(Dan Moore @ Jan. 31 2007,10:25)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">My .02
I never got anything out of Trib at all.
The only times I've noticed an improvement in performance or size was either with ALRI's orignal LMG (size) or during HRT (performance
Trib is a waste. It's gonna be in an upcoming USP product but the owner admitted it's just cheap filler thrown in for the hell of it. If you're losing sleep I'd recommend PowerFULL and/or REM. Great products for the sleep improvements alone. Especially REM.
It's a very strange product. You get intense dreams while on it, sleep on a schedule without any need for an alarm clock. Very effective for most who try it, though you have to dial in the dose right and give it a few days to a week to kick in. Then you sleep like a log, wake up at the same damn time every day of the week, and even if you only get 3 or 4 hours of sleep you feel great in the morning like you got a full 8. Morning drowziness or grogginess only hits me mildly and if I don't get 6 or more hours. It's something I've been looking for in a supplement for a long time.
The dreams can get to some people. They are very intense and can be very disturbing. I had a few when I first tested the product for them, one where I peeled the skin off my legs and was picking these odd gub looking creatures out of my muscles. Another with zombies chasing me all over in this post apocalyptic land scape. Given my overall mentality, I loved these dreams. But that's me.
You are very suggestable when dozing off on this stuff, so if the right material is playing on the radio or TV when you go under you're in for one hell of a night. I usually fall asleep to movies like The Thing or The Exorcist.