Nativetroutbum's Training Log... comments/critique welcome!!!

Training today:

Deads: 135x5, 225x3, 355x5, 355x5
Dips: BW+110x5, BW+110x5, BW+110x4+1
Chins: BW+55x5, BW+60x4+1, BW+60x3+1+.9+.9+1 (no straps)
Leg Press: 200x5, 290x5, 380x3, 550x6, 550x6, 550x6
DB Bent Row: 100x10, 100x5, 100x5 (2 sets of 5 negatives, straps on the negatives)
Calf Press: 390x10, 390x10, 390x10
DB Upright Rows: 50x7, 50x7, 50x7
Decline Crunches: +10x25, +10x25

-Deads- felt good again. Might try 360x5 on Friday.
-Dips- Happy I progressed a little here; managed 5 reps twice; had to cluster last set at 4+1, vice 3+1+1, so that's good.
-Chins- my 3rd set @ +60 was rough... I came REALLY close to 3+1+1, but failed to get my chin over the bar twice. Finally took about a 20 second break and got my final rep.
-DB Bent Rows - Going to do some negatives with the 100db
-Upright rows seem to be progressing nicely, felt good.

Calories: 3009
Carbs: 335
Fats: 85
Protein: 238
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Cardio today.

5 20-second sprints on the rowing machine, ~135m each.

30 minutes walking uphill on the treadmill. 13.5% incline, 3.5 speed.

Calories: 2707
Carbs: 239
Fats: 74
Protein: 280

My upper back and lats are quite sore today... the chins and DB row negatives yesterday definitely left an impression!
Cardio today.

5 20-second sprints on the rowing machine, ~135m each.

30 minutes walking uphill on the treadmill. 13.5% incline, 3.5 speed.
Nice sprints. Damper on 10? I'd love to see you post a 30-minute row distance for your cardio session. :)
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Yes, LOL, damper on 10. I "all-out" sprint for 20 seconds and then stop but the "boat" keeps moving for a few more seconds. The "boat" stops moving at about 26 seconds, so my distance of ~135 includes that 6 second "coasting" time. No way I could keep this up for more than 60 seconds, I really go max effort for 20 seconds... Back when I was doing 500m "sprints" I consistently had times around 1:45 and broke the 1:40 mark a few times; 1:36 was probably my best time ever for 500m; but that was really pushing it such that I was gasping for air after :0) I'm not sure I really know how to "pace" myself on the rowing machine, but maybe I'll try for a full 30 minute cardio session just to mix things up a bit. I do enjoy the rowing machine.

Today I was TIRED in the gym. Definitely haven't been getting enough sleep, and maybe I'm feeling the effects of "lighter" carbs so my energy levels were a bit low today. I still managed to hit all of my numbers though, so "feelings" be damned! :0)

Deads: 45x10, 135x6, 225x3, 355x5, 355x5
Dips: BWx5, BWx5, BW+110x5, BW+110x5, BW+110x5
Chins: BW+60x5, BW+60x4+1, BW+60x5+1
Leg Press: 200x5, 290x5, 380x5, 550x6, 550x7, 550x7
DB Upright Rows: 50x8, 50x8, 50x8
Calf Press: 400x9, 400x8, 400x8
DB Bent Rows: 100x10, 100x5 (negatives)
Crunches on a ball: 25, 25
Fly Machine: 110x15+5 partials, 110x15+5 partials

Deads- felt good again though I wasn't really 100% ready after a 5 minute break. For my 10th rep, my form broke down a bit and my back rounded.
Dips- I hit 3x5 at BW+110!! Last rep in set 2 and set 3 were really rough, probably almost 10 seconds on the concentic. Happy I got 3x5. Chest was SMOKED!
I wanted to get some blood flowing through my chest, shoulders, and arms, so I did a few sets on the fly machine. Mission accomplished.
Seemingly making progress on everything else, so I'm happy about that.

BW was 180.8 after workout

Calories: 2967
Carbs: 271
Fats: 81
Protein: 302
Cardio today.

1000m on the rowing machine in 4:01, damper on 10.
Then I did 3, 20-second all-out sprints. Manged to hit the 140m+ mark on 2/3 sprints.

Then 25 minutes walking up hill on the treadmill. 13.5% incline, 3.3-3.5 speed.

Food app was down tonight, so not exactly sure what I ate, but I'm guessing it was around 2800 calories today.
Nice rowing, NTB. For distances greater than 500m, have you tried rowing with the damper set lower than 10? This will allow you to increase your stroke rate and the speed of your drive. It took me a while to get used to it, but now I am able to get up to around 36 strokes/min and manage to keep it going. This is a great way to improve your cardio engine. With a bit of practice, I'm sure you will find that reducing the damper and increasing your stroke rate will allow you to improve your power output over longer distances.

Also, for the 20 sec sprints: if you set the time to 00:20 on the display, the C2 will accurately measure how far you travel in 20s. This is more useful than seeing you how far you "drift" on after 20 seconds. :)
Funny, I always thought that the damper was difficulty, so 10 was the 'hardest'... I realize after reading up on the C2 a bit that it's not quite that straight forward. I'll mess around with it a bit. When I'm rowing I try to focus on "power-ing" back. I'll also dither around with the timer so I get a straight 20-second distance. No "coasting" here!! :0)

Great day in the gym; I hit another PR on deads!

Deads: 45x10, 135x5, 225x3, 360x5, 360x5 (360 is a PR!)
Dips: BWx5, BWx5, BW+110x5, BW+110x5, BW+110x4+1
Chins: BW+60x5, BW+60x4+1, BW+60x3+1+1, BWx5 (slow-mo)
Leg Press: 200x5, 290x5, 380x3, 470x1, 560x5, 560x5, 560x5 (560 is a PR!)
DB Bent Rows: 100x10, 100x10
Calf Press: 400x8, 400x8, 400x8
DB Upright Rows: 50x8, 55x5, 55x5
Fly Machine: 115x15, 115x15
Crunches on a ball: one set of 50

So I felt great today so I figured, what the heck, it's just another 5 pounds. 360 came up great, last rep of both sets was a bit round, but I got 2x5...
Dips were tough today, but +110 is a great weight for me right now. Going to stay here until I'm consistently hitting 3x5
Chins were brutal again. Threw in 5xBW just to remember what getting my chin way over the bar feels like. Might dial these back too.
Leg Press PR today with 560x5. I know it's not a squat... still, i'm happy I'm making progress here.
Upright rows I may dial back to 50 or maybe even 45 lb DBs and just slow the motion down. at 55 I'm yanking the weight too much toward the end of the set.
Looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow and resting this weekend!!

BW was 180.2 after.

Food today:
Calories: 2991
Carbs: 302
Fats: 78
Protein: 282
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Firstly, a big well done on the PR. That's a 2 x bw dead for two sets of 5. Nice.

The C2 damper is a mysterious thing. :) It's actually a good way to simulate boat size/hull shape. So, on 10 it's like you are rowing a heavy boat that quickly loses momentum (lots of drag); on 1, it's as if you are rowing a fabulous racing skiff. Most decent rowers will be used to rowing a boat that feels like its somewhere around the 3-5 damper setting.

In order to maximise power output at lower damper settings you have to move more quickly along the slide during the drive. It takes a while to get used to. Don't rush the recovery but really blast your legs out on the drive. Keep your abs and spinal erectors tight at the catch so that you transfer more energy to the erg and don't waste it in torso flexion.

Most folks leave the damper on 10 for sprints as you are able to get up to around 40 spm on that setting for short distances. In order to get as much power output on lower damper settings you'd need to have such a high stroke rate that it wouldn't be feasible.

Enjoy your rest and recuperation.
Thanks, Lol! I feel like the 2xBW was a pretty big "milestone" for me.

Today was a LONG day at work which had me in the gym way later and more tired than normal. I didn't have high hopes but it all turned out pretty well.

Deads: 45x10, 135x6, 225x3, 360x5, 360x5
Dips: BWx5, BWx5, BW+110x5, BW+110x5, BW+110x4.5+1
Chins: BW+60x5, BW+60x5 (negatives), BW+60x5 (negatives)
Leg Press: 200x5, 290x5, 380x3, 470x1, 560x5, 560x5
DB Bent Rows: 3 sets @100x5 (negatives)
Calf Press: 400x8, 400x8, 400x8
Upright rows: 50x6, 45x8, 45x8
Decline Crunches: 20, 20
Fly machine: 115x15+5 partials, 115x15

-Deads felt pretty good; significant form-fail on my last rep but I got it.
-Dips were brutal. The half rep I got on my last set was muscle failure... Got all the way down controlled and made it half way up and stalled... then started going down... Jumped up, waited about 10 seconds and cranked out one last rep that felt like it took 30 seconds but was more like 10. +110 is Definitely a GREAT weight right now.
-Chins: Decided to do negatives... just mixing it up a bit... felt amazing. They were really a partial concentric because I just jumped up a little from the floor, so I still had to pull the 2nd half of the concentric, then tried to hold it for about 3-5 seconds on the way down. Wow, my biceps and lats were screaming.
-Upright rows: Definitely felt way better with a lighter weight, Going to stay at this weight and just ensure perfect form.

BW was right at 180 after workout.

Calories: 2975
Carbs: 292
Fats: 90
Protein: 271 ...yeah, I know this is WAY over the .8/pound... whatev... I'm going to stick with what's "working" for now :o)
You are inspiring me with these numbers man! I feel like a weakling after reading your log lately. Great progress.
Thanks for the kind words, Sci! Thanks for reading my log! Everything is simply coming together these days.

Didn't really feel that great before my workout, but ended up again having a good one.

Deads: 45x10, 135x5, 225x3, 360x5, 360x5
Dips: BWx5, BWx5, BW+110x5, BW+110x5, BW+110x5
Chins: BW+60x5 singles, BW+60x10 single negatives
Leg Press: 200x5, 380x3, 560x5, 560x5, 560x6
DB Bent Row: 100x5, 100x5, 100x5
Calf Press: 380x8, 380x8, 380x8
Decline Crunches: 30, 20
DB Upright Rows: 45x8, 45x8, 45x8
Fly Machine: 120x15, 120x15

-Deads felt a tiny bit better today. Form only slightly broke down on my 5th rep, then I rounded a bit on my 10th rep too. All felt good though. I may try 1 set of 365 on Friday. I want to keep progressing since I feel great, but I also don't want to push it too far.
-Dips felt GREAT today, I again got 3x5 of +110! Really had to dig down deep on the last rep, but I got it cleanly.
-Chins - decided to do negatives again. So I did one set of 5 singles, then one big set of 10 single negatives. Wow, my back and bi's were screaming!!
-Upright rows feel great at the slightly lower weight. I can keep my form near perfect for all 8 reps.

BW was 180.8

Food today:
Calories: 2959
Carbs: 335
Fats: 77
Protein: 265
Cardio today.

1000m, 4:06, damper on 5
20 seconds 110m, damper on 10 (figured out the :20 second timer-thing, thanks, LoL, no more coasting)
20 seconds 109m

20 minutes uphill, 6%-13.5%, 3.0-3.5 speed. I ate a late lunch, so it was maybe 30 minutes before cardio, so I felt horrible.

BW was 180.8

Calories: 2776
Carbs: 222
Fats: 96
Protein: 262

Looking forward to finishing the week strong!!
I would really like to see what would happen if you did some max singles on deads before you end this cycle.
Just continuing to ride this deadlift gravy train while I can!! Bumped up another 5 pounds today for another PR!

Deads: 45x10, 135x6, 225x3, 365x5, 365x5 !!! (365 is a PR!)
Dips: BWx5, BWx5, BW+110x5, BW+110x4+1, BW+110x4.5+1+1negative, BWx8, BWx5, BWx3
Chins: BW+60x20 singles
Leg Press: 200x5, 380x3, 470x1, 565x5, 565x5 (565 is a PR!)
DB Upright Rows: 45x10, 45x10, 45x10
Decline Crunches, 25, 25
Standing Calf Press: BWx15, BWx15, BWx15
DB Bent Rows: 3 sets of 100 x 5 concentric and 3-5 second negative
Fly Machine: 120x15, 120x15

Deadlift - Another PR. Everything felt great today, so I decided to go for a 365. All 5 reps in my first set were good form. 5th rep in set 2 was a little round but I got all reps up with no problem. I just need to set a date to max out and end this cycle, but the way things are going, I want to keep riding it out!!
Dips - Little worse day than Wednesday. +110 is still a great challenge. I have been having a little wrist compression pain so i bought a pair of Titan Titanium wrist wraps. They seemed to work great, no pain today... didn't quite get all 15 reps, but came close. Added a negative to my last set, then did some unweighted reps without the wraps, just to see how the wrist felt, and to get a little extra blood in the chest, shoulders, and tri's...
Chins - Decided to do all singles with 5-10 seconds between; so one huge set of singles for 20 reps... Actually did more like 24 reps, but I didn't "count" 4 reps because I didn't get my chin fully over the bar. Biceps were burning more than my lats.
DB Bent rows - Did the concentric and about a 3-5 second eccentric. May have overdone it a little but it's ok, I've got 2 days off :o)
Leg press - Yeah, I know, it's a "leg press" PR... again, I'm glad to be making progress here; I'll take each little victory I get!

BW was 180.6 after.

Calories: 3124
Carbs: 347
Fats: 73
Protein: 286

Picking strawberries with the family tomorrow... lots of bending over and crouching and squatting... should be a good way to break up any soreness.
Hope ya'll are doing well and have a GREAT weekend and for those of you in the States, a great Memorial day!
Great day at the farm, picked over 20 pounds of strawberries... wow, they are good. Whilst picking, I did about 200 BW squats, 200 BW lunges, and 200 BW stiff leg deads... :o) Wish I could take a nap right now.

Decided to measure skinfolds today, it's been about a month since I last measured. I was pleasently surprised with what I saw on the calipers and my average measurements (I measure each site thrice, chest, abdomen, quad; then repeat 3 times)

Chest: 9.75
Abdomen: 20
Quad: 16

At a BW of 180.6, age of 36, etc... that comes out to a LBM of 154.4! I know that's peanuts for a lot of you guys, but that puts my lean gains at +6.8 pounds since September and my current bf% at 14.51% I know my measurements are not 100% accurate, but it's a good ballpark, and lets me know that things are still heading in the right direction.

My last measurements were 22 and 17.5 for abdomen and quad respectively so it looks like I've lost a little fat, but I'm most happy about the LBM number continuing to increase. For now, I'm going to continue on the "disciplined bulk" with slightly restricted carb intake overall, and more restricted carb intake on non weight training days.
Trying to figure out how to end this cycle and I need some input.

I looked back through my log and realized that after no 15's and 2 weeks of 10's, I started 5's on 15 April. So, I've been steady hitting 5's for 6 weeks now; about to start my 7th week of 5's. I'm still making progress, and I don't feel like I really need a break yet, so I'm inclined to keep going, starting to work in negatives for most exercises... Couple of three weeks from now, I'll finish off everything on a Friday with 1RM attempts for a couple exercises then SD for 10 days.

Basically, I'm just going to keep listening to my body and SD when I'm feeling like I need the break, rather than a set time-period.

I feel great, so I want to keep riding this train if I can...

I appreciate any input ya'll have. Thank you!
Thanks for the feedback, guys.

Good day in the gym today.

Deads: 45x10, 135x5, 225x3, 365x5, 365x5
Dips: BWx5, BWx5, BW+110x5, BW+110x4+1, BW+110x4+1
Chins: BW+65x5, BW+65x5, BW+65x5 (all negatives, only the eccentric)
Leg Press: 200x5, 380x5, 565x5, 565x5
DB Bent Rows: 100x10, 100x10
Calf Press: 380x10, 380x10, 380x10
DB Upright Rows: 45x10, 45x10, 45x8
Decline Situps: 25, 25
...Extra "stuff"
Dips: BWx15, BWx10
DB Curls: 25x10
Lat Pull Down Machine: 110x10
Fly Machine: 120x15, 120x15

All felt pretty good today. The negative chins were rough. Did the "extra stuff" all in one giant set at the end, just to get the blood flowing everywhere.

Food Today:
Calories: 2974
Carbs: 337
Fats: 71
Protein: 263