Routine for home gym


New Member
I will start with HST next week. I am training at home, my equipment is a bench, dumbells, barbell and chin-up bar.

I designed this routine, which is very conditionated by my equipment and my weakness.

1 Dumbells bulgarian squats
2 Incline dumbell bench press
3 Dumbell rows
4 Lateral raises
5 Seated dumbell presses
6 Romanian deadlifts
7 Barbell curl
8 Barbell calf raises
9 Reverse crunches

At first, I thought to do chin-ups instead of dumbell rows and barbell curl, but because of my weakness I cannot do 15 reps nor 10 reps of chin-ups, so weighted chin-ups for controlling the loads is a dream for me :rolleyes:

Similar happens with deadlifts, I am not strong enough to move big plates for 15 reps (I do not own them). Although I could build something to raise the bar to correct level.

They are a lot of exercises so I think I will do only one workout set.

Please, opinions are welcome. Thanks
If you want to do weighted chin ups but have a strength issue, reverse the weight. If you have the belt to add weights to, just secure a cable to it, throw it over the chin up bar, and attach weight to the other end which will counter your body weight. Then lower that weight over the course of the cycle to raise your relative body weight.

Of course, that's a convoluted way to get chin ups in, and safety first so if you can't do it safely, don't do it. But, it's an idea.
Thank you CDB, thats a good idea, but I need to think about it to do it in a safe way.

I changed a little my routine to reduce the number of exercises:

1 Dumbells bulgarian squats
2 Incline dumbell bench press (45º)
3 Dumbell rows
4 Lateral raises
5 Romanian deadlifts
6 Barbell curl
7 Barbell calf raises
8 Weighted crunches

I dropped the shoulder press because with incline presses at 45º I think I hit my front delts a lot. Besides, my pecs are actually more developed than my shoulders and, in spite of being ectomorph, I have a big rib cage, so I want to grow my shoulders more than my pecs.

For abs, I changed to weighted crunches because of the controlled weights are better for the HST principles.
Thank you CDB, thats a good idea, but I need to think about it to do it in a safe way.

Yeah, the more I think about it, the more I'm inclined to think it's a stupid idea. But, it's also a possible start to potentially finding a way to do heavy negatives without a spotter.
I did more changes. After reading more posts in this forum I think lateral raises could be not appropiated for 5RM, so I substituted for seated dumbell press, and changed incline press for flat dumbell bench press, to avoid overlapping with front delts.

1 Dumbells bulgarian squats
2 Flat dumbell bench press
3 Dumbell one arm rows
4 Seated dumbell press
5 Romanian deadlifts
6 Barbell curl
7 Barbell calf raises
8 Weighted crunches

Basically is inspired in beginner program of Casey Butt, which is the program I was doing before HST.

15 RM with 1 minute rest is painful. Why does it burn more calories? because of high reps, becuase of short rest or both?