Nutrient partitioning


New Member
I am a little fuzzy on the concept. Does this refer to the practice of isolating carb intake to just before and after each workout while going low-carb during all other times?

If so, it seems like a pretty commonsensical approach...

Nurtient Partitioning refers to the attempt at forcing the nutrients you consume (protein, carbs) into your muscle cells and not into your fat cells. There are are things that are known to aid in accomplishing this. Exercise is one big one. Some supplements that do this are R-ala and AAS. There are some other interesting ideas floating around concerning Vinegar (acetic acid) and glycogen replenishment that I have yet to look into in depth.
And, of course, exercise, the king of nutrient partitioning effectors. Causers. Whatever.

Remember, your goal is to push nutrients into your muscles. But most things which are anabolic, like eating food, also push nutrients into your fat, which you don't want. A nutrient partitioning effect alters the balance of nutrients entering muscle vs fat.

After a workout, you experience a natural nutrient partitioning effect because your muscles are sucking things up like there's no tomorrow. Your fat doesn't react like that.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Steve McDermott @ April 17 2003,6:58)]Some supplements that do this are R-ala and AAS.
Is AAS a supplement ?


and everything that I have read about ala shows a increased glucose uptake in both muscle and fat.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (micmic @ April 17 2003,11:57)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Is AAS a supplement ?
Why not ? You "supplement" your hormones, don't you ? :D
(No, I haven't forgot our little debate
Suppose, but if you go by certain classifications of supplements it may not be. Most things will be classified as a drug if they are a controlled substance, or even potentially split off into the ergogenic aid side of things.
You got me there. I stand corrected. ;)

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]and everything that I have read about ala shows a increased glucose uptake in both muscle and fat.

Interesting. Admittedly I have just started to really look into R-ala, so perhaps the advice was hasty. Any links to share??
So is there any benefit to nutrient partitioning during the day like Wedge stated. Will eating high carb post-WO and then low carb rest-of the day effect body comp or have a negligible effect as I suspect?
Dont have any links off the top of my head

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]So is there any benefit to nutrient partitioning during the day like Wedge stated. Will eating high carb post-WO and then low carb rest-of the day effect body comp or have a negligible effect as I suspect?
one part of the day will not matter about bodycomp. Carbs are not the only affect on body comp, overall calories daily are more important than carbs.