My HST program


New Member
Hi guys,

I've been looking for a good workout program for me and came across this HST site(as you can see)... And the content of this site and program satisfied me (as far as i could understand) :) So i decided to create a routine for myself!... I want to know if i have any mistakes in my plan...

Tomorrow (monday), i'll start to work out my 15 RM, and then (wed) 10RM and friday, my 5 RM... Then i'll rest (SD) for one week (is it ok not 9 days but 7 days?)...And Finally i'll start the program...

These are exercises of my choice;

Leg Curl or Dead lift(for hamstring) -> I think u won't approve it, anyway...
Bench Press
Bent Over barbell row
Shoulder Press
Lying Tri. extension
Barbell Curl
Calf Raise (seated may be?)
Crunches (weighted)

Am i correct? If not, what should i do? Any comments?

By the way, english is not my mother language, sorry for any grammar mistakes :)

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Then i'll rest (SD) for one week (is it ok not 9 days but 7 days?)...And Finally i'll start the program...

I would do the 9 days.. this will make your program start on the 2nd Monday after the Friday that you tested your 5RM.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Squat
Leg Curl or Dead lift(for hamstring) -> I think u won't approve it, anyway...
Bench Press
Bent Over barbell row
Shoulder Press
Lying Tri. extension
Barbell Curl
Calf Raise (seated may be?)
Crunches (weighted)

Am i correct? If not, what should i do? Any comments?

You have a solid routine. When it comes down to leg curl or deadlift, I would advise doing some sort of deadlift preferrably stiff-legged deadlifts (SLDL for short) They'll hit your lower back really good as well as your arms, traps, and hamstrings.

I like standing calf raises better than the seated ones as I feel there is more stretch. Regardless, the difference may be negligible and the decision is up to your preference.

The bent over barbell row is a good choice, but I would rank it 3rd as best upper back exercise. IMO, Lateral Pulldowns are better, and then speaking for everyone here - Chins (Chin-ups &/or pull-ups) are the best.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]By the way, english is not my mother language, sorry for any grammar mistakes :)

No problem, where are you from? There are a lot of guys here that aren't American or English is their 2nd language. A good bit of them are a great help on these forums.

Welcome to HST.

Thank you colby2152!..

"I would do the 9 days.. this will make your program start on the 2nd Monday after the Friday that you tested your 5RM."

Then i'll do it that way...

"IMO, Lateral Pulldowns are better, and then speaking for everyone here - Chins (Chin-ups &/or pull-ups) are the best."

I don't believe i can "pull up" 15 reps :) So i cant pick tahat one...

So, how about this?

Bench Press
Lateral Pulldown
Shoulder Press
Lying Triceps extension
Barbell Curl
Calf Raise

All 15 reps, %50-%60-%70-%80-%90-%100 RM

I'm form Istanbul (Turkey)
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I don't believe i can "pull up" 15 reps :) So i cant pick tahat one...

Well, if your gym has a chin/dips assist machine, then you can. If not, the lat pulldowns will be just fine.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]All 15 reps, %50-%60-%70-%80-%90-%100 RM

Unless the weight is low like it would be in the skullcrushers and curls, start at 70% of your 15RM.

Your routine looks good.

How about doing all the exercises in 2 sets? Does it have any negative effects?

And what should i do if i cant add weights like 5 lbs (2 kg), the lightest weight available is 2.5 kg (5.5lbs), and when i add two of them -for symmetry- i have 11lbs?!
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]How about doing all the exercises in 2 sets? Does it have any negative effects?

The amount of sets is up to you. A lot of guys around here will do 1/2/3 sets for the respected 15/10/5 rep schemes therefore keeping a somewhat constant volume. Others will stick to 1 or 2 sets through the entire cycle. Others like myself will do 2-3 sets in the first week of the 2-week rep microcycle, and then do 1-2 sets in the 2nd week when the load gets higher. It's really up to you and your preferences. If you have the energy to do it, you're not working to failure, and you don't do way too much (thus taxing your CNS), then it's all good.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]And what should i do if i cant add weights like 5 lbs (2 kg), the lightest weight available is 2.5 kg (5.5lbs), and when i add two of them -for symmetry- i have 11lbs?!

That happens.. just stick to a weight for an extra day or so until you can progress.
