2 sets
Db shoulder press - 2-3 sets
Curls - 1-2 sets
*The exercises performed in both workouts will be incremented in percentages of my rep maxes - 75% - 80% - 85% - 90% - 95% - 100%
*The exercises alternated every other workout will be incremented in larger jumps of 80% - 90% - 100% of the given rep max.
*I'll be training 3 days a week with cardio on the rest days
* I'm only doing lat pulldowns during the 15s and 10s weeks ... For the 5s I'll be switching to weighted chin ups instead - the reason for this is that i can do 5 perfect chins with a 20 kg plate but only 12 with just body weight. Generally I find it much easier adding weight to chins than reps so programming them into the 15s and 10s would be pointless.
*Im keeping volume low on my deadlifts with just 1 - 2 sets as I'm pretty strong on these and hitting a rep max wipes me out.
*Im going against the grain with squatting after deadlifting on workout B - Personally i've always found my squat strength feels much better straight after a couple of sets of heavy deads - same thing happens with benching - it's like I get a neural boost or something from the deads.
Ok so first 15s workout yesterday - Monday 3rd went as follows -
"Please note that I went a little crazy on the volume today because the weights felt so light and I was just full of energy"
I will be cutting down to just 2 sets for the rest of the 15s , 2-3 sets for the 10s and 3 sets for the 5s
Squat - 60kg - 4 sets of 15
Incline bench - 65 kg - 3 sets of 15
Lat pulldown - 4 sets of 15
Standing military press - 40kg - 4 sets of 15
T bar row - 30kg - 4 sets of 15
Flat db press - 27.5kg Dbs - 3 sets of 15
BB curls - 28.5 kg - 2 sets of 15
Today felt great ... Breezed through the whole workout really concentrating on form and feeling the burn.
Can't wait for Wednesday's workout...
My Supplements and diet currently :
#Wellman skin tech daily multi vit
# hion green powder
# lots of coffee
I don't use protein powders as I prefer to just eat real food.
Daily diet :
Breakfast : 6 whole eggs , 3 slices of wholemeal bread , tomato purée & vegetables - all baked into a big omelette
Lunch : whole bag of watercress & spinach with 220 grams of mackerel or salmon and some balsamic vinegar and olive oil
Dinner : 300 grams of brown rice with 250 grams of either chicken breast or Salmon with vegetables and Thai green sauce with coconut milk
Nighttime snack : 300 grams of cottage cheese with 6 oatcakes and big dollop of almond butter
I only ever drink water , black coffee or greens powder with water.
I usually have a cheat meal once a week - usually steak and fries or liver and bacon.
Anyways that's enough rambling .. I'll check back in after tomorrow's workout.
Feel free to critique my program .....