My training log


89% of 1RM

OHS supersetted with full pullups

172.5# for 1 rep and 50# for 1 rep on a 1 minute and 10 second interval for a total of 20 supersets in 23:04

DL supersetted with 3 chair pushups

305# for 1 rep and 85# for 1 rep on a 1 minute interval for a total of 20 supersets in 19:39

Some of my joints are sending signals that I am pushing them beyond their comfort levels. I think my next cycle might be regular sets with continuous tension throughout the cycle. That will mean much lighter weights.

I will continue this cycle as long as I can. Focus powa!


91% of 1RM

Snatch squats supersetted with full pullups

180# for 1 rep and 55# for 1 rep on a 1 minute 15 second interval for a total of 20 supersets in 24:47

deadlifts supersetted with 3 chair pushups

312.5# for 1 rep and 90# for 1 rep on a 1 minute interval for a total of 20 supersets in 19:41

I am still doing the DL's with a 2x4 under the balls of my feet and doing a heel raise at the top of each DL. My hook grip is still good enough to endure all of that.

The snatch squats are not ass to the grass. I go down to a solid widish stance that puts a stretch on my inner thighs and glutes.

I have gotten over some minor sore joint hurdle in the face of continuing to stick to the workout schedule. Rock on.


93%of 1 RM

DL's supersetted with 3 chair pushups

322.5# for 1 rep and 95# for 1 rep on a 1 minute interval for a totl of 20 supersets in 19:41

OHS's supersetted with full pullups

187.5# for 1 rep and 60# for 1 rep on a 1 minute and 15 second interval for a total of 20 supersets in 24:47

The DL's and pushups were making me breath heavily. HST meets Max-stim meets PHA (peripheral heart action)... Oh baby!

wow, looks great , I really like your exersize selections.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">DL's supersetted with 3 chair pushups - 322.5# for 1 rep and 95# for 1 rep on a 1 minute interval for a totl of 20 supersets in 19:41</div>

***Warning*** There now follows the understatement of the year so far!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">The DL's and pushups were making me breath heavily.</div>

Great lifting.

95% of 1 RM

snatch squats supersetted with full pullups

195# for 1 rep and 67.5# for 1 rep on a 1 minute and 20 second interval for a total of 20 supersets in 26:26

deadlifts supersetted with 3 chair pushups

332.5# for 1 rep and 100# for 1 rep on a 1 minute and 10 second interval for a total of 20 fucking supersets in 22:55

I can't wait until friday to see how 340# DL's go. Beeeaaaatch!

I hope y'all are having as much fun with your cycles as I am with mine.

Peace out.
MS to the side, that's amazing you've kept up with that much volume while hittin so close to your 1RM's. I've currently got my cycle planned to be finishing at around 10 while you are still hanging in at 20! You better have some after pics so we can see some of these results as that's mad craziness.
I crapped out on the M stim protocol. More specifically, my lower back sent signals that I have learned to heed. I did not even try to do the 20 reps with 97% of 1RM.

I have not given up on this cycle though. I have changed the exercises a little so that I can do negatives beyond a 1RM.

The new exercises are:

high bar back squats with heels on a 2x4 going down to a 5 gallon bucket
full pullups
db curls
one arm lying side delt raises

one leg deadlifts
one leg heel raises with balls of feet on 2(2x4's)
one arm french presses

The intra workout load progression for each exercise is to start with about 70 to 80% of 1RM
do 1 rep
add 5% of 1RM
do 1 rep
add 5% of 1RM
do 1 rep
until concentric failure, record in notebook, add 5% of 1RM
do 1 negative
add 5% of 1RM
do 1 negative
add 5% of 1RM
until the negative rep is too fast to allow the weight to land gently, record peak weight that successful negative is done with

move on to next exercise

I have done an A and a B workout already but I do not have my notebook with me so I will have to enter data tomorrow. I will get some more picture to document how I look after a month of M-stim. I have not gained any weight but I feel harder and look leaner. The proof will be in the pictures.

My basis for persuing the aforementioned intra workout load progression is this paper.

Table 2 sums it all up. Translation of JNK and ERK is most closely correlated with the average peak tension of the first 60 of 300 contractions. the correlation of translation to maximal peak tension is not far behind, so I figure that striving for a higher peak eccentric muscle action from workout to workout will be an efficient way to stimulate near maximal translation.

I think cutting back to hitting a lift 2 times per week might be wise. I'll go by how my body feels.

I won't kill myself trying to increase the concentric max. The focus will be on the peak weight for a good negative.

Negative squats??? Yeah buddy! without spotters too!
How TF?
I squat my butt down to a 5 gallon bucket for a light touch. If I cannot stand up with the weight then I let go of the bar and balance the weight on my shoulders while I push off another bucket that is in front of me with my hands. As I stand up, I get my hands back on the bar and rack the weight. Then I add more weight and do another negative. I reached concentric failure with 250# but kept on going in 5# increments up to 310# at which point I dumped the bumper plated bar behind me onto the ground.

I'll give more descriptions of the other exercises later. Gotta run.


single rep training adding weight every rep and going beyond 1RM doing negatives, all weights in pounds(#)

Pullups- 1(25,30,35,...,85,negs with 90,95,...,155)

bucket squats- 1(185,195,...,275,negs with 285,295,...,345) I had to bail out from under the weight on the last one. As a result, the bar landed on the bucket. Luckily, I have more buckets.

db curls- 1(40,42.5,...,57.5,negs with 60,62.5,...,70)

Did not time each set of singles but kept the rest to a minimum

25,30,...,85 indicates that I did all of the 5# increments between 30 and 85.

Pullups were done with the plates flat against the fronts of my thighs. Negatives were accomplished by stepping up and off of a chair that was off to one side of me and slightly behind so that I was getting to the top with a one legged sissy squat assist.

I need to get another dip belt so that I can distribute the weight between two belts. That means I will wear two belts at the same time as the weights get heavier.

Dips and one leg DL's are up for the next workout.

Another link to a cool article that I found
Fast eccentrics training is more effective than slower eccentrics and any speed of concentrics training for developing strength and causing hypertrophy.
