Quad's Log

Not really, but I've been trying to get up earlier. I'm groggy, sluggish and mentally unfocused in the mornings. I've also read (don't know if it's true) that guys over 40 shouldn't exerize until being up for two hours; dangers of aneurisms, stroke, or heart attacks I think it was. I wouldn't worry about that though. I've tried coffee with oatmeal, and waiting a half hour, but that just doesn't work well either.
When I get down to just one job running, I'll have less stress (hopefully) and less hours.
I like that split. Good setup.
Here it is Sunday and the weather has saved me from having to go in after church. (40mph gusts and I need to climb a 3 story ladder), so I'm gonna work out.
Looking at the routine Leige posted I just noticed something cool.
A: squat, bench, row
B: deadlift, dip, chin
Since I do a rotation when doing single bp days, hitting what I can and rotating to the next exersize the next time, the routine has to be set up properly. Using the exersizes as listed, they are in the perfect order, without muscle overlap.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Lots of work is good problem to have! </div>
All we have to do now is figure out how to finance it all and wait the 30-45 days lag time for our paychecks. A big job we bid on came in: we sign the contract on the 17th for $300,000. which should net me around $20k, paying my bills, taxes and getting me some legal TEST! And there is a black gym down the road from it that is a real MEAT gym, few machines, tons of iron, and loud music. With only a $7.00 drop-in fee. My partner hocked his harley so we can pay the crews this month.
I feel all better now.
I haven't figured out how I'm going to switch to that new order yet, so I just did what I had missed this week.
185x15 Can go deeper without the hip pain now, didn't want to push it.
225x9  Shoulder felt funny; stopped.
Wide Dips
40x12 Intentionally hard after bench; have to get the lower pecs up. I've been doing inclines so long, the lower pecs are feeling a little flabby. No inclines this cycle.
What a weak workout. At least I got one in. I guess I'll just skip the dips next and I see I'll be on the new order. I was doing overhead presses, and I don't know what I'll do about them; keep them or no.
4/19 - finally got home a little earlier, took some thermos and hit the gym.
Pendlay rows (just wanted to try 'em)
205x10 slightly clustered, back held up well.
Standing Overhead Press
135x7 getting tired now.
Sidebar Power Shrugs
rotators and flipovers.
Good workout; sweating like an old refrigerator. Weight is coming back up: 208.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Looks solid, strong OH press. Your traps must be fried from that workout. </div>
Probably more from hanging ceiling fans and overhead hallway lights all day today! Felt that.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Are those strict militarys or push press? Just curious.... </div>
I use my squat bars and lift off from there, step back and press up. Pulling from the ground I think takes away from the presses, but could be beneficial in other ways. Right now I'm just pleased as punch that my back is becoming painless and NORMAL! At least, the little pain I have left is NOTHING compared to what I've been through.
A totally instinctive workout: it became much like the system I've been proposing and discarded. (15,10,and 5's every workout)
225x9  - felt the hip just a little
Flat Bench
Wide Dips
Rotators and flipovers. Anybody gonna tell me I forgot to do my iso's ?
I thought my arms were lookin' yuge; got the tape and like to pooped! I've lost 3/4&quot; in the last 2 to 4 weeks, spreading and sanding sheetrock mud and working these 12 hr. days. They're just getting cut is all. Weight is going down again. It's so hard to regulate when you go from desk work to physical and back again.
My worst workout ever yesterday...just exhausted from no days off for forever and WAY too much stress. Even thermo's and coffee didn't help. I just felt nervous and stressed instead of energized. My step-daughter is sending some miracle energy/health potion my way they're all raving about for us to try. I hear it's expensive tho.
I always thought there was no such thing as a bad workout except the one you don't do. This was a bad workout; weak as a kitten. On a new job now, hoping for some relief.
I don't know how you do it. If I had a job like your's, all my lifts would be cut in half.

I like your exercise selection (except the power shrugs). With a job like your's, it's pretty important to purposely neglect anything that is remotely similiar to an iso exercise. Need to conserve that energy !
(stevejones @ Apr. 27 2007,20:22)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">.  

 With a job like your's, it's pretty important to purposely neglect anything that is remotely similiar to an iso exercise.  Need to conserve that energy !</div>
i agree with steve,its something im considering myself.the jobs just too hard,maybe i should cut out the iso's and keep the compounds.
Just had to caulk up a house saturday, so it was fairly easy...worked out after church today and did a lot better, but no medals yet.
225x10 this way I snuck up on extra reps over the last good workout.

Flat bench
245x6 ...inch by inch...step by step...

Wide Dips

45x9...getting sloppy.

Rotators with 2.2lbs more (14.2 now) I believe they're really helping my bench: I warmed up with the 225 that hurt me as a max a while back. Thanks, Steve!
Unbelievable. I keep trying to get a workout in and work has me so down in so many ways ( I suspect my 'partner' is trying to take over the company and get me to quit) I just have no strength of any kind. I'm looking into re-starting my company with the choice guys from my crew. One suggestion is to take over THIS company, but I don't want it. And it's debts.
I tried to start a workout this morning, grabbed the bar with 155 for overhead presses and didn't even finish the warmup! Dropped to 135 and couldn't get but 5 reps clean. I quit and went to work. That was two mistakes. I should have gone back to bed.
If you're that busy and tired, then seems like it's time for 100% instinctive training.  Just don't stop going to the gym (or home gym, whatever), even it means you're only going to do 3 sets of curls or 1 set of shrugs.  I think getting yourself to the gym or at least designating a certain part of the day to working out is pretty important.  Once you stop going for a little while it's too easy to slack off for a much longer period of time.
Finally. After failing on the 4th, I've hit my gym. On the 4th, I'd started warming up with 135 for overhead presses, and quit at only 5. I just got two nights of pretty good sleep and later wakeups (been up at around 4:00am lately) and this happened today:

Pendlay Rows

Standing Overhead Press


Inline Crunches, for lack of a description. If you wish, I'll take a pic of the rig, but you pull straight down in line with the abs, intercostals done first one arm at a time. Have to be done in a lat pull station due to the weights far over BW.
single sides
Both Arms

Rotators. A great workout from feeling like a dead duck lately. It has felt exactly like I've felt when really overtrained. Almost like the flu. Today, two yohimbe caps and some coffee with a shake and I felt almost normal. Work should be a lot easier now I'm on another job in less of a rush.