That was just a new angle I was thinking of after JV's intervention, however I am stil tempted to see what happens and monitor it as I go along.
I am intersted at this point in becoming the proverbial lab rat and then post results feeling etc, for all to see, kind of trying to earn my keep as expert if you know what I mean.
My main intention is to provide a little extra volume, but taking out the nagging comsumption of time that iso's provide towards the end of the program.
Your view is interesting nonetheless.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Ah, Fausto old boy, new routine eh?
Got to try, hey? Kinda like continuous improvement, right?
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]If you want to do them for purposes of metabollic work
Nope, that will be done with the compounds as per a la Vicious.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]If you want to do them just for extra work - reasonable idea, but loses it's usefulness early when the compounds are heavy enough that none of your iso's are a match at all
Ah...ah! Thus the reason why I am thinking of doing what Colby ws suggesting, how about using them till the end of 10's then dropping?
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]And this is the most important one - hehehe, you are actually the expert, not me. It could very well be effective. Perhaps it could actually turn out a little like undulating progression of sorts (respect to load only) for the muscles affected by the isos since their load is lesser.
This is why I though of introducing it, but wanted to get second opinions of sort to perfect the intention. So for being the expert, not that you are not!
I am willing to be the guinea pig
and then post my rumblings for further analysis, that way if it works I have validated it, and if it does not I have felt I tried it and can now discard it, thus arming myself with further knowledge
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I workout at home, too, 30-45 minutes a day, everyday. If time is your constraint, perhaps you can try my everyday routine. Just PM me and we can discuss it there.
Yep, I think I'll do that and I'll see if I can use it for my purposes.