<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Please don't quote Berardi as your reference.
Postworkout: Do you REALLY think that fats/carbs in this are going to matter?
Okay, how about this: Do you REALLY think that your stomach is going to be empty postworkout or preworkout for that matter? Sure, if you are working out after you just got up, but that's about it.
The moral of the story is: Just freaking get some protein and stuff after your workout. It isn't going to matter as much as you think, as long as you get some protein preworkout. I ALWAYS put fats in my post AND PRE shakes, and I haven't like, died or anything. Also, I keep getting bigger and stronger as time goes on, so it must be working.
I don't know why people obsess so much over this, especially when they are still at the point where doing/eating pretty much anything will illicit growth. No wonder why the bro's always say "Just shutup and lift!" but I think we should change it to "Just shutup and EAT!"
Seriously, bro.</div>
okay, i seriously feel Totentanz that you've come off a little aggressive here, that wasn't necessary.
i NEVER said that you stomach would be EMPTY before or after a workout, dunno where that came from. i realise that there is food in the stomach before and after still, i'm just saying in terms of OPTIMAL performance and growth that high GI carbs DO work. it's been proven. if i am wrong, advise me to the correct info, not call my 'fretting' dumb.
javacody, thank you for actually BEING understanding and so helpful without snapping my head off. yeah, that site is amazing i've browsed it before and i definitely plan to visit it heaps.
totentanz i'd just like to note that we
are people, who are trying to be the best we can be, and learn everything we can. i remember how I was when i first started in all this, i had no clue. luckily no one was rude to me in any way, and guided me in a friendly way. i'm sure you were the same, so i'd really appreciate it if you could try and understand that we are all humans trying to share knowledge and help. we all deserve some respect, towards vdk_au, me and everyone.
etothepii... i'm curious, i haven't heard of the IF protocol, what is it???
OH!!! intermittent fasting or something, is that right?

just remembered...
thanks for all your help guys!