Print Ads for HST -- well, kind of


New Member
Just got my copy of the current 'Physical Magazine', which GNC distributes to its Gold Card members. Filled mostly with inane drivel (including a particularly humorous piece on leptin, ghrelin, and PYY-36, which concludes by advising readers to take CLA--not that I think CLA is bad; I use it myself). There were two bright spots, though. In a write-up on a study finding whey isolate to be superior for strength and mass gains to (ironically enough) casein, the picture that went with it included a shot of HSN Primer. Then, in the 'New Supplements' section, there was a small write up on the HSN Primer/Driver combo. I suppose this means GNC will shortly be carrying HSN. First time I've seen anything to do with HSN in a print magazine.

Congratulations, Bryan. Soon, you'll have taken over the world.
Is that in the Feb issue?

Man, I know GNC is the last place you would want to go to learn anything, but it would really change things around here if they did carry HSN...for the better of course. More info, more resources for you guys, and of course, the book would come that much sooner because I could quit my other jobs and have time to write it.

If any of you have gotten anything of value from this forum, or me, I would ask that you please ask your local supplement stores ,especially GNCs, to carry HSN products.

Please have them contact me at:
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Bryan Haycock @ Jan. 30 2003,6:35)]Is that in the Feb issue?
Yep. Page 88.

Here's the blurb, by Dave Tuttle:
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]
HSN has developed two one-of-a-kind protein powders that you can use at specific times to help push your growth into overdrive. Most protein powders are made from whey concentrate, an inexpensive whey that is considered a &quot;fast&quot; protein. HSN's <span style='color:ORANGE'>ANABOLIC PRIMER</span> uses whey isolate, which is assimilated even faster than concentrate. This is great right before a workout when you want to saturate your muscles with amino acids. This higher amino-acid level remains in the immediate post-workout period. After your training, you want a &quot;slow&quot; protein that will promote growth over an extended period. <span style='color:ORANGE'>ANABOLIC DRIVER</span> -- made from micellar casein, egg albumen and calcium caseinate -- is ideal for this purpose. Together these unique powders will keep your protein synthesis on maximum