reading hunger


New Member
OK this is kind of weird, but during the passed couple weeks, one of which was SD I had a difficult time eating 5 meals a day. Now I have started my first cycle, and I am freakin starving all the time. I have even added an extra meal and it didnt help. I know that I am getting plenty of calories, so whats the deal? Can't your system only use so much food when ingested at once, before it stops taking nutrients out of it? Does being hungry always mean that you need more food? Sorry for the lame question. I guess the obvious answer would be to eat bigger meals, but thought I would ask for some opinions.
Well...are you getting fatter ? If not, up your calories! If you are, you'll just have to live with the hunger until it goes away...;)
During a week of working out and nine days of SD I gained 1.1kg. Could be water weight maybe because I have also been drinking several liters a day? Anyway, I weigh 84.5kg, and eat from 3500 to 4000 calories a day not counting 2 shakes on workout days and some other random crap. I just started creatine yesterday. It is very hard for me to tell if I gain fat because I am 6'4" Pretty scrawny at 84.5kg!!! I guess I will just see how it goes. Thanks for the reply.
if you're eating CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN.. u'll probably be hungry all the time.... eating 5-6 meals a day tends to speed the metabolism to the point when ur almost able to eat nonstop...

essential fatty acids TEND to fill you up and u get less cravings... ALSO what kind of carbs sources are u eating?? if you are eating alot of simple carbs that will cause hunger spikes.... Eat alot of oatmeal, rice, potatos... anything starchy it burns slower .. also... eat more veggies to fill urself up..
[b said:
Quote[/b] (OneMoreRep @ Sep. 04 2004,11:08)]if you're eating CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN.. u'll probably be hungry all the time.... eating 5-6 meals a day tends to speed the metabolism to the point when ur almost able to eat nonstop
not proven by any science that I've seen.