Newbie or Longtimer?

I've been weight-training seriously for more than 18 years and am at the tail end of my first HST while I'm not a newbie in the gym, I am to HST.
My mistake during this cycle was trying to add muscle while on a maintenance diet (as an ex-fatty I'm perhaps a little too concerned about weight gain). Still, I've made good advances: a half inch on my left bicep (!!! ), a quarter inch on the right, and noticeably improved thickness and hardness everywhere else. I think my gains would have been even better had I upped my calories and taken in more carbs earlier in the cycle.
Even with my dietary goofs it's very clear to me that HST works. I'm stronger and more muscular now than I've ever been. This is the way I intend to train from here on out--you can count on it.
just about to start cycle number 3.. i love it overall because after doing the heavier weights my tendonitis in my arm starts to act up and the SD settles it down for just about the whole next cycle.. in about 2 more cycles i'll probably be in the best shape of my life, and still have room to grow
Massive gains personally. I'm new to working out so I expected gains no matter what, but 15+ lbs of gains is impressive.

I have about 7 months of weight lifting experience total and started HST about 2 months ago, including finding RM's and the SD after that. I don't have any measurements from "before" besides weight, but I do have alot of pics I took so I could gauge my progress. I wanted to wait till I finish my 1st program to post my pics, but when I do where should I post them?

btw I wanted to say a huge thankyou to Bryan for the HST research he did. Thanks Bryan.
i'll get pics and stats when i'm not ashamed of showing it anymore
not yet worthy of having my picture taken.
but gains are amazing :D my username will soon change to NOTSKINNYMANANYMORE. yeah thanks a lot bryan. without your research i would've probably still be this stick dood i used to be.
Started 7th yesterday.

Found out today I gotta buy new jeans, I work in an office so I rarely wear em, but tried on an old pair today, the waist was fine but getting my thighs and a$$ in was a form of cardio all it's own.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Bryan Haycock @ Mar. 30 2005,3:53)]How did we get 3 "founders" on there?!  :D
Bryan, we all know you are very smart but when did you start your own cloning facility ;)
I'm excited about this kind of routine. I found it in a Bulk Nutrition mag. I've been exersizing since 1979 (off n on) more on though! I've done many different routines, but NEVER full body! Especially every other day. I did my 5th day of 15's today and I'm looking forward to seeing the results of doing my first full cycle! This routine will be the one I'll be doing from now on. Sign: OLD MAN; Thanx to BRYAN
I am just about finished with my first cycle and I am hooked. I can tell noticeable changes in my body and I am just doing a plain jane 6 week cycle. Actually I am going a little past the 6 week cycle to work my way up to my new 5 rep maxes and then test my maxes for the new lifts I will cycling in for my next time around. So it will end up being about 8 weeks but the final two weeks won't be traditional. This is good stuff.
