Nutrition for Fasting


New Member
Hey everyone, Im new to this forum as you can see and i have a pretty complex issue to bring to the table. Ive been training for about 5 years and its been great to me. I came on this website on a fluke and am VERY interseted on this method of training.
Anyway, my problem deals with fasting. I am a muslim and in about 2 weeks we begin fasting for 30 days as it is required for every muslim to perform. How it works is that we wak up before dawn and eat (so around 5:30am) and then we dont eat anything (or drink anything) till sunset (around 6:30pm) I hit the gym around noon and need some help figuring out a good nutrition plan.
So far ive got slower absorbing protien (Casien) being eaten before dawn along with complex carbs like whole wheat bread and oatmeal. Also my vitamins and essensial fats will be taken in at this time. Im taking the creatine out of the diet since i cant drink water for most of the day. When i break my fast at sunset im going to trying to get in as much whey isolates into my system as possible along with moderate to high calories. At this time ill probably focus on simple carbs like pasta and rice.

im still figuring out what to eat when but this is the basic outline. Any help on this topic would help me out alot!

IMO, I would wait until fasting is over before starting HST, if you want to get the best of it. Just eat as much clean food as you can without getting sick in the morning, and then eat every hour or 2 at night.

OR, you could just leave your job for a month, sleep during the day, and eat and workout at night. I don't think that would work out though :)
well im not going to start HSN during fasting of course. I ive been making really good gains and if i stop lifting for a know what will happen.
Next time align your fasting with the "SD" cycling so to help eliminated at couple of weeks out of your month of fasting.
On the other hand, wake up earlier and do your workout having the protein at a 3rd before exercising the next 3rd during and the last 3rd upon completion of your workout.
Also welcome to HST