Off Topic section?

I'll just reply with a No, since obviously the poll creation didn't worky
I would like an off topic forum, but experience on other boards shows that trolls, outsiders, even sometimes members create some problems on those kind of boards. If you do it, you should appoint a moderator for that board alone. It should be someone who doesn't get into arguments too easily, and who checks in daily. All a moderator really needs is the power to delete posts and lock up troublesome threads. Admin can ban trouble makers if need be.

I say do it, as long as you're working on the BB system anyway. If it crashes and burns, just delete it.
No thanks. This site is all about hypertrophy. Why turn it into an ordinary site for people to slam each other's opinions about events that neither of them can control? It's an open invitation to trolls and internet thugs.  

If the store were still open I would probably have a different opinion. Then the site would be about selling as much as possible and you do that by attracting as many people as possible. If that were the case, one could avoid the controveresy simply by not opening that forum. However, with the store closed, what are the advantages versus the disadvantages? I see no advantages and a lot of disadvantages.  

To go one step further to the extreme, I would like to see this site combined with the research part of Dan's site. You could even charge a nominal annual membership fee to help keep the trolls away but would still attract the people who believe that science does lead the way to better bodybuilding techniques.  

PS: Trolls, no need to slam me about the membership fee. It's more about the hassle of joining and paying, even if it is $1.00, than it is about the amount of money.
I feel that there are already plenty of places where you can chat about stuff. Let's keep this site a place for muscle and hypertrophy talk. It's worked so far. Occassionally, threads go off on tangents anyway (often for a bit of light-hearted relief) but that's not a problem.

Dan has a lounge on his forum so we could always use that if we felt the need for a bit of a chin wag.
I would like an off topic section. If it is weight lifting and muscle sport related. There were a lot of great threads (reactions to muscle, funny things in the gym, etc) That get burried in the HST section. So I don't think this is the place to discuss politics, the art sceen, how to fix your car. But I enjoy the semi off topic threads about being a weight lifter, and attempting to live that life style.

(Old and Grey @ Jul. 22 2006,09:42)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">To go one step further to the extreme, I would like to see this site combined with the research part of Dan's site.

You could even charge a nominal annual membership fee to help keep the trolls away but would still attract the people who believe that science does lead the way to better bodybuilding techniques.  

why didn't I think of that

Just kidding, I wouldn't charge anyone to share in my passion, or would I

I tend to agree with Bryan, the risks of some serious trolling and porn posting, spam links, yada yada yada is too great and the lack of it is what sets this board apart from many other BB type boards. Besides until the board is fixed it's hard enough to moderate as it is. I haven't been able to move off topic posts to another location now for some time, obvious by the total disarray of the HST forum.
While I enjoy OT conversations, one of the plusses of this board is that the discussion is with very, very few exceptions, on topic. There are plenty of places to talk about politics, art, etc. No need for it here. Maybe though an expansion of the various forums here to reflect more specific On Topic subjects might be cool. An IFBB forum for example, a forum for the discussion of articles and bits of info people find in magazines and journals. for example over at they have a news and articles forum where people can post articles they find about physiology, biology, recent studies and stuff like that.
As per the various opinions, Bryan, it would create enourmous risks for trolling which would end up spoiling the site's unavoidable likeability of which I could say most serious enough people would agree is about 99% as opposed to the occasional Troll that comes in to try and spoil things!

As nice as it would answer is a simple no...and by the way as I mentioned before there is the occasional deviation in some threads which without becoming obnoxious, if suitable, is usually followed for a short period then it tappers off.

Therefore when someone puts an off topic on a thread if the opthers enjoy it they follow it else they simply carry on with the main subject!

I'd say as is we have the bread buttered on both sides, an absolute rarety these days!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">No thanks. This site is all about hypertrophy. Why turn it into an ordinary site for people to slam each other's opinions about events that neither of them can control? It's an open invitation to trolls and internet thugs.</div>
I agree with O&amp;G. Consequently, no. This forum works so well as it is, so why try to change it?
Big NO for me. And funny timing - I recently visited a popular AAS board for the first time and saw a thread titled  something like &quot;Will the Jews finally destroy the Arabs?&quot;

I actually added a post saying &quot;what the hell has this got to do with AAS, training, diet, etc?&quot; Then I realised it was an &quot;off topic&quot; thread. I also noticed an &quot;adult picture swap&quot; area.

I thought to myself, this is surely not thinking person's forum. I lost so much respect for the site. If the HST forum ever ends up like that I think it will lose all credibility. We come here to talk about the science behind training, and help each other see past the BS generated by money-hungry marketers.

We do have fun and go off on the ocassional tangent of course but I think the culture of this site has something special about it. It's an awesome mindshare of evidence-based recommendations and wise, friendly peoples' training experiences. Let's not ruin it with sh*t-talk.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I thought to myself, this is surely not thinking person's forum. I lost so much respect for the site. If the HST forum ever ends up like that I think it will lose all credibility. We come here to talk about the science behind training, and help each other see past the BS generated by money-hungry marketers. </div>

Even though I would love to talk sports with a lot of yins, and as much as I supported an OT forum from the get-go, I see all the valid opinions...

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Maybe though an expansion of the various forums here to reflect more specific On Topic subjects might be cool. An IFBB forum for example, a forum for the discussion of articles and bits of info people find in magazines and journals. for example over at they have a news and articles forum where people can post articles they find about physiology, biology, recent studies and stuff like that. </div>

I agree with Xahrx. There are too many threads in the general HST forum. It could be divided into HST-Just Starting and HST-Specialization. That is the truely the great divide among threads.

I am still trying to find a good forum to talk about sports though...
initial the offtopic section was my idea.

BUT, i think too it was not a good idea. the board is working so well at this time without offtopic section. and the people are nice and friendly to each other.
We should not risk that.

Maybe a offtopic section will not make too much trouble in the future with spammers or other persons, but who knows this at this time.

so i say NO to the offtopic thing, because we are here to learn something about training and nutrition and get and become advices from each other.
I am in the minority of wanting a off topic weight lifting section. So not totally off topic --no sex, politics, personal blogs etc. BUT one thing I think would help is a critique my routine section. Currently the HST section gets bogged down with people wanting their routine reviewed --that is fair. But for people who have been here a few years, the finer points of HST are interesting. Newbies who ask basic questions (while welcomed -- we were all newbies once) but the newbie questions bog down the HST section. Again I am not anti - newbie, just thing there are 2 levels of discussing HST. An I as a 4 year veteran of HST am still learning.

I believe an off-topic section can be a breath of fresh air. Hey, ever wanted to just talk about something not really HST or BB here? After all, a lot of people here have come to consider this not just &quot;another BB forum&quot;, but a true community, albeit a virtual, online one. It won't be such a big change for the vets here - we often digress from a thread every now and then to talk off-topic. An off-topic forum would just give us a proper place for that, where we won't have to say &quot;don't mean to hijack the thread, but hey how's...&quot;

Of course, like most things in life, it can also as easily be abused.

I see no harm in it, however, if it is properly moderated.

So weighing those two things, I am more inclined to say let's give it a try. Lay down a few ground rules to make sure we don't become porn central or a person-bashing forum (actually, we won't need so much - the forum rules practically prohibit all those stuff already). If it turns out that people still behave as they do right now - meaning no trolling, no flaming, no personal attacks, and no porn - then let's keep it, along with a strict moderator just in case a few rotten apples visit every now and then (*cough* *cough* Real Deal *cough* *cough*)

Of course, if in just a matter of a few weeks it degenerates, and people insist on offensive stuff, then we'll axe the forum. It only takes ~3 seconds to remove it, so that won't be so hard

That's my opinion, for what it's worth.

Regards to all,
I agree batman. If it gets out of hand we can nix it. As said before I like lifting related off topic, so in a way it is not totally off topic. I truely love the vitrual community of HST, but after a while dicussing the basics gets a little old. I would like an off topic actually to discuss the topic, but the finer points that do not fit into the basics. I respect the guys who say off topic can get out-of-hand. I frankly do not frequent other boards. But If our HST - Off topic gets out out hand we can just cut it.

I definitely echo what Bob said about the HST forum and splitting it into two. If we did have an OT forum, then we would need rules and a moderator that watches the topics being discussed. We are all a close-knit group of guys on this forum who are all polite and helping, so I imagine an OT section wouldn't get vulgar.
Yes, I think having a divide like &quot;HST - Basic&quot; and &quot;HST - Advanced&quot; forums would be a good idea.