quick question


Active Member
for the next two weeks (5s) i can only get to the gym .....
mon,thur,fri, i do a full body workout ,is that ok.
im doing three sets of 5s should i drop a set and only do 2 on the thur,fri, or will it be ok to do my normal workout..cheers
Do your normal workout but on Friday if you are feeling particularly fatigued after you've done the first set of everything, then take it easy on the second set. I think you should be able to complete your entire workout normally on Friday, however. And if you do get a little more fatigued than normal, it shouldn't matter since you have the whole weekend off.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]im doing three sets of 5s should i drop a set and only do 2 on the thur,fri, or will it be ok to do my normal workout..cheers

Yep, no problem there, I agree.

On your second week of 5's, however, it might be wise to watch your volume carefully. 2 or even 3 sets is perfectly ok during the first week of 5's, but on the second week, you generally can't "dictate" how many sets you will do because, if you are doing HST right, then you are really really close to your maximum weight. Instead of forcing yourself to do the extra sets you want on the second week, you can save yourself the punishment and possible risk of getting CNS fatigue by just doing a drop set or metabollic sets.

Hope this helps. Good luck! :)
- JV
cheers guys...so basicly on first week of 5s 3 sets...2nd week if tired 2 sets +drop set. :D
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]cheers guys...so basicly on first week of 5s 3 sets...2nd week if tired 2 sets +drop set.

Yup, something like that. However, in the 2nd week, you might actually be able to do only 1 set per exercise, and that is just perfectly ok. The general rule actually is 2 sets per exercise during 15's, 2 sets on the first week of both the 10's and 5's, and 1 set on the second week of 10's and 5's. The drop form 2 to 1 set is because the weight becomes heavy enough that you may not be able to do the desired number of sets, which is still ok, because as you get closer and closer to your 1RM, you need fewer and fewer reps to stimulate hypertrophy. Just to make sure you get enough stimulation though, you can do a drop set or metabollic set. You don't have to do the drop set everytime, though. And IMHO, just do a drop set once, either at the start of your second week when you do only 1 set per exercise, or at the end of that week.

Hope that helps. Good luck! :)
- JV
[b said:
Quote[/b] (jvroig @ July 22 2005,5:27)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]cheers guys...so basicly on first week of 5s 3 sets...2nd week if tired 2 sets +drop set.
Yup, something like that. However, in the 2nd week, you might actually be able to do only 1 set per exercise, and that is just perfectly ok. The general rule actually is 2 sets per exercise during 15's, 2 sets on the first week of both the 10's and 5's, and 1 set on the second week of 10's and 5's. The drop form 2 to 1 set is because the weight becomes heavy enough that you may not be able to do the desired number of sets, which is still ok, because as you get closer and closer to your 1RM, you need fewer and fewer reps to stimulate hypertrophy. Just to make sure you get enough stimulation though, you can do a drop set or metabollic set. You don't have to do the drop set everytime, though. And IMHO, just do a drop set once, either at the start of your second week when you do only 1 set per exercise, or at the end of that week.
Hope that helps. Good luck!  :)
- JV
this is what i was going to do for my next cycle
15s 1 set..2wk
10s 2sets..2wk
5s 3sets..2wk
5s 2sets+dropset..1wk

but what your saying is..
15s 2sets..2wk
10s 2sets..1wk..1set..2ndwk
5s 2sets..1wk..1set..2ndwk
but if i want to do my 5s again or negs do drop sets is that correct..i want an 8wk cycle.
this will be my 2nd cycle but i never sd before my 1st so you could say this is really my 1st..so i want to get it right.cheers :D
"15s 2sets..2wk
10s 2sets..1wk..1set..2ndwk
5s 2sets..1wk..1set..2ndwk
but if i want to do my 5s again or negs do drop sets is that correct"

Good plan!
cheers again og and jv..also og have took your advice about a blood test because i was feeling a bit fatigued..thought it might be low testosterone,but the doctor is going to test for diabetese first if thats ok then she is going to test for low testosterone....have been looking at suppliments for it like tribulus testeris.saw palmeto.bulgarian tribulus,all natural testosterone boosters...thanks again and have a nice weekend.
There are three pretty good herbs that will naturally help increase T production:

Vitex agnus-castus


Avena Sativa

There is a fourth called Eurycoma longifolia but I don't have any personal experience with it.

I think a pretty nice "cocktail" could be made with 600 mg. of each of the three above. :D
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]but what your saying is..
15s 2sets..2wk
10s 2sets..1wk..1set..2ndwk
5s 2sets..1wk..1set..2ndwk
but if i want to do my 5s again or negs do drop sets is that correct..i want an 8wk cycle.
this will be my 2nd cycle but i never sd before my 1st so you could say this is really my 1st..so i want to get it right.cheers

Yep, you pretty much nailed it on the head! But also remember, if it happens that you are young and full of energy, and you find that even during your 2nd week of 5's you can easily do 2 sets without feeling so much fatigue, too much soreness, or otherwise lose some motivation to train due to CNS fatigue, then you can do those extra sets. But cases like those aren't very common, I would assume. If you are doing HST right, you probably should stick to the general advice of just 1 set on the 2nd week of heavy weights, and just do a drop set or metabollic sets to complement.

Happy lifting, and tell us your results afterwards! :)
- JV
jv im definatly not young 47..i will let you know how i have gone on after my next cycle (about 10 weeks) but i have had good enjoyment out of the last cycle even though i never sd..thanks again guys and if i need any more advice i will post it here..sorry im late replying (works computer ) bin of weekend :D
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Old and Grey @ July 22 2005,8:40)]There are three pretty good herbs that will naturally help increase T production:
Vitex agnus-castus
Avena Sativa
There is a fourth called Eurycoma longifolia but I don't have any personal experience with it.
I think a pretty nice "cocktail" could be made with 600 mg. of each of the three above. :D
I'm 28 and am thinking of trying that "cocktail".

You see any harm in a 28 yr old taking that combination?
I never had bloodwork done but I had pretty good results with Unleashed by the protein factory. Avena Sativa is one of the main ingredients.

I've tried Tribulus but it seems to really raise my blood pressure. I never got past the 3rd or 4th day without giving it up. No experience with Eurycoma longifolia (Long Jack) though.

O&G are you sure about this Vitex agnus-castus? You trying to give me manboobs?

Product Description:
Vitex has also been called the chaste tree. It has been used by women for thousands of years.
Other Ingredients: Gelatin (capsule) and magnesium stearate
Recommended Use:
As a dietary supplement, take 4 to 6 capsules a day with meals or a glass of water.
Actually I thought it would be a good experiment to see if a Box could be turned into a Girly-Man.

However, before you slam Vitex, consider that Vitex increases the natural production of Testosterone and lowers prolactin levels, the hormone that's responsible for inducing lactation (yup, even in gung ho mighty males such as us) and reducing test levels. You need to take an anti-estrogen supplement when you take anything that will increase Testosterone levels since, when estrogen rises, so does prolactin. Testosterone increases estrogen secretions. If your Testosterone rises (and thus estrogen rises via conversion by the aromatase enzyme), your prolactin will rise as well. Furthermore, prolactin has been shown to rise in times of stress.

So, to keep prolactin secretions in control, it is best to take an anti estrogen when raising test levels or when under a lot of stress.
Thanks O&G. That was very informative. I figured that is what it was for, but wsn't 100% sure. I went ahead and ordered me some.

Thanks again,