Prime and Driver +


New Member
Ok--i'm going to try out the prime and drive +. My question is mainly one regarding the distinction between the protein powder and the MRP.

I doubt one is 'better' than the other. I have both in my possession, and i'm wondering what my best plan of action should be. I am a bit confused/overwhelmed by the amino acids issue... I guess I need to start out knowing what the main differences are between the 2. I also take creatine before I workout.

So should I take the MRP before I leave for the gym--then take the protein and creatine 15 minutes before I lift, and the drive + after I get home? Or pile it all together into one 3 scoop (P&D+ both are 2 scoop servings) pre and post workout drink?

primer before your workout (2 scoops I guess...(at least) so you get 20g of prot/carbs, id take 3 scoops...but it is getting expensive) probably 15mins or so (I mix it together with my creatine nevertheless you should take your creatine between meals) and driver right after your workout...
a person may want to check the nutritional info on the primer/driver before deciding how many scoops will meet their needs... I would like to try the + products, but have been kind of on pause waiting for the stats to come out on the store or products page.