No Of Exercises Per Workout

1. Squat
2. Incl. Bench
3. Bent Over BB Rows
4. Standing Military Press
5. Weighted Chins
6. Romanian Dead-Lifts
7. an Isolation Exercise of choice, depending on how I feel (always deep stretch here)
This has a lot to do with personal preference but the essentials are always

Shoulder/Military Press

This is 4 or 8 exercises, depending on how you do it (1 set of each/alternating etc.)

These will get growth in all areas, but you and extras or isos as you feel you need. Also you can add abs, core and posture stuff as needed.
Well, at least 4 ..

one for legs

one for back

one for chest

one for delts

Sometimes more than one for legs like one for quads and one for hams.

Sometimes more than one for back, like one for width and one for thickness

Sometimes a bicep exercise. Sometimes a tricep exercises.

That's a long, roundabout way of saying I probably average 6-7 exercises per workout.
I was doing 7, (which i voted for).

But lately I am in the heavier loads, so I dropped arm iso's to bring it down to 5.

<u>My favorite 5 core compound exercises-
BB Rows
BB Bench Press
Seated DB Press
Right now im using:

A Squats, bench press, bent rows, standing military, barbell curls
B Sumo Deadlifts, Dips, Chins, Standing military, Rear delt row, Skull Crushers

Which has been working very well for me  
I voted for 5. I'm doing 9 exercises alternated over two workouts (5 each session).

Standing Shoulder Press
Curls/Tri Extensions

Recently I haven't bothered doing arm isos but if I do them I do them on off days.
My new routine has me doing:
D/B presses, incline and flat
Weighted pullups
Lever and hack squats
Weighted dips
D/B shoulder presses
Narrow grip Rows
Supinated highrep chinups

and on alternate days or when I feel like it:
Lying cable curls

Any less and I don't feel like I'm done...I'm used to over an hour.
15 for me...for now.
Squat, SLDL, Row, Bench, overhead pres, pullup, cable crunch, conventional deadlift (different time - late in the day), leg extension, good morning, calf raise, shrug, curl, skull crusher, decline dumbell bench.
Since I'm only doing the standard HST with the reccomended increments and only doing 1x15, 2x10, 3x5... then I can handle more exercises.

Later, when I increase the volume per exercise 2x15, 3x10, 5x5... again I'll reduce the number of lifts to 6
Squat, dead, bench, row, overhead press, and Pullup...maybe cable crunch too.
Sitting as Peak say between 6 and 8 if I add isos, that is pretty much it, and it includes abs, although many times I end up not doing them!
still 5 x 5

A: Back Squat, Incline Bench Press, Strict Military Press, Bent Rows, Weighthed Dips, Chins
B: Front Squat, Flat Bench, Dead lifts, Strict Military Press (3x3 on Dead days), Weighted Dips, Chins
Looks I'm the lazy bum of the forum as I'm the only one that's voted for 4 or less!

a) Deads, Bench, Machine Row, Military Press
b) Squats, Dips, Chins, Military Press

in my defence I am doing them max stim style with loads from my 10rm upwards.


(robefc @ Oct. 22 2006,15:38)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Looks I'm the lazy bum of the forum as I'm the only one that's voted for 4 or less!</div>
Ahhh yes, the lazy one.

As long as you are doing squat, dead, bench, row - you've pretty much got it all covered. One can get HUGE with just those 4.
I do 3-5 MWF:

A: olympic squats, bench, pendlay rows
B: deadlifts, standing OH press, chins, dips, front squats

Tue. &amp; Thur. i do olympic lifting 3-4:

Tue: full snatch, OH squats, power snatch, snatch pulls
Thur. full squat clean &amp; jerk, power cleans, clean pulls
(liegelord @ Oct. 25 2006,00:16)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I do 3-5 MWF:

A: olympic squats, bench, pendlay rows
B: deadlifts, standing OH press, chins, dips, front squats

Tue. &amp; Thur. i do olympic lifting 3-4:

Tue: full snatch, OH squats, power snatch, snatch pulls
Thur. full squat clean &amp; jerk, power cleans, clean pulls</div>
Very nice routine, practically perfect for developing maximum strength/power. I would recommend Leige's routine strongly to anyone who is involoved in sports/athletics and who's primary goal is developing functional strength (example:a football player/wrestler/strongman competitor, etc.) Leige has all the power moves, all the heavy compounds and a nice split which allows frequent training.

Good stuff!
I do 3 - 5 exercises per workout, depending on my plan at the time. Usually only 3, but when I'm doing HST it can be up to 5.
Voted for 6.

A :
Flat Bench Dumbbell Press - Single Arm Dumbbell Rows - d/b army press - Barbell Squats - Dumbbell Single Leg Calf Raises - Abs Machine.

Incline Bench Dumbbell Press - Rear Pulldown - Seated Leg Curls - Reverse Incline Dumbbell Flyes - Dumbbell Single Leg Calf Raises - Abs Machine

sets : 2*15 3*10 4 + one drop set * 5.

On 5's doing only 4 exercises.
I'm changing my response if that's OK. Back in September it was a lot. Now it's 4 on heavy squat day, 5 on light and medium squat day. On my triumphant return to HST, I'll probably be doing 7-10. Starting with the basic 7 that I use, then adding in arms and calves if I need to.

Yes, I did say triumphant return because I'm getting stronger again, growing again, but nothing has given me results like HST did during the summer of '06.