Nativetroutbum's Training Log... comments/critique welcome!!!

If you do close-grip underhand chinups, your biceps will probably not need any curls. At least that is how I do biceps. It works great for me. No need for curls after shrugs, rows and especially underhand chin-ups/pull-downs. But keep curls if you feel you need them.

Your routine looks really good. Very smart to include the rear delt raises. That will hit your rhomboids, middle trapezius, rear deltoids and rotator cuff all at once.
Maybe I have a form issue with my chin ups, but I always feel like my biceps need more... Just to ensure I'm not overtaxing the main part of the bicep, I'll do dumbell hammer curls, which hits the brachialis and brachioradialis more than chins do.

In the end, maybe not necessary, but I've always enjoyed working biceps.

Thanks for the feedback, Sci.
I agree w/your assessment of chins/pulls. Whilst I find that they're sufficient for putting mass on the biceps, they certainly don't generate the same 'feeling' of usage that a curl does. Loaded stretches in the supinated chin position or single arm hangs are great for them as well.
Going to be hitting the gym this afternoon (after wife gets home from "Black Friday" shopping...)

Today will be the end of my first week of 15's. I'm always so surprised by how sore I am all over during my first week of 15's. Crazy.

Today's working sets will look like this:

Squats, 1 @ 165 x 15
Deadlifts, 1 @ 175 x15
Chins, 1 @ BW + 10 x 15
Dips, 1 @ BW +10 x 15
DB Rows, 1 @ 45's x 15
DB Incline Bench, 1 @ 55's x 15
Seated Rear Delt, 1 @ 20 x 15 (these have felt incredible.)
Shrugs, 1 @ 150 x 15
Calf Raise, 2 @ BW +135 x 15
DB Hammer Curl, 1 @ 25 x 15
Crunches, combination of incline crunch and standing crunch with theraband
*Shoulder pre-hab, supersets of internal and external rotations with red theraband, 3 sets of 10-15 reps (going to do this EVERY workout this cycle)

So I'm slightly adjusting my squat form again, back to a more "power squat." I'm descending to approximately 14" off the ground which is just slightly below parallel to the ground with the top of my quad. Feet are a bit wider than shoulder-width and toes are slightly turned out. Definitely a high-bar squat due to shoulder inflexibility, but squatting back and down. Basically doing a form like those demonstrated by the Elite FTS crew.

Also, I've slightly adjusted my deadlift form. My feet are closer together and hands are just outside my knees. Really concentrating on dragging the bar over my shins, knees, and quads as I rase the weight, head up, back flat... also the same form demonstrated by the Elite FTS folks. This small adjustment is hopefully going to get me back to basics with deadlifts and will prevent any future low back injuries.

I skipped cardio on Thanksgiving yesterday, though I did manage a nice ab workout while watching football. Cardio on Tuesday and tomorrow will be 35 minutes of up-hill walking on the treadmill (12.5% grade) at a "brisk" speed (3.5).

Hope ya'll are doing well!
Forgot to mention that I started using Creatine Monohydrate. I started dosing Monday morning and today will be the last day of my "loading" phase.

So this week I dosed ~20g/day via 3 servings with meals and 1 dose immediately post workout. Starting tomorrow, I will only dose once/daily ~5g. On workout/cardio days I will dose immediately after workout. On Sundays, I'll dose with a meal; probably lunch.

The rest of my immediately post workout "meal" is 12 ounces of natural chocolate milk (1% milk, natural sugar, natural coco), 3g fish oil (I take about 12g fish oil daily), and ~25g of whey protein powder. This amounts to about 40g of carbs, 30g of protein, and 6g of fats. Since I usually workout after work and before dinner, this "meal" happens as I commute home (1.25 hours). I then eat a full dinner meal when I get home; so approximately 1-1.5 hours after my workout. I also take a multi vitamin 3x daily with meals.

Aside from adding creatine, this supplement plan is something I haven't changed much, so if you think i'm doing something wrong here, please let me know.
I LOVE this forum, seriously. Every weekend I spend a little time on Saturday or Sunday just rolling through posts and I'm always learning something.

Today I was looking at MikeyNov's training log and unfortunately learned about his shoulder injury (get well soon, Mikey!) I then re-read a few weeks worth of posts on his training log in an effort to learn more about his injury as I'm trying to do a little self-diagnosis of my own left shoulder issues. I found a link on MikeyNov's training log showing a squat technique for those with shoulder issues.

I'm definitely going to try this strap technique this week.
Sorry I haven't logged anything since Nov 25th. Tragedy struck our family on the 27th when my wife's only sister (her best friend) died suddenly. She was young and as of yet, there is no cause of death; she died in her sleep. Unexpected... horrible... tragic.

I got back into the gym on Wednesday and attempted to pick up my last two days of 15's after an unplanned SD... I was a bit surprised, but I was able to pick up right where I left off. So I finished out 15's yesterday; had a great workout.

My work sets looked like this
Squats: 1 @ 190x15
Deadlifts: 1 @ 195 x15 + 1 @ 225 x 5 (just wanted to see how I felt... stopped at 5, felt like I could have done a lot more.)
Chins: 1 @ BW + 15 x 15 (did 14 then had jump down for about 5 seconds... then did my last rep)
Dips: 1 @ BW + 35 x 15
DB Bent row: 1 @ 60 x 15
DB Incline bench: 1 @ 60 x 15
Seated Rear delt raise: 1 @ 20 x 15 + 1 @ 25 x 5 (these seem to be helping my shoulder issues!!!!!!)
BB Shrugs: 1 @ 165 x 15
Calf Raises: 2 @ BW + 140 x 15 (supersetted with incline crunches)
Incline crunches: 3 @ BW x 20
DB Hammer curl: 2 @ 30 x 15

Conventional deadlifts still feel great and I still feel every bit as powerful as I did with sumo stance. I think I've got my form squared away, so I'm feeling a very balanced muscle pull across my hamstrings, glutes and back rather than just feeling all of it in my lower back. This will obviously be tested as I up the weight. I'll keep reporting on this. I've also decided that I'm not going to use wrist straps for this cycle (my forearms need the work). Going to use chalk only.

I purchased what I think (based on my limited research) is a "good" powerlifting belt from Elite FTS ( I've been breaking it in for over a month, and it's just now to the point where it's starting to feel relatively comfortable. I'm going to use the belt for Squats and Deadlifts toward the end of 10's and for all of 5's. I've never used a belt before, so I'm interested to see how this goes.

Got a new pair of running shoes, so I'm going to be doing some more jogging for my cardio days. I plan to walk for 1/2 of cardio and run/jog the other 1/2. Probably alternate between 1/2 mile runs at a 3% incline 7.0 speed and 1/4 mile walks 3.5 speed up hill 13% incline.

Hope everyone is doing well. Be sure to cherish your time with loved ones and be sure they know you love them!!
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Your wife is probably devastated. Glad you are there for her. I think it's good you are back in the gym too though. It helps with stress, it's like psych medicine for me.
Sorry to hear about your families loss but it’s good you’re back at it and posting again.

You got a very good belt and at a great price, I can’t see you ever wearing it out so if you keep lifting it’s going to pay off immensely. Now to make sure you’re getting the most out of it make sure you’re using it right. I added 60 lbs., from 305 to 365 to my squat in one week just by getting a good belt and learning how to use it properly.
Heck, just read your post, NTB. An untimely death is always a shocking experience for all those close to the one who's passed away. You have my sympathy. Like the others have said, getting in the gym is a great stress reliever: you benefit from the endorphins and it forces you to focus your mind on something else for a while.

All the best with your new belt. Is it the lever-type or does it have a buckle?

I've got a very sturdy 4" powerlifting lever belt, which is fantastic for max-effort squats and deads. It's not that comfortable though and, unfortunately, the lever hinge-pin managed to work itself loose, so I have to watch that it doesn't drop out when I release the lever, which is a pain. If you have one of these, I hope the same thing doesn't happen.

If I'm not maxing out then I use a typical weight training belt. It's got a regular buckle and it's lighter and thinner, so I can leave it on between sets; I just loosen it off a hole or two.

I'm not sure how the other guys here use their belts, but I do mine up just far enough so that it feels tight when I take a big 'belly' breath. I use it mainly to provide a bit of extra feedback while I'm lifting. If my back starts to lose extension, I can immediately feel it against the belt.
I LOVE this forum, seriously. Every weekend I spend a little time on Saturday or Sunday just rolling through posts and I'm always learning something.

Today I was looking at MikeyNov's training log and unfortunately learned about his shoulder injury (get well soon, Mikey!) I then re-read a few weeks worth of posts on his training log in an effort to learn more about his injury as I'm trying to do a little self-diagnosis of my own left shoulder issues. I found a link on MikeyNov's training log showing a squat technique for those with shoulder issues.

I'm definitely going to try this strap technique this week.

Just read this. Glad to be of help, good sir. Thank you for the well-wishes, I guess I get to see whether I can rehab my shoulder on my own - it should be an interesting journey.

Sorry to hear about the loss in your family.
Thanks for the well-wishes guys. It's been a rough time for my family but I know we'll get through it... just going to take some time.

I started 10's yesterday and decided that i wouldn't stagger as much as I had in the past; that is, I'm going to attempt to pick up 10's at or slightly above where I left off with 15's. So far, so good. Used the belt for the first time... really just trying to get used to wearing it; and I'm still breaking it in.

Working sets looked like this:
Squats: 2 @ 190 x 10
Deads: 2 @ 205 x 10
Chins: 2 @ BW+15 x 10
Dips: 2 @ BW+45 x 10
DB Bent Rows: 2 @ 60 x 10
DB Incline Bench: 2 @ 60 x 10 (shoulder hurt a little, but maybe getting better...)
DB Bent Rear Delt Raise: 1 @ 15 x 10 + 1 @ 20 x 10
BB Shrugs: 2 @ 165 x 10
Calf Raise: 2 @ BW + 155 x 10
Weighted Incline Crunches: Did two sets with 10 pounds... did about 20-25 reps each set.
DB Hammer curl: 1 @ 30 x 10 supersetted with two sets of DB single arm "preacher" slo-mo curls on an incline bench (no preacher curl bench.) 2 @ 25 x 10.

This workout really is starting to feel "dialed-in"...
Finished 10's yesterday. Everything is going well... shoulder still isn't 100%, but it's bothering me a lot less.

Working sets looked like this:
Squats: @ 225 x 10 and 8
Deads: @ 245 x 5 (grip failed) 10 (switched to alternating grip, success) and 5
Chins: @ BW + 30 x 7, 5, and 7
Dips: @ BW + 65 x 8, 1, 1, and 5 (a little disapointed here...)
DB Bent Rows: 2 @ 80 x 10
DB Bench Incline: @ 75 x 10 and 8
DB Bent Rear Delt Raise: 2 @ 30 x 10
Shrugs: 2 @ 185 x 10
Calf Raise: 2 @ BW + 175 x 10
Crunches: no weight, about 100 reps over 3 sets.
DB Curls: 2 @ 40 x 7 (been switching each workout... single-arm-preacher curl (35x10), standing DB curls (40x7), standing hammer curls (35x10))

Cardio days: ~40 minutes total; alternating 2 minutes walking 3.5 speed @ 12% incline + 2 minutes running 7.0 speed @ 2% incline.

BW at the end of my workout on Friday was 178.4. I'm sure lot of that is water/food weight, but I'm probably a legitimate 175 now. I've been eating a lot but trying to keep it relatively clean; lots of oats and whole foods. I've also stepped up the intensity of my cardio sessions which has seemingly kept my BF down... I haven't done a skinfold measurement in a while... will do so after 5's.

GRIPFAIL... I think I'm going to just use my wrist straps for anything over 245. I know my posterior chain can handle the weight, my grip fails before anything else. Need to strengthen my grip, but I don't want to short-change my workout. Please advise if you have any insight/strong opinions about using straps or not.

Conventional Deadlifts. I've been LOVING conventional deadlifts. Pretty amazing how conventional form really spreads the stress across the entire posterior chain rather than just on the lower back. So much of this lift seems to be simple physiological geometry... For me, I think I've finally got it right.
If you’re not already using it I would try chalk first as that will improve your grip and allow you to still train it at the same time. However, if your grip is compromising the effectiveness of an exercise then yes by all means use straps.

I use straps for most pulling movements except max Deadlifts because of previously having forearm tendonitis, but my grip is otherwise not an issue as I can static hold than 100 lbs. more than my Max Deadlift. As far as I can tell using straps like this has not weakened my grip any.
GRIPFAIL... I think I'm going to just use my wrist straps for anything over 245. I know my posterior chain can handle the weight, my grip fails before anything else. Need to strengthen my grip, but I don't want to short-change my workout. Please advise if you have any insight/strong opinions about using straps or not.

You might want to skim through this thread for some grip-strength help:
So my lifting schedule was a bit thrown off by Christmas, but I still managed to get in two workouts this week, one on the 24th and one on the 27th. Will pick up tomorrow with what would have been Friday's workout and move on from there.

27th work sets looked like this:
Squats: 3 @ 235 x 5
Deads: 3 @ 255 x 5
Chins: 3 @ BW+30 x 5, 5, 6
Dips: 3 @ BW+65 x 6
DB Bent Rows: 3 @ 65 x 5
DB incline bench: 3 @ 65 x 8
Seated Rear Delt Raise: 3 @ 30 x 5
Shrugs: 3 @ 205 x 5
Calf raise: 3 @ BW+155 x 5
Crunches: 20, 30, 30
DB Single Arm Preacher Curl (full extension): 3 @ 35 x 5
Had a somewhat abbreviated week since I took Monday off. Wednesday-Saturday workout/cardio has me back on schedule. Cardio thursday was good; haven't done it today yet... will later.

Yesterday's workout was great! Today I'm going to list all weights rather than just work-sets... maybe i'm doing too many warm ups (or maybe not enough?)

Squats: 45x10, 135x8, 185x2, worksets: 245x5, 245x5
Deads: 135x10, 185x5, 225x2, worksets: 280x5, 280x5, 300x4
Chins: Couple unweighted chins... 20 second extended hang... worksets: BW+35x6, 5, 5
Dips: BW-50x10, BWx10, BWx10, BWx5, worksets: BW+75x6, 5, 5
DB Bent Rows: 3 @ 80x6, 5, 7
DB incline bench: 1 @ 45x10; 3 @ 80x6, 6
Seated Rear Delt Raise: 3 @ 25x10
Shrugs: 135x5, 135x5
Calf raise: skipped
Unweighted Incline Crunches: 30, 30
DB standing curl, 35x5, 40x5, 40x5

-I cut Squats to 2 sets; felt like my quads and glutes were plenty spent after 2 heavy sets. I'm also going very slow on the way down to ensure I go deep enough, so I'm almost doing negatives.
-I cut incline presses to 2 sets. My pecs felt plenty activated after dips and I've really slowed my pressing motion down to focus on form.
-Rear delt raises: Took a step back in weight but step up in reps. I just feel like lighter weight with more reps activates my rear delts better right now. Will move the weight up from here. Taking a step back to take two steps forward (stole that from you, Grunt).
-My traps were pretty well spent after deadlifts, rows, and rear delt raises; so I stopped after my warmup sets.
-I skipped calf raises due to time constraints.
-DB standing curls were pretty easy @ 40 but when I do standing curls I keep my wrist supinated the entire motion, I go to full extension, and do one arm at a time. While the non-curling arm is at full extension, I do not rest the dumbbell against my hip but actively hold it away from my body a bit. This ends up BURNING out my forearms something nasty (especially at the end of my workout).

So in the past 2 weeks i've made a couple discoveries that may well be revolutionary for me.

1. I cannot do an alternating grip on deadlifts. I screw up my back AND left shoulder when I use an alternating grip on heavy deadlifts. When I just use wrist straps and use an over/over grip, everything feels great. Every time I've ever hurt myself doing deadlifts I'm using "heavy" weight, but I've also always used an alternating grip on heavy deads... thinking I sorta needed to. I always attributed the injury to lack of strength/too heavy weight, when it is likely more due to the alternating grip throwing off bits of my anatomy and interjecting a bit of "twist" into my deadlift motion. That said, from here out, I'm just going to use an over/over grip and use straps if I have to. I'll focus on forearms and grip strength in other ways. Excited to see where I might end up. (also, I have these really strange and weird looking stretch marks on my left arm... Pretty sure they are a result of using an alternating grip; supinating my left wrist for heavy deadlifts causing my left elbow to hyperextend a little. ?? I suppose they will eventually go away or at least be less visible. Not too big of a deal either way...)

2. When doing presses I have a tendency to not really squeese the dumbbell/barbell, but to just sorta rest it in my hand and almost relax my wrist. At the bottom of the pressing motion, this forces my arm and shoulder into a slightly tweaked position and unnecessarily stresses the rotator cuff...... HENCE my left shoulder injury. When I really focus on SQUEEZING the dumbbell/barbell in my hand and FORCING the top of my hand to maintain a straight line with the top of my forearm I have NO shoulder pain at all... Also, maintaining proper grip like this during incline DB presses, I feel a much better focus in the pectoral muscle rather than the shoulder and elsewhere. I can't describe just how awesome this discovery is for me. I think I've been using incorrect "hand/forearm/grip form" for all pressing motions my entire life. I've always been able to attain decent pressing strength for my BW, but my pecs have always been underdeveloped in my opinion. Now I think I know why. Most of you who reading this are probably thinking, "...duh, grip"... I wish I would have made this discovery a couple years ago. Definitely excited to see where my pressing motions might go.

Hope everyone is doing great in this new year!!
So in the past 2 weeks i've made a couple discoveries that may well be revolutionary for me.

1. I cannot do an alternating grip on deadlifts. I screw up my back AND left shoulder when I use an alternating grip on heavy deadlifts. When I just use wrist straps and use an over/over grip, everything feels great. Every time I've ever hurt myself doing deadlifts I'm using "heavy" weight, but I've also always used an alternating grip on heavy deads... thinking I sorta needed to. I always attributed the injury to lack of strength/too heavy weight, when it is likely more due to the alternating grip throwing off bits of my anatomy and interjecting a bit of "twist" into my deadlift motion. That said, from here out, I'm just going to use an over/over grip and use straps if I have to. I'll focus on forearms and grip strength in other ways. Excited to see where I might end up. (also, I have these really strange and weird looking stretch marks on my left arm... Pretty sure they are a result of using an alternating grip; supinating my left wrist for heavy deadlifts causing my left elbow to hyperextend a little. ?? I suppose they will eventually go away or at least be less visible. Not too big of a deal either way...)

2. When doing presses I have a tendency to not really squeese the dumbbell/barbell, but to just sorta rest it in my hand and almost relax my wrist. At the bottom of the pressing motion, this forces my arm and shoulder into a slightly tweaked position and unnecessarily stresses the rotator cuff...... HENCE my left shoulder injury. When I really focus on SQUEEZING the dumbbell/barbell in my hand and FORCING the top of my hand to maintain a straight line with the top of my forearm I have NO shoulder pain at all... Also, maintaining proper grip like this during incline DB presses, I feel a much better focus in the pectoral muscle rather than the shoulder and elsewhere. I can't describe just how awesome this discovery is for me. I think I've been using incorrect "hand/forearm/grip form" for all pressing motions my entire life. I've always been able to attain decent pressing strength for my BW, but my pecs have always been underdeveloped in my opinion. Now I think I know why. Most of you who reading this are probably thinking, "...duh, grip"... I wish I would have made this discovery a couple years ago. Definitely excited to see where my pressing motions might go.

Hope everyone is doing great in this new year!!

It's great to make a breakthrough and you've made two good ones right at the start of the year! :cool:

Have you considered learning to hook-grip for deads? Then it won't matter if you are ever without straps. After two weeks to a month of acclimatisation you'll be hooked!

I always grip the heck out of the bar when I press/bench press etc. I'm fairly sure that the medial(?) nerve that activates your forearm grip (hand/digit flexors) has something in common with the medial(?) nerve that activates your pecs so you get a much better contraction in your pecs if you consciously squeeze the bar at the same time. Something like that. :)

All the best with your new-found pressing ability!