Quickest way to Cut


New Member
If someone was wanting to drop BF fairly quick, and not too worried about sacrificing a lil muscle, what would be the best route?
My BF is aprrox 18-20% and I weigh about 168-170
I can't seem to drop much bodyfat, no matter how much i cycle carbs or how much cardio i do on an empty stomach. I don't want to starve myself and drop calories too much, but i am starting to wonder if that might be the only way. maybe go a couple days real low calorie, and then one back to normal calories for a day. Or should I start doing cardio morning and evening?
I have been taking Lipo 6, it might help a lil, but not too much. I am thining of dropping the Lipo 6 and cycling Albuterol for 2-3 cycles since it has an anticatibolic affect. Or would that just be plain stupid?
If I eat 1800 calories a day for 2 weeks with 1 or maybe 2 small cheat meals, i drop nothing and see a slight increase on the calipers. I tried to do around 2000 calories a day. i had massive amounts of energy, but sure didn't help on the calipers.

I got sick here a month ago and couldn't eat hardly anyting for a week and a half, but what i did try and at least eat were some kind of nuts. I dropped some bd then for sure, but I know that isn't the healthiest way.
And yes, I do eat healthy fats daily. I drink between .75-1.25 gallons of water a day. I do 30-40 minutes of cardio 6 days a week first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
My HST routine consists of almost only coupound movements,
lat pull downs (under hand and overhand)
dumbell shoulder press
I do 2 sets of each once a day 5-6 times a week. i have thought about upping it to 2 times a day.
I am in my tens right now.

Would I be better to up my calories and bulk for a short cycle and see if the cutting is better when i start to cut again?

Any and all suggestions are appreciated. Even if it is "be a man and be patient" :-)

Is it possible I have been a lower calorie diet too long? And need to bulk? maybe a month or so?
In terms of a routine, I have found that 10x or 12x HST is great for dropping weight but maintaining muscle mass. For some people you can eat most anything and still lose weight. For others you probably need maintainance, but its still effective.

As far as supplements, I can recomment a few. Sesathin: something in my opinion that should be taken all the time, a great overall supplement. Prostanazol: from my research it seems to be pretty effective with minimal sides; it is basically a legal winsterol (sp?). If you want to do your own research, check out anabolicminds.com.
I'm doing a PSMF using Winstrol to spare lean mass right now and am having good results with it. I had some Winstrol laying around and didn't feel like cutting rationally for several months to get back down to my former bodyfat percentage, so I decided to try the PSMF out as an experiment.

PSMF stands for "protein sparing modified fast" and basically means you only eat protein, nothing else. You get about 1.5 grams per pound, which for me equals about 300 grams. That ends up being 1200 calories which you can imagine is a enormous calorie deficit in comparison to my maintenance.

The only thing is that working out is hard to do while dieting like this, and I would not recommend doing it for very long. Maybe a month at most, unless you do periodic refeeds. Lyle at bodyrecomposition.com wrote a book about it that you can buy if you want to get all the details, but I don't think it's really that complicated.
Thanks Guys, I appreciate the responses. Now which one to try

I have read about sesathin, but never tried it. maybe i need to give it a shot.
And that Prostanazol sounds promising. I just don't want anything hurt my manhood or sexdrive now or in the future.......me and him is close

Thanks again.
Less calories . . .that's about it from my experience.

Eat less, burn the same, the energy requirement has to come from somewhere....eat protein, keep working out to provide anabolic stimulus (prevent wasting).

10x-12x is da bomb for fat loss, so long as you're still chyming in at an under-maintenance intake - but not too drastic mind you.
Hey Totentanz,
How does that 'Protein Only' diet work out for you in terms of keeping LBM? Can you sustain most of your muscle mass? I am still trying to get up to date on bodybuilding body chemistry, so I don't know much about the role of carbs in maintaining muscle. I had always heard Atkins style diets were detrimental in trying to maintain LBM.
Well like I said, I'm taking Winstrol, so that seems to be helping. I'm still working out, though my energy is down quite a bit. I'm only going to do this for a couple weeks, maybe three weeks at most. I've dropped 10 lbs, though how much of that was water, I don't know for sure. The calipers claim I'm at 11% bodyfat now, so... we'll see how it's going in a week.
There is a little bit more to the diet than the "just eat protein" that I described. You've got to do refeeds and stuff once in a while.

I certainly would not do this diet if I didn't have any Winstrol or some other form of AAS to help retain lean mass.
I'm not sure the protein req's change that much when cutting....so far I've found caloric intake to be the difference, and maybe this is in my head, but timing of protein - keep it consistent during the day, keep your pre and post meals on time and keeping the weights heavy.
I agree. When cutting, you should trim your calories from fats and carbs, keep your protein around 1 gram per lb as usual. Like Jester said, keep the weights heavy.

As for the PSMF I was talking about. I'm having a lot of success. I'm down to 190 now, my abs are much more visible than before. Bodyfat has dropped quite a bit. I'm going to try to get some pics to prove it... have to get a new camera though, my digital camera can't focus anymore unless it is less than a foot away from the object.