Quad's Log

I couldn't even imagine getting 315 to start considering itself to get off the ground with Pendlays. I know you've been going through a lot but dang that is impressive!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I guess I'll do a cycle of glucosamine/chondroitin since the EFA's aren't fixing it. </div>

I don't believe EFA's should be treated as a magic cure for joints and inflammation, but they do help. There are tons of other benefits too, so if you were thinking of taking them out of your diet then I suggest not.
(colby2152 @ Jun. 25 2007,10:27)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> <div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I guess I'll do a cycle of glucosamine/chondroitin since the EFA's aren't fixing it. </div>

I don't believe EFA's should be treated as a magic cure for joints and inflammation, but they do help. There are tons of other benefits too, so if you were thinking of taking them out of your diet then I suggest not.</div>
Yup, on a recent trip to the vet, my good doctor advised me to continue the EFA's and to double up on the glucosamine/Chondroitin. He's D.O. and has a lot of experience working with bones and joints.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Yup, on a recent trip to the vet, my good doctor advised me... </div>
ROFL!!! From now on you are &quot;rat&quot;!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">315 Pendlays is very impressive

Old man strength?</div> well, I haven't gotten it yet; won't consider it done until I get a good ROM...maybe two inches from the gut at least.
I read an article on comparisons between teens and elders. It seems that the little guys have a propensity for endurance, and have a lot of factors in their favor that constribute to this. BUT...older guys have some sort of ligament strength and muscle type strength that is different from the youths...which explains why grandpa could one-arm you off the floor as a kid. But maybe daddy couldn't, although mine was kind of a macho butt.
315 pendlay row would be impressive there quad. You may beat me to it as I am probably not going to be able to row more than once a week for the next 12 weeks or so.
Maybe when I get to bulking? I'm still having energy problems and such. Supposed to work out today, but have to take my lady in so I can take her to the eye doc, have two business meetings, a new crew to start up and several to monitor; doubt I'll make it to the gym! And so it goes...about the same as you, once a week, but while cutting.
Well, we weren't in a race anyway, huh? OTOH, I know it's in there; I can feel it. Squats on the other hand, are being limited this round by my hips, unless I start doing parallells which will hit my knees. Getting old sux.

Edit: Made the gym anyway, with my lady tagging along for the day.
Squats 225x5 275 x 5 315 x 3 335 x 2
T-bar row 90 x 5 135 x 5 225 x 5 225 x 6 (theirs has a lever disadvantage so you're actually lifting more than mine. They stick WAY out there.
Incline DB's 50, 65, 75, 80, x 6 &amp; 90 x 5
Datzit. Done. Deb says I was &quot;outlifting&quot; all the young bucks in there, but it wasn't a contest and these guys are big but don't know how to lift. Testosterone advantage I guess for them.
Making some changes, while I'm in the intuitive fantasyland BB program...last workout I did 50 x 75 for bicep curls (cambered bar) and this one did heavy chins. Today was 75 rep squats (x 135, clustered of course) and the deads next WO will be my alternate. My back didn't like this. Since my wrist is killin' me, I'm lowering the weight for bench and doing comp-style presses, pause at bottom.
135 x 75
135 x WU
225 x 5
245 x 5
275 x 3? (butt came up)
25 x 10
35 x 10
45 x 10
60 x 6
Pole rotations x 50
I'm thinking of doing something for chest with the rep alternatives too. It's for lagging muscles, sort of a shock routine.
(quadancer @ Jul. 06 2007,00:34)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I can't walk.  

If pain is gain, my legs are gonna be YUGE!</div>
Hope you can walk again soon big man. Bending down to pick up those tools is going to be a bit of fun for a day or two!

Hey, regardless of pain, when you can do 75 reps with 315, now that's when your legs are gonna be YUGE!
Platz could do ridiculous things like that. Watching that vid of him do 20+ reps with 495 is just astounding. He almost looks as if he's enjoying the experience.
Quad -

By any chance, at some point in this fantasyland BB program, will you hit 100 reps? There are a couple folks in my gym who are doing it (the 100 nrep thing) with incredible results - but they do it for every exercise they perform. I can't imagine their CNS will take that lightly for very long!

In any case, very impressive!
You're supposed to do 100 reps then do heavy lowrep the next workout with a different exerize for the same muscle. I dread doing deads tomorrow! All in all, I've done different shock routines before, and got sore, but this one had me gasping for air and of course, locking up for the next two days. It's really aerobic!
In my experience, the biggest shocker was progressive rest-pause, but most shock routines leave you with DOMS. I would classify this method with the prp above, as being stuff you only can do once a week to a muscle, rather than every other workout, but we'll see. It's supposed to really bring up your load handling abilities. I probably shouldn't have used 135lbs tho.
Weigh-in 203 lbs.
225 x 5
315 x 5
365 x 5
385 x 2 uh.
405 x 0
335 x 8 and RAN out the back door to HURL! Whey and Carbo force coming out yer nose is weird !
225 x 5
255 x 5
275 x 4
295 x 2
90 x 85 - don't laugh! It's tougher than you think! Took a cluster of 4 breaks.
Had the shakes and felt nausy; just couldn't stand any more, so quit. Man, do I look JACKED!
(note to self: I'm just as jacked as with the sample pack of Gaspari Super Pump 250 NO2. Save my money.)
Probably shouldn't have done deads first, but after the leg explosions I wanted to make sure I got them in.
I can't remember, seems like at the end of my Madcow 5x5 cycle I got 435 once, in a gut-busting all-out superfiendish effort, but that was a strength cycle, so of course things are different now. I could have hit the 405 if I had come up with less reps. Deads tend to wear you out quicker than other things. I was more concerned with getting in a workout, rather than a PR, so I didn't.
I'm happy that I didn't lose strength after the highrep experiment. I'll do it again until I see some pos or neg results. My turn to take the guinea pig flag and run with it!
10 days after the first time I tried it. I've had a busy week; no time to work out, prepping my building for inspections.
135 x 75 in 20 rep clusters, ATG
Incline Bench
135 x 5
185 x 8
205 x 6
225 x 2 ugh.
185 x 8
Cambered Bar Curls
50 x 75 explosives .5/2 count, short rests at 20 reps
DB Rows, one arm
115 x 5 (each)
115 x 6
115 x 7