Finished my cycle today (I extended it by 2 more workouts: the first on Monday, and the last one today (Thursday)). Overall I'm very pleased, 3 sets of 5's and one metabolic set at the end of w/o have done a great job. Although I did only 2 sets on the last 2 weeks, when the load was heaviest. This is still enough work to grow muscle at my level.
I've added 2 mm to biceps (was 38 cm, now 38.2 @16 cm wrist), 4 mm to chest (was 109.1, now 109.5 (actually up to 110.5, but I chose to leave that for the future

). I lost around 6 mm on my thigh (60.5 vs. 61.1) - don't have a clue why. Maybe it's because of temporarily ditching squats and doing leg presses, albeit at maximum intensity.
Strength gains, for whomever cares:
All loads are in kg, sorry,
U.S. should switch to metric system tooo

Previous maxes are shown in parentheses.
Leg press 265x5x2 kg (247x6x2 kg)
Incline bench 82x3,2 (82x5,3)
Leg curls 13 bricks x5x2 (12x6x2)
Seated rows 85x4,3 (79x5x2) alternated with Pull-ups BW+17.5x5x2 (BW+12.5x5x2)
Lying 1-arm rear delts 10x5x2 (same)
BB shrugs 115x5x3 (100x6x2) load went up after I started using a wrist strap for my left hand
BB curls 45x4+1N, 50x5N (same)
Triceps block extensions 13 bricks x 6 (12x5x2)
Calves BW+109 kg (BW+104 kg) x 12x2
High reps: Incline bench 60x12, Leg presses: 100x20, shrugs: 60x20, BB curls 20x18, seated rows: 42x15
As for 6 reps per set... it doesn't really matter if it's 5 or 6 when the load is below max. I'm mentally more used to doing 5 reps when at my maxes, so I'll be sticking to them for now.