(SweetDaddyPatty @ Feb. 22 2007,14:23)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">About 2 weeks in, here are my thoughts so far:
* The first 2 days on rebound reloaded at one cap/day libido was noticably increased. After adding Activate 4x/day and increasing rebound to 2x/day libido went way down. Three days off rebound, and a few days back at only 1x/day lbido is back to normal.
* My bodyweight weight has stayed constant (just finished 10s) since beginning of HST cycle, but I do look leaner and more muscular. Imrovement in appearance comparable to previous HST cycles.
* Strength increases seem to be coming more easily than in previous HST cycles. Top weights in each phase just "feel lighter"
* Skin slightly oilier than usual but no significant acne.
Overall, I'd say this stack is doing a little something on the hormonal front based on the side effects and strength increases. I don't know if it's doing enough to justify the cost. I'm extremely pleased with my progress on this HST cycle, more so than the last two, but I can't say it's because of the supplements. I'm lifting heavier weights obviously, but I've also made a couple adjustments to my workouts and diet: I replaced heavy leg presses with light squats and deadlifts (starting very slow because of an injury-prone lower back) and I have made a conscious effort to increase my intake of fibrous carbs (i.e. fruits and vegetables) and avoid things like ice cream, cookies, candy etc. almost entirely.
Bottom line is so far I am happy with my results but I am not convinced the supplements have played a huge role. I probably won't buy them again anytime soon, but I wouldn't rule it out entirely if I had more money to spend.</div>
Likely they haven't. Strength increases are common anecdotal reports on these types of cycles, so maybe if someone studied one officially with that as the object of the study they'd find significant differences. But I believe these types of products have been studied as far as body mass and comp changes, and nothing turned up.