O/T Where has everyone been


Active Member
Is it me or has the neighborhood been mighty vacant and slow this past week.

Were is everyone??? I check the forum in the mornings and then like 12 hours later on 2 or 3 posts???
There's not always gonna be much new stuff to talk about as far as lifting goes, unless you're into the hardcore rocket science side of things, like DKM and a few others on this board. Besides, it's my own personal observation that forum activity comes in waves. You'll get periods of high activity and periods of low activity. It all depends on what new and interesting information/research is available, and whether people are asking good, intriguing questions.

That's my $.02 on the matter.

I definetly agree! Way slow! May be the wave thing is right! But usually the responses are quicker and I have been here for a while!
Yeah, I too believe that activity comes in waves. Sometimes things can be hectic, sometimes they are slow. The same pattern can actually be seen in many aspects of social life.
Been busy. Work was too hectic, even had to stop lifting. Just dropped by now to see if there are any earth-shaking matters.
JV get out of that bat cave...lol

I apologize. I have been stretching my time very thin between a number of jobs. Hopefully things will slow down come spring semester.
Old and Grey: K.I.A.

One More Rep: M.I.A.

mikeynov: W.O.I.A. (working out...) ?

Captain Crunch: W.O.I.A. ?

Vince: DOMS.I.A.

Ectosquat: MIA

Blade & BIZ: C.I.A. (competing...) ?
I will admit that over the last week or two, I have primarily been browsing and not posting.

It's normal for sites to go through busy and slow periods. My own sites do the same things. In fact, there seem to be yearly patterns on some of my sites.
I have a site for art stuff, like poetry, prose, various visual arts, etc. Jv found that one on google, though that one has been pretty slow for a while. Another one for discussion of entertainment and some 'special interest' type things, then I help administrate on a couple of text based games, a couple roleplaying sites and a tech support site. They are all pretty boring.
I read these forums almost everyday but don't always post. If it's a post from a frequent poster (you know who you are), I always reply if I see the post.

Besides, how many times can you answer posts like, "I have to work on Fri, do I workout thurs or saturday?"