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First of all, I agree with you that wild animals get sick but if you look at them vs. domesticated animals, wild animals live much longer and healthier lives. And look at wild human populations (the Kalahari in South African) have life expectancies that are far greater than any industrial societies.

I agree that e coli is serious, but EVERYONE already has e coli in their bodies. I have done the research. I am a health professional and have studied almost EVERYTHING out there so that I can help people.
As for eating meat raw, its not that the meat at Jack in the Box was undercooked but that it was stored improperly and bacteria was allowed to grow. Fresh, organic meat is perfectly fine to eat raw. You salt it to cure it of bacteria, put it in a dehydrator (or not) and you have fresh jerky. What's so bizarre about that? You have all the benefits of the protein because the molecules haven't been denatured by the heating process. Check out the primal diet.

I'm open to talking about my research with anyone who is interested. It's a shame that many of you are quick to judge without hearing all the research behind what I'm doing. Since I've cleaned up my diet, I've experienced more health and more strength than I ever have. I'm a 135lb woman and can lift as much as alot of the guys in the gym (not the huge bodybuilders, of course), but my strength increases faster than anyone I know without protein drinks.

I wish all of you good health.
I give her an A+ for a sincere and professional reply. But Tot is right too. Take that meat off the supermarket shelf and eat it raw and you'll die. From Buff's earlier post it looked like it could have been referring to that, and we all know that there are some really dangerous BB ideas out there. Remember eating raw eggs, for instance? Most of us are smarter than that now.
    Buff, this is a great site, and no flamers here to worry you; discussions remain intelligent as people get to know you.
   I'm posting my butt off lately because I'm recovering from surgery and can't work out yet. These guys are as close to the gym as I can get right now!
We've gone over this already in the past. I don't really feel like discussing it again. I've been trained in food safety and taken several classes on it in the past - it's a requirement for the job I am in, so I think I have a good grasp on what you are risking by not cooking your meat properly. Salt is not sufficient to get rid of bacteria. I'm going to go ahead and keep cooking my meat.
By the way - for what this is worth - it doesn't really matter if protein gets denatured by cooking or whatever. You do realize that we digest the stuff, right? You don't use the protein directly, so if it gets denatured, that doesn't matter. What you get from digesting the protein is going to be the same regardless of whether it is denatured or not. It is going to get broken down into amino acids regardless. Your body is going to use those amino acids to build it's own proteins regardless.

It doesn't matter. You aren't going to get more out of your protein by eating it raw. It doesn't work that way.
(buffchick @ Jul. 30 2006,07:27)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I have done the research. I am a health professional and have studied almost EVERYTHING out there so that I can help people.</div>
Present it, as I dont think I have ever met any researcher anywhere on the planet who has the ability to study everything.
Yea, my bodyfat dropped 2% minimum. Probably due to the lack of sugar.

Probably not. Its more likely due to the fact that eating clean fills you up a lot quicker than the average American diet. You are eating a lot less calories than before. I thought I was eating the friggin house when I started eating clean but when I counted the calories they were much lower than I expected.

As far as sleep, I was getting 5-6 hours a night and felt much more energetic and alert while eating like that. Now I'm needing 9 or I'm dragging my butt around all day.

Eating clean had no effect on my energy levels, sleeping patterns, or alertness.

You guys shouldn't be so sceptical of 'clean' food ... my skin got better...

No one is skeptical of clean food. They are skeptical of your outrageous claims. You can get enough vitamins/minerals from supplements. This is probably why I didn’t feel any healthier when I started eating clean. I have been taking vitamin supplements since I was 5. Eating clean had no effect on my frequency of illness. I rarely got sick when I was eating crap and, now, I rarely get sick eating clean. My dry skin got better when I started eating enough poly/mono unsaturated fats and EFAs.

You don't have to eat organic, just try eating more fruit and veg and nothing processed ( added salt, sugar, flavourings, preservatives) and you'll feel better.

What about the salted meat?

“Animals in the wild that have been studied do not get diseases. Humans get diseases because they consume chemicals that they call food (ie protein drinks) and end up poisoning their bodies.”

I declare shenanigans. Wild animals get sick all the time. You just don’t see a lot of them because they tend to get eaten by the predators. Humans get diseases because they are susceptible to infection like any other animal. Lets set one thing straight... EVERYTHING YOU EAT IS A CHEMICAL. If you think protein shakes are bad chemicals you are smoking crack. The protein is derived from food. It is a natural chemical meant for consumption.

“My business partner is way overweight and went on it for a while, and lost weight without cutting calories.”

I doubt it. Its impossible for a person to go from the average American diet to a clean diet and eat the same calories. I guarantee you they will puke long before they get equivalent calories.

“There are actually entire societies (islanders, etc.) who eat naturally without heart disease, diabetes, and a host of other maladies, who, when coming to the good 'ol USA, and eating our way, got sick like we do. Returning to their native diets, the symptoms eventually disappeared”

I can see that. Especially after I went to mexico, ate their diet, and vomited and **** my brains out for 2 days. Anytime you make a rapid change in diet you are gonna have problems. Also an islander would have a good diet to begin with. It is high in seafood for proteins and good fats with lots of fruits/veggies for good carbs and vitamins and minerals. There is no doubt that the average American diet is a problem. BB tend to have better diets because they go for more protein rich foods and the average American diet is all about carbs and fats… mostly not the good kind.

&quot;First of all, I agree with you that wild animals get sick but if you look at them vs. domesticated animals, wild animals live much longer and healthier lives.&quot;

BS! A wild cat has a life expectancy of about 4 years. A domesticated cat has a life expectancy of about 14.

&quot;And look at wild human populations (the Kalahari in South African) have life expectancies that are far greater than any industrial societies.&quot;

The bushman have a life expectancy of about 42 years. I am not sure where you got your information, but if what you said were true O&amp;G would be pushing up daisies instead of weights.

“I agree that e coli is serious, but EVERYONE already has e coli in their bodies.”

Yes. E coli is part of the digestive process. However, there are hundreds of strains of E. Coli. The strain Toten mentioned is not found in our digestive systems and is particularly nasty. Even the “harmless” strains can have you shooting liquid from your mouth and ass if you bump up the population.